16 - because

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Jessica's POV:

I walk into Cora's hospital room with breakfast at five am.

The sun isn't even up yet, but, I missed her. And visitation just started.

I place her food on the table and sit down on the couch by the window. I look out and see snow starting to fall.

It was just 60 degrees yesterday. But whatever.

I pull my knees up to my chest and look at her. My beautiful baby.

Don't fucking cry, Jessica.

A woman comes in. Dressed in sweatpants and a tee shirt. She comes and sits across from me.

"Hi. Do you know Cora? I assume you do. My name's Doja, I'm a licensed clinical psychologist, but I'm also a therapist."

Doja has light brown skin and brown, curly hair. Her eyes are brown, too. She has freckles.

"Hi Doja. Yeah I know her. She's... we're- romantically interested in each other." She smiles.

"She told me about you a couple hours ago. She couldn't sleep." She sighs.

"How are you, Jessica?" She asks.

"Um, not great." She nods.

"I came down because I wanted to check up on you. And make sure you're doing okay. She told me the full story, and... it seems like there's a lot on your plate. Yeah?" I nod.

"Yeah," I whisper.

"Anything you wanna talk about?"

"Are you getting paid for this?"

"No. I mean, I'm getting paid for being here. But not talking to you."

"So why are you here?"

"You are one of the people who kept me up wondering. Which.. doesn't really happen often."

"Why. Because you had a similar childhood to mine?" I look her up and down.

She stays quiet. But nods once.

"Doja, I'm just like you. Just like you. I have a kid that I had at fifteen, and although I wasn't sexually assaulted, I'm still traumatized as shit. With that newborn, I was placed into dozens of different foster homes."

"Some good. Some bad. And then I get placed with Karen and Patrick. Who... abuse my pride and joy. I go to the cops, I go to the centers, I go to the social workers, I go to DCFS, and what happens? Nothing."

"And then Cora almost dies instead of me. So. How would you feel, Doja?"

Doja's eyes water.

"I know how you feel," she says. She sniffles and looks down at her hands. She takes a deep breath and looks at me.

"I'm 23. I just... just graduated, and I had my first 14. She's 9 now, and I'm still absolutely terrified for her life every day."

"I have a... a partner and I'm terrified I'm going to lose her every day. I'm scared of losing everyone and everything. My job, my car, my house, my partner, my daughter, my life."

"And... that's- because of my shitty ass dysfunctional home life."

"So I understand. And I want to help you."

"And I'm gonna do that free of charge because... fuck, Jessica. I... I don't know."

"Okay," I say, nodding. She smiles.

"Do you mind if we talk for a bit?" I shake my head.

A bit turned into five hours.

We only stop because Cora stirs awake. She looks over at us.

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