21 - please.

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Cora's POV:

⚠️TW⚠️ mentions of anorexia and suicidal thoughts

I haven't eaten in two days.

And I'm sitting on Jessica's bathroom floor, hugging my knees, and having a goddamn meltdown about a scoop of ice cream.

I want the ice cream. So bad. But I can't have the ice cream.

Jessica is at the school. Chloe is in the playroom with Adam.

And I'm on the bathroom floor sobbing.

Until the door opens. And I can see Jessica.

"Hey. What's wrong, my love? What happened?"

"I'm so fucking ugly and fat and-"

"No. No no no Cora. Stop it. You are not."

"I am!! I can't even eat ice cream Jessica!" I sob. I walk out and go into the bedroom. I slide down the footboard and sob harder.

"Oh, baby." She walks out and comes back in with it.

"No!" I say. She pulls me into her arms.

"Yes," she whispers. She opens the container.
"It's gonna be so yummy and your taste buds are gonna thank you for it," she says softly.

"I can't Jessica I can't!"

"Yes you can. Yes you can, Cora." She puts some on the spoon. My mouth waters. I groan.

"Open your mouth, baby," she whispers. I open my mouth.

It's so good. It's so fucking good. It's amazing.

"See? You did it, baby!" She says. She gives me another spoonful.

Jessica is spoon feeding me.

"I don't want it! I don't want it anymore!" I sob. She gets in front of me and puts her hands on my face.

"Okay! Okay! But hey, Cora, you did it. You ate it. Okay? Hey! I'm so proud of you!" She wipes my tears and makes me look at her.

"You did it. And you're okay. You are the same weight you were pre ice cream. You're still breathing. Everything's fine!"

Tears fall on my face. I nod.

"I just- I used to be the chubby kid. So when she said you liked people who are skinny I- the thoughts came back! And I mean-they were already there, but I could eat and not feel like I wanna die!"

"I will always choose you. If I was in a room full of women, I would look for you."

"I don't want anyone else! No one is you! No one! Even if they were the exact same, I'd ask a question that only you and I know."

"And what is that question?" I ask.

"What song did we make out to in my car?" I smile.

"Wildest dreams!" I say. She smiles and kisses me.

"Go into the playroom with Adam and Chloe while I shower. Okay?" She whispers, putting her hands on my face.

"I wanna stay with you," I whisper. She smiles.

"I'll take a bath then!" She says. I raise my eyebrows.

"What. Never seen tits before?"

"Not in real life.. well, I've seen Leah's, but- Leah's Leah. And we're not like- romantically interested in each other? I feel like you know- I mean she's seen mine too I think she liked it but Leah's totally obsessed with-"

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