37 - that's my girl.

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Cora's POV:

-3 years later-

Jessica has spent the last three years of her life training for this Olympic race.

And now... now she's here. And she's running. And my girl is in the lead. She's about to fucking win the race. The olympics.

My fiancée is about to be a gold medalist.

"Holy crap!" Eight year old Chloe says. I look at her and smile. She looks up at me and returns it.

"She's crazy! She's so frickin fast momma!"

"I know! I know sweet girl I know and she's about to- GO JESSICA!! GO BABY!!" I shout as she crosses first at the finish line. I start to sob.

"Oh my god!!" Chloe shouts.
"Mommy did it! She won!!"

"I know, baby! She did it she-" I hug her. We grin and jump around. As does the rest of the group.

And by the group, I mean our entire support system.

I mean Doja. And Isla and Isabella. And my mom. Abby and Andrew. Leah and Maya. Mikey and Adam. Charlie and Jake. Chloe. Jade. James.

Every single person who I love is sitting in these stands cheering on my girl.

"Momma are you crying?" I nod.

"I am! I am I- goddamnit Chloe your mom is an Olympic champion!" She hugs me. I stroke her hair and kiss her head.

"She did it!" I say, grinning.


I haven't seen Jessica all day. She sent her coach to tell me to go back to the hotel. So I did.

I'm sitting in bed reading while Chloe's painting her nails on the couch. Even though she and James have their own room right next to ours.

"Hey, gummy bear!" She says to Chloe.

"Oh- mommy I'm- ugh! Who cares about the nails!" She hugs Jessie. I take like 20,000 photos.

"I'm so proud of you, mommy! You went so fast it was insane. It was like.. a race car. Is that a weird comparison?"

"When you were four you compared me to one, too," she says smiling. She kisses her forehead.

"I'll leave you and momma alone. Cause all you do is make out! Like cooties aren't a thing!" I grin. She goes into her and James's room.

"Hey Clo! Wanna play Mario Kart with me?" James asks.

"Yes! Connect it to the TV!" Their door shuts. Jessica looks at me. I close my book and grin.

"I fucking won a medal!" She says grinning.

"Let me see it!" She hands it to me.

"Oh my goodness it's to die for!" She puts it on the nightstand and gets on top of me. I laugh. She puts her arms around me.

"Oh, Cora! Fuck!" She kisses me. We start to make out. She lays next to me.

"I'm sorry I couldn't see you, baby. I mean- not to say I'm famous but... I'm totally famous." I laugh.

"And I went and saw everyone else before I saw you... just so I can do this and we don't have to stop..." she kisses me again. We start to make out.

Although it doesn't escalate. I end up straddling her lap, but all we do is make out until our mouths hurt.

I pull away. She smiles and kisses me again.

"I cannot get enough of you, Cora Daniella! Fuck! Have my babies!"

"I don't think that's how it works."

"Okay. But that's how it works with you and Adam. Have you gotten your period this month?" I shake my head.

"Nope," I say softly. Her eyes widen. I go to the bathroom and pee on the stick.

I know we're only 21. I understand we're still young. But a life with Jessie, our two cats that are still thriving, Chloe, and hopefully another baby is exactly what both of us want.

Her career is on fire right now. I mean she just won a goddamn Olympic medal. A gold one. And her restaurant is still going strong.

And I'm becoming a puppy doctor as Chloe used to call it. A veterinarian. I almost have my degree.

"Cora," she whispers.

"Cora, is that a second line?! Cora!" She says.

"Oh my god! Oh my god, wait- that's a second line Jessie!" I say looking at her. I throw my arms around her and sob into her shoulder.

"We're having a baby! We're having a baby!" I stand up and jump around again. She laughs and stands up. She hugs me.

"Cora, I promise to be here with you every step of the way. I won't ever leave you. Okay?" I nod.

"Yeah!" I say smiling. She wipes my tears and kisses me.

"Oh, we're having a baby!" She picks me up. I laugh and kiss her.

"I love you. I love you I love you I love you!" She kisses all over my face. I smile.

"I love you more, Jessie!"

"No! No you don't that's the thing! I love you so much more."

"No you don't!" I smile and kiss her.
"I'm so grateful for you." Chloe knocks on the door.

"Can I come in?!" She says.

"Yes, sweet girl!" I say. She comes in.

"Hey, Moms! I wanna sleep with you two tonight!" She says.

"James is up playing games all night." She gets in the middle of our bed. I get next to her.

"Chloe?" I ask. She looks at me.


"I'm pregnant," I whisper. She gasps.

"Shut up no way!!" She throws her arms around me.

"Congratulations momma!! Oh my goodness!" She says smiling.

"I know, right!" Jessica says.

"This is amazing! Can I name them?!"

"Chloe, the last time you named something-" I start to say.

"It was your cat and I named her kitty. Yes, I know!"

"I wanna name them Charlotte for a girl and Cameron got a boy!"

"Oh, yeah! For sure!" I say.

"See! I'm not bad."

"No, not at all baby," Jessie says.
"I'm gonna go shower." She goes into the bathroom. Chloe and I lay down and I turn on SpongeBob.

"Momma?" She asks. I look at her.

"Yes, sweet girl."

"You um... you saved mommy's life." I look at her.

"She's told me," I say softly.

"But you really did, momma. Like... really. She was so numb and you brought her back to life. Thank you."

"Don't thank me, Chloe." I pull her into my arms and kiss her head.
"I love you."

"I love you more, momma."



"No!" I say smiling.

"I love both of you more!" Jessica shouts from the bathroom.

A/N - 🫶🏼

I love all of you more!🤍🤍

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