Chapter 3: Mir̃alai

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Mir̃alai watched Narinder enter the cabin and clasped her hands over her lap, she let out the breath she had been holding for what seemed like ages. Her heart was racing, for a moment the tension she felt was almost too much, and she wondered if he had felt it too. The Lamb stepped off the porch and walked along the cult grounds. She gazed upon the fireflies floating among the tall weeds and patches of flowers. The Lamb felt almost at peace, finally Narinder had put his vicious guard down. She didn't know how long she could listen to his venomous words. The way he had treated her up until that night had hurt deeply. Her heart had nearly shattered when he attacked her, she had believed he would take the crown, but not her life. She had been under the impression she'd become one of his most devoted Followers, along with Aym and Baal. To find that he expected her to sacrifice herself was a deep cut indeed. And yet, she refused to believe Narinder was a monster. Whether it was naivety, or plain stubbornness, who is to say. But, she spared him. She knew there had to be good inside him, and she finally found it. All that was left to do was cling to it.

The Following morning, Mir̃alai prepared the temple for the sermon with a big smile resting on her face. She was so thrilled with Narinder's progress the night prior, there could be nothing to dull her spirits. The Lamb hummed happily to herself as she lit the last of the torches. With a wave of her hand, the temple's bell rang out, the chime echoing throughout the grounds. She stood at her lectern, summoning the Doctrine to lay open before her, and she watched the Followers began to flow into the temple. Caxton was first to enter as always. He rushed up to the front row, straightening his robes out as he moved. The rabbit beamed up at her, and she smiled in return.

"Good morning, Caxton."

"Good morning, Leader!" He greeted Mir̃alai with a happy bounce. She looked on as others began to join inside. All chatting happily away with each other as they filled the room. She stood on her toes, watching the doors closely. Just as she began to worry, Narinder and his servants walked in. The three looked tired, and a bit grumpy, but they were there. That's all she was concerned with for today. The Lamb looked out upon her followers, there were over fifty of them now thanks to her crusades over the days prior. It was nearly time to update the temple to accustom the large group. Once she was sure everyone had arrived she raised a hand and silence fell upon the room instantly. Her Doctrine turned a few pages on its own accord, and she began the sermon. As she began to speak, she felt the energy flow through the room. In no time at all, the surge had swelled enough to cause her body to lift off the ground. Translucent, white wisps of devotion poured from the body's of her Followers, zipping across the room and entering her chest. Once her sermon drew to an end, the devotion collection slowed until it trickled down to nothing. She gracefully dropped to her feet, feeling wonderful. Mir̃alai smiled brightly.

"Thank you, everyone. In addition to my sermon today, I would also like to perform a ritual. I feel that we have come very far since my first weeks as your Leader. Our flock has grown over fifty, and I believe that is cause for celebration. Today, we shall perform the Feasting Ritual." She spoke with a grin. The Followers seemed to love the idea as they cheered in excitement. Mir̃alai raised a hand to silence them again. "Clear the way." They did not hesitate to follow her direction. Everyone swept to either side of the room, leaving an eight foot wide clearing that spanned the entire center of the temple, from door to lectern. She raised her hands and they began to chant ancient words in unison. The surge of power she felt was far beyond anything a sermon could provide. It was not warm, nor comfortable. On the contrary it had come so suddenly that it felt more like a blast. She let out a scream as it overwhelmed her, her vision blurring as blood dripped from her eyes. When the chanting finally ceased, she dropped to the floor again, having to steady herself on the lectern. The Followers began cheering as they looked upon what had appeared before them. A long table spanning the length of the temple had manifested from thin air. With enough chairs for all the Followers, and a throne at the head for herself. The throne was crafted out of carved mahogany to match the dining table, with deep berry red leather upholstered to the seat. The back was high, a carving of the red crown pointing from the top. Three of the chairs were larger than the rest, two of which were clearly meant for Aym and Baal who were much taller most of the other followers, between these two chairs was a much smaller chair reserved for Narinder. They were meant to sit to Mir̃alai's left. The remaining oversized chair was awaiting a Follower known as Ishanti. The brown bear was massive, standing over seven feet tall with muscular bulk to match. He was the only creature in the cult larger than Narinder's servants. The table was set with fine silver plates, bowls, cutlery, and ruby encrusted, silver goblets. Spanning the length of the table was a red running cloth, topped with a black lace cloth set over it. The omnivorous menu was fitting for a large cult with so many varying dietary needs. A vast array of meats, vegetable dishes, deserts, and drinks were laid out neatly. At the center, a massive pre-carved boar. Mir̃alai stepped down from the lectern and stood beside her throne at the head of the table, then motioned for everyone to take their seats. Caxton was first to sit, he practically ran to sit in the chair directly to her right. He had a triumphant grin on his face as if every Follower in the temple had been fighting for the place. Narinder approached and his ears lowered at the sight of his small chair between Aym and Baal's seats. He rolled his eyes and sat down with a grumble. After he had sat, his servants sat beside him. Aym to his left and Baal to his right. Once everyone had taken their seats, Mir̃alai lifted her goblet, looking down the length of the table to her Followers with a smile. The temple became silent once more, and all heads turned to watch her. "I would like to propose a toast. To the new Followers, welcome. It is an honor to guide you, to protect you, and to help you thrive. To the Followers who have been here for months, and for some of you, years. Thank you. Thank you for placing your faith in me." She smiled warmly, then glanced at Narinder. "And to Narinder. Who gave me the Red Crown so that I may give you all the love and safety you deserve. Thank you." She gave a pointed smile at Narinder who rolled his eyes, though it seemed more in embarrassment than anger. She raised her glass, and everyone followed her lead. "To our cult. Long live the Red Crown!"

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