Chapter 19: Broken

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As promised, Mir̃alai's recovery had been a rapid one. She was quite sore for a few days, her muscles ached from how tightly she strained them during the birth. Luckily though, this pain dissipated before long. While she was recovering, Aym took the primary parental role without question. It warmed her heart to see the way her husband interacted with their children. The look of pure love and admiration in his eyes every time he held them was too sweet. All Mir̃alai had to do while she recovered was feed them, the task certainly wasn't pleasant given the tiny, sharp fangs they'd begun sprouting at their third week, but she managed it well enough. Soon, Mir̃alai was able to do everything she had missed during her pregnancy. She even began venturing out on short crusades.

Baal and Bharadei visited often, much more often than Mir̃alai would have assumed. It seemed the servants were being granted ample freetime. As Aym assumed, Baal quickly took to his role as uncle, and absolutely adored his nieces. During his visits, it was rare to see him without at least one of the girls cradled in his arms. Bharadei was every bit as enthusiastic as her lover, and always joined in his fawning over the kids.

The sun was setting on a cool fall evening, Lydie was napping in her cradle as Mir̃alai fed Merida. Aym had been out for most of the day, catching up on repairs that needed done in the ever-expanding cult grounds. She had just fastened her fleece back on when the door opened. Aym stepped inside, followed closely by Baal and Bharadei.

"Oh...!" Mir̃alai smiled, surprised to see the two. "Back so soon?"

"Yes, Master has scarcely needed me as of late." Baal smiled, sitting down beside the Lamb. He picked up Merida unprompted, to no complaint of the Lamb. She greedily took the moment to stand and stretch her back. Bharadei sat beside her lover and smiled sweetly as she petted the kit's wooly head.

"How have you been, Mir̃a? Still alright?"

"For the most part." She chuckled. "These two can be a handful, especially Merida. Oh, she just hates to be set down. Lydie goes right to sleep." Baal chuckled, bouncing the giggling kit.

"Perhaps you spoiled her, brother." Aym commented with a smirk.

"I cannot help myself, she is too sweet." Baal laughed a little.

"Between you and Aym, she's spoiled rotten." Mir̃alai jested. "I will be putting her down soon, don't get too cozy." She warned. Baal pouted with a rather dramatic sigh.

"If you must."

"Are they still breastfeeding?" Bharadei asked curiously, noting Lydie's teeny fangs.
"Unfortunately." Mir̃alai sighed, "Forneus said I should be able to move them to solids soon, once all their teeth are in."

"Oh, and how is she?" Bharadei asked with a warm smile, "I haven't seen her in a while now."

"She's doing well. She has been so helpful with the girls, she always has the best advice."

"Well, Mama does know best." Baal chuckled. "She raised us on her own, and I'd like to think we turned out well."

"I don't know how she did it, I think I'd go mad if it weren't for Aym and Caxton." Mir̃alai glanced out the window, seeing the sun had just settled beneath the horizon. She looked up at Aym.

"Would you put them in the nursery, hun?" He nodded and lifted Lydie from her cradle. Baal begrudgingly gave up Merida, who squirmed in a feeble protest. While he was taking care of them, Mir̃alai started towards the kitchen. "I'll get us some wine." She smiled, eager for a little relaxation with her company. She pulled a bottle of wine from the rack, and began filling glasses for everyone. As she poured the last, she wasn't surprised to hear Merida begin her nightly wails. She gingerly placed all the glasses onto a wooden tray, and carried it out to the living room. As she handed out the glasses, Bharadei frowned.

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