Chapter 11: Life and Death

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[Content Warning: Violence]

The moment Aym exited his Domain, he released a tightly held breath. His body began to tremble, and he ran a hand through the fur on his head. He was petrified. He had never seen Narinder behave that way with them. With his enemies, yes, but not with him and his brother. His brother was on the other side of the white Doorway at that very moment, surely being punished. How severely would Narinder punish him? They had completed their mission successfully, it had only taken a bit longer than expected. He wouldn't be too hard on him, right? The trio had practically been friends, Narinder had confided in them as friends, they laughed together as friends. Why this sudden shift, what happened? Aym did not want to see Mir̃alai, he was forbidden to tell her about Narinder's change and she would definitely ask if she saw the state he was in. He planned to spend his week of independence in the woods surrounding the Land of Old Faith, gathering his thoughts. As luck would have it though, the Lamb had already spotted him.

"Aym...!" She called out to him, her voice filled with excitement. Aym looked back at her, stealing himself as well as he could. He had to hide his anxiety, that was the only thing to be done. He smiled at her as she ran to him, and held out his arms. She jumped at him, hugging him tightly around his shoulders. Aym slipped his arms around her waist, supporting her weight in a squeezing embrace. "I missed you..." She nuzzled against his cheek.

"I missed you too..." He purred before setting back down on her feet.

"I was starting to worry, I know you said you would be busy... But for weeks at a time?"

"We were on a crusade."

"Oh, how is Baal?" She asked, looking a little concerned at his absence. "Is he still upset?"

"Yes..." That much was true. "He is beginning to come around." Aym assured her, reaching down to take her hand and walk back towards the cult with her. His stomach was in knots, his fear for his brother mounting behind his stoic expression.

"Good..." Mir̃alai smiled a little, squeezing his hand. "I was worried about both of you, Narinder and I had another argument. I suppose he probably told you that though." Aym looked at her, this could be the trigger for his Master's drastic change in personality.

"He did not..."

"That is typical." She sighed, "Yes, I was rather harsh with him this time. I am just tired of him toying with my emotions. He tried to make me doubt our relationship so I'd leave you. I was not going to let him do it though, I told him off." She said with a certain fire, clenching her unoccupied fist.

"I see..." Aym considered this a moment, "Did he take it well?"

"I suppose so." she shrugged, "He left without arguing anyway. I hope this means he's finally gotten the message. He has no control over me anymore." This was definitely the cause for Narinder's sudden shift in behavior, it was a bid for control. "I was worried he wouldn't let you see me again, I'm glad he isn't taking this out on you two." Aym nodded absently, as he did not wish to lie to her if he could help it. Once they were within the grounds, Mir̃alai walked with him to the temple. As he expected, all the Followers have retired for the day. She let him into her bedroom and sat down on the bed, unfastening her fleece. He rested his moon staff against the dresser and sat down beside her in silence. By this point, his bottled anxieties were causing him to feel ill. Mir̃alai looked at him before she finished taking her fleece off. "Aym?"

"Hm?" He snapped back to reality, looking at her.

"Are you alright? You seem..." She paused, searching for the right word, "Stressed."

"I am fine... Only tired from our crusade." He assured her as he began disrobing. She took hold of his wrist, stopping him.

"There is something else, what happened?"

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