Chapter 18: The Gift of Life

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The wedding had taken place on a warm summer morning. The temple had been finished, and was ready to host the lovely ceremony. Nykka attended, as did Bharadei and Baal. Forneus managed to make it, though she had to leave her large cart just outside the cult gates. Even Ratau and his small group of friends came to join in the celebrations. The atmosphere that day was lively, and bright. Mir̃alai was elated, emitting a glow challenged only by the sun itself. Aurelia had sewn together a set of beautiful ceremonial robes for the couple to wear. The bride was a sight to behold in the pretty white and red robes. The temple was filled with a warm atmosphere during the ceremony. Most in attendance could not contain their happiness, and it escaped in the form of tears. The sweet Lamb could hardly speak her vows through her joyous tears. When the ceremony had come to its end, the grounds erupted into a party the likes of which it had never seen. A massive buffet had been prepared, plenty of food ready to serve the many hungry guests in attendance.

Aym had his arm over Mir̃alai's shoulders as he spoke to Baal and Bharadei, he had to talk loudly to be heard over the mass amount of chatter around them. His conversation was interrupted by an old rat who had appeared with a smile on his face. Mir̃alai turned her attention to the disheveled man with a grin.

"I am so happy you could come, Ratau! It is lovely to see you again."

"Aha, lovely indeed." He chuckled, "I hoped you would not my coming uninvited. Klunko got wind of the ceremony, and I could not resist."

"Of course not." She giggled, "You were my first friend after my sacrifice, I have not forgotten. How are you?"

"Ah, as well as one could expect at my age!" He laughed. "I drug my weary bones here, that is proof enough for my health."

"That is good to hear." She smiled sweetly. "I've been meaning to visit you, I've just been so very busy." Ratau grinned and motioned vaguely around the large cult grounds.

"So I see! Your progress amazes me still, Mir̃alai! You have surpassed my efforts tenfold. Truly, you are a wonder to behold."

"Thank you, Ratau. That means a lot to me." She smiled.

"Ah, I nearly forgot!" He grinned and motioned back to Klunko, Flinky, and Shrumy. They were watching him with impatience. The grumpy turtle had a banjo in their hands. "We wanted your permission to play! This celebration calls for music, I think."

"Oh! That sounds wonderful, Ratau. Yes, of course."

"Perfect!" He grinned and turned back to the others, "She said yes!" He called out to them. Without further adieu, the trio placed themselves in front of Mir̃alai's shrine and waited for Ratau to join. Klunko took a fiddle out of his bag and handed it off to the rat. The Followers nearby stopped their chatter to watch with grins on their faces. Ratau began playing an upbeat bluegrass song, Shrumy joined moments later with their banjo. The tune was matched well by Klunko on his harmonica, who played very well considering he only had one hand. Flinky used his rattle as a sort of tambourine. The Followers cheered and before long, all within earshot of the music began to dance joyfully. Mir̃alai was watching with a grin when Aym got her attention. He offered her his hand, smiling down at her.

"Care to dance?" The Lamb blushed, but nodded with that ever-present smile. She took his hand and led her towards the shrine, the Followers around them making way so the couple could have room to dance. They were soon joined by Baal and Bharadei, then Attiscesus and Aurelia. Forneus sat nearby, the great cat laughing and clapping along to the beat. Within minutes, it seemed every creature on the cult ground was dancing and rejoicing. It was a wonderful celebration, and it lasted well into the night.

As summer drew to a close, Mir̃alai was very close to her due date. According to Nykka, she was bound to go into labor any day. As a precaution, Caxton was made to sleep in the main room of their home behind the temple. So he would be close by if her labor came in the night. He had no objections of course, and was more than willing to assist in any way he could. It was a particularly warm night, and Aym had woken due to Mir̃alai's consistent shifts in the bed. He was used to her tossing and turning lately, as large as her belly had gotten, it was no surprise she struggled to get in a comfortable position. This time was different though, her movements were practically constant. When he heard a stifled grunt escape her, he sat up in concern.

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