Chapter 14: Two Kits

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Mir̃alai found it much easier to let Aym go with the assurance that she would see him again. In Aym's absence, she occupied herself with her duties to her cult. To her pleasant surprise, her relationship with Caxton had not changed. She worried that things may become awkward, but he took the rejection exceptionally well. He was, of course, eager to continue his role as Faith Enforcer, and his role as her assistant. She had offered to give him a break from these duties, but he refused.

It had been two more weeks before she saw Aym and Baal again. She spotted the twins as they stepped through the gates into her cult grounds. The moment she saw Aym, her heart leapt with joy. She ran to him and jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly, her legs around his waist. Aym swayed a little, but maintained his balance. He supported her weight and kissed her tenderly.

"Hello, love..." He purred once the kiss was broken. Mir̃alai giggled and rested her forehead against his.

"I'm glad to see you, I thought you'd be gone longer..."

"As did I." He said as he gently set her back on her feet. "We'll be here for five days."

"Wonderful." She grinned, "You arrived at an opportune time, we can leave immediately."

"Leave?" Aym raised a brow.

"Yes, leave. Remember?" Mir̃alai crossed her arms, expectantly.

"Ah, yes..." He sighed, looking at Baal. The other twin had been pointedly examining the rose bushes nearby. Apparently, he could feel the stares because he looked back at them.

"Oh, where are you going?" Mir̃alai sighed, realizing that Aym neglected to tell Baal in advance.

"The three of us are going to visit your mother."

"What? When was this decided?"

"The night before you two left... Aym was supposed to talk to you about it." She glared at Aym.

"My apologies... Yes, I agreed that we should visit her."

"It's been so long, Aym. Are you sure–" Baal began to argue, but was quickly interrupted by the Lamb.

"Yes, Baal. She is your mother, and it will not kill you to see her. She would surely be disappointed to only greet one of you." She took Aym's hand and approached the doorways that led to the separate Domains. Mir̃alai closed her eyes, and within her mind she could see four branching paths. A vision granted to her by the power of the Red Crown, so she may always choose the most efficient pathway to fit her needs. Anura's path revealed a merchant, below the symbol she could see the image of Forneus. "She is in Anura." The Lamb said finally, looking at the two twins. "It will not take long to reach her, less than an hour, I think."

"Lead the way." Aym said with a nod. Baal looked apprehensive, but willing nevertheless. Mir̃alai moved on, leading the brothers into Anura's doorway.

Indeed, it did not take long to happen upon the shopkeeper. Through the thick autumn foliage her traveling cart was revealed. Though she was not in sight. The three approached, looking around. A fire was going in front of the cart, and a stove was off to the side. Whatever was cooking gave off a very pleasant, savory aroma. A rickety, wooden table supported by an empty beer cask sat with a stitched together cloth draped over it. A large, wooden crate sat by it, in place of a chair.

"Odd, she's normally outside." Mir̃alai commented, inspecting the scene.

"It's exactly as I remember it." Baal said as he studied the large, wooden cart. He looked at Aym who nodded in agreement. Then, the cart began to sway back and forth, bouncing with the movement within it. The door opened to reveal a rather large, black cat in red, plaid pajamas, and a tall yellow and black hat. Forneus' arms were full with a dented tea kettle, jars, cutlery, plates and tin cups. As she took the last step off the cart, she stumbled and in doing so dropped her kettle. Aym was close enough to catch it just before it hit the ground.

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