Chapter 10: The One Who Waits

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Narinder sat upon his ebony throne, pondering a most intriguing oddity. Baal was kneeling before him, and yet his brother was nowhere to be found. This was extremely peculiar, the two were inseparable. He had never been met by only one in their twenty-one years of service. He had already sent out an orb to locate the missing twin. He could ask Baal, surely the servant knew, but he wanted to hear the explanation from Aym first. As expected, the twin in question approached only minutes later. He kneeled down beside his brother.

"You called, Master?"

"I did indeed..." Narinder motioned for them to stand, and they did so, looking up at him expectantly. "Why did you return separately? Is there a feud?" Aym hesitated, then nodded.

"Yes, Master, I believe so."

"Interesting, I have never witnessed a quarrel between you two before. What is this about?"

"Aym has begun a relationship with Mir̃alai, Master." Baal interjected. Aym chanced a short glare at his brother. Narinder was taken aback by this revelation.

"I see... Then, is it safe to assume you have feelings for Mir̃alai as well, Baal?"

"Yes, Master." Baal confirmed solidly.

"My, that is a dilemma." Narinder stated, sitting back in his throne as he contemplated the situation. He pressed his fingertips together as he thought. There were various routes he could take... His initial inkling was to punish Aym. That small part of him that still cared for Mir̃alai insisted upon it. However, logically he knew that would be both counterproductive and unfair. Additionally, that would cause yet another rift between him and Nykka, something he did not have the patience for. He could also forbid Aym to see Mir̃alai, which would solve the issue between the brothers. However, he foresaw that the Lamb in question may not take that well. She would surely confront him, an argument would ensue... It would be more trouble than it was worth. He decided to try a more diplomatic approach.

"Baal, you have my sympathies. But, Aym's love life is none of your concern regardless of who is involved. I have a mission for you two, and I need you to act as a team. This feud cannot interfere with it. You must let go, and move on."

"Yes, Master..." Baal said, looking a bit defeated. Narinder watched him appraisingly, then spoke again.

"Very well... Nykka and I have decided the time is right to grow our following. I need you both to go on an extensive crusade, spread my word, and gather Followers."

"Yes, Master." They spoke in unison.

"Wonderful..." Narinder grinned, "Go, and do not return until you have sent me thirty Followers. Understood?"

"Yes, Master." They spoke again before leaving together. Narinder waited for them to leave before standing from his throne. He wished to investigate the matter of Aym's new relationship a bit further. He had already formed a solid theory, and was eager to see if he was correct.

Narinder stepped through the gates of Mir̃alai's cult, and soon found the Lamb. She was walking the grounds with Caxton at her side as always. The rabbit was first to spot Narinder, a disgruntled look instantly visible on his face as he pointed him out to her. Mir̃alai turned and smiled upon seeing him. She seemed much happier than their last meeting, she had regained that same aura of sunshine she once had.

"Hello, Narinder." She greeted him once he approached. "Did you need something?"

"Only a moment of your time... I'm told you are responsible for the feud between my servants." Her smile faded a little at this.

"In a manner of speaking, I suppose I am. If you are going to try to stop me from being with Aym..."

"That is not my intention, by all means, be with him." Narinder shrugged.

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