Chapter 21: Epilogue

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Five years had passed since that final battle. In those five years, both Mir̃alai and Nykka worked furiously to grow their Following. Mir̃alai had created somewhat of a utopia, a community rivaling that which she grew up in before her fateful sacrifice. Well over three hundred Followers, now a new generation was blooming, adding to her numbers. Children could be often seen running around the grounds. Attiscesus and Aurelia had two children of their own, even Caxton had become a father. Though, the unfortunate and untimely death of his betrothed left him as a single parent. These children along with dozens of others born of different Followers were all being raised within the grounds. Nykka's own child did survive the attack on her mother, and was born a healthy baby girl. A sweet kit named Kanedra. Kanedra had taken quickly to Merida and Lydie, the three became close friends in their early childhood. Baal and Bharadei did not bear any children of their own. It seemed both were in agreement that they preferred to watch over the other kids instead. Baal lived in Nykka's Domain along with Bharadei, though he still visited frequently.

Narinder stuck to his punishment. He had gone to live in a lonesome little cottage in the forest. He had not attempted to return even once in the last five years. The kids were warned about him as soon as they were old enough to understand. They knew not to leave the cult grounds unattended, and they knew of Narinder. Of how deceiving he is, and never to be trusted if they somehow come across him. Of course, they would not be told the full story until they were older. Old enough to grasp the horrors he had committed, and tried to commit. For now, vaguely knowing he is a dangerous man lurking in the forest would suffice.

The skies were clear, and the sun was shining brightly on this warm summer's afternoon. Aym had been outside with Attiscesus, having a friendly conversation when he saw something out of the corner of his eye. Merida was running after her sister, the young girl had gotten hold of his staff again. It seemed no matter where he tried to store it, his eager daughter would manage to find it. Cutting the conversation short, he ran after her and pulled it from her hands.

"Merida, you know you are not to touch this." He huffed, holding it high because even as he said it, she was bouncing on her feet with her arms outstretched to get it back.

"I want to fight like you!" She whined. Lydie had stopped running and clenched her fists in indignation.

"She was trying to hit me!" She yelled, pointing accusingly at her sister.

"I was not! I was going to duel you, that's different!"

"Hardly..." Aym sighed. "You could really hurt someone with this. It's lucky you haven't yet." Merida had dissolved into quiet tears, wiping her eyes pathetically. Aym kneeled down to be at eye level with her. "If you are so insistent about having a staff of your own, I will make you one." She lit up immediately, grinning at her Father. He held up a hand to halt her excitement, "But... You cannot use it against the other children, including Lydie. I'll take it away if you do."

"I won't, I promise!" She grinned, bouncing with her hands clasped together.

"If you behave, I'll even show you how to use it properly. But you have to listen to me, Merida. I mean it."

"I will, I will!" She promised as she clung onto him in a tight hug. Unable to resist a smile, he hugged her back with his free arm. When she released him, he stood and looked at Lydie.

"I can make you one too, Lydie." He offered.

"No, I don't like fighting." She pouted, "I want to be a healer like Auntie Aurelia." The two girls had long ago taken to referring to Attiscesus and Aurelia as their aunt and uncle. Most likely due to how much time they spent with the couple and their kids.

"I am sure she'll teach you." He assured Lydie with a nod. This seemed to cheer her up, she grinned excitedly. "Now, both of you, go back to the temple and wash. Your mother is bound to have dinner finished soon." With this, the girls ran off in the direction of their home. Aym watched them and returned to Attiscesus. The ox had a smirk on his face.

"Are you sure you should teach Merida how to fight? I feel the Leader might not be so appreciative."

"Oh, surely not." Aym shrugged a little, "Mir̃alai will come around though. I'm sure she won't mind Merida learning how to defend herself."

"I doubt she'll see it as defense." Attiscesus chuckled, crossing his arms.

"I'll convince her." He laughed a little and waved to the ox as he headed back to his home. Indeed, Mir̃alai had nearly finished the evening's meal. Aym joined her in the kitchen, and assisted her in setting the table. When the girls returned, they took their places, both wearing grins of excitement. Aym was already preparing his speech in his head, how he could possibly convince his wife that giving their daughter a weapon, and teaching her how to use it was, in fact, a good decision.

"Dad is going to make me a staff of my own, Mama!" Merida burst, unable to contain her excitement a moment longer. "And he's going to train me!" Mir̃alai raised a brow at the information, and glanced at Aym. He could see the slight disapproval in this short look. She smiled at Merida, but spoke with a bit of apprehension.

"That's... lovely, dear." Mir̃alai said as she sat down. While she was in agreement for the time being, Aym was certain he'd have to plead his case in private. For now though, they would sit together and enjoy their meal on this lackadaisy summer day.

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