still a shitty morning

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(Kazuha POV)

This is the most shitty morning of my life. Luckily, I wore a good outfit. No, I changed my whole outfit. I'm so glad that I was not going to go outside looking like a neon sign.

Currently, I'm running as fast as possible with this heavy-ass backpack going to ballet. Oh well. I look like a fucking rat when running. It's the backpack's fault anyway; why does the school have to give us heavy books? Everything is online anyway.

timeskip because she runs like a rat (not in real life)

I finally get there, and well, she is mad. Very mad. Oh well. "Ms. Nakamura, mind telling me why you are this late? There is only 5 minutes of practice left." Mrs. Myoi said sternly. Well, shit. I'm fucked.

"Wait what? When does practice start exactly?." I said, confused. Ms. Myoi sighed. "It starts at 6:30 am, Ms. Nakamura." She said, rubbing her temples. I hummed, knowing that I was fucked big time. "Well then, I must have overslept." My voice trailed off while I averted my gaze to a girl with brown hair and glasses.

Wait, what was this girl doing? She looks lost, like so lost. She is just wandering around with something in her hand. Is that a map? If it is, then she is lucky because, during freshman year, they didn't give us anything. Just let us into the wild. Anyway, she looks like a lost rat.

"Ahem! Earth to Ms. Nakamura! So you overslept, huh." Mrs. Myoi suddenly spoke, making me jump a little. I nodded hesitantly. "You need to set an alarm. You were never late to practice. Just don't let this happen again." Ms. Myoi said sternly. I nodded again with a soft smile on my face. She walked away from me, going towards the other students.

Now I have to make sure I'm not late anymore. I want to do ballet. It has been my dream since I was little.

Now, what the fuck was this girl doing? I walked over to the girl with that stupid piece of paper in her hand and looked around. "Oi! What are you doing?" I asked, nodding my head towards her. I don't know why I did that, but that is not the best first greeting. 

Jesus, Kazuha, you are so dumb. The girl jumped a little bit and stared at me. "Um, do you know where room 112 is?" She asked, still staring at me. "Sure, bro, that's where I'm going to. Just follow me; it's close to the main entrance." I said, trying to keep that stupid persona that I started off with. 

Fuck, now this girl thinks I'm a fucking player or lousy girl or something. Why can't I act normal right now? It's Ms. Myoi's fault. She scared the shit out of me.

Ok, but why the fuck is she so hot? I think I'm gay. No, I am gay. I knew that for a while now. Damn, I'm like that one teacher. What's her name? Right, it's Ms. Minatozaki, I believe. My homeroom teacher, Mr. Bang, told us stories about her to us. They were good friends in high school.

"Um miss! The bell rung!" The girl said, making me snap out of my thoughts. "Um y-yeah! Lets go!" I stuttered, starting to walk over to the main entrance. Shit, Kazuha, what happened to the bro and acting all cool and shit?!

"Miss, what is your name if you don't mind?" The girl asked, catching up to me. "Nakamura Kazuha." I said quickly, trying not to be a dumbass and stutter again.

"Oh! I'm Huh Yunjin. And I guess that you know that I'm new!" Yunjin said with a huge smile. Fuck! Her smile is hot, too. Wait. Stop Kazuha. You can't just meet someone and fall in love with them. Thats weird. Also, I'm acting like Minji; one look at Hanni, and she would fold.

"So. You came here from where?" I asked, breaking the silence. "I came here from New York. But my dad got a new job here in Incheon." She explained. Interesting. New York. She can speak English then. Of course, she could, Kazuha. She lived in fucking America.

 "Aren't you Japanese, y'know, because of your surname? Where did you live before?" Yunjin asked as we approached the main entrance. "I was born in Kochi city but moved to when I was like two Osaka," I said, looking away to calm my gay ass down. I can not tell any of my roommates about this stupid encounter. They will tease me for the rest of my life. 

"Kochi? Interesting, I never heard of that place." Yunjin said, opening the door for me. I walked in, and she followed close behind me. "It's in Shikoku." I was going to say that it's fine because Tokyo is the only city you know. But I'm not that rude...right?

timeskip :)

Good job, Kazuha. You entered the classroom, and now your friends interrogated you because you were walking with a girl. I don't blame them. She was pretty hot-no. Calm your gay ass. You just met her, Kazuha! "Zuha! Who was that?" Minji said, getting closer to me. "That was one of the new students, I think," I said in a monotone voice.

"Damn, she is in a whole mood right now," Chaewon smirked, sitting on one of the desks. I glared at her.

"Well, if you guys. No more like MINJI! Would stop interrogating me walking with the ho-. No, that girl." I said, yelling Minji's name. Wait fuck. Did I say hot? Shit, did they notice? I'm fucked. I looked down in embarrassment. But I think no one noticed, right?

NOPE! Chae fucking won noticed. Her shitty chuckle. I glared at her harder and gave her a look to shut her stupid mouth.

More and more students entered the classroom as the five minutes in between classes were slowly ticking away. "Oh well, let's just go back to our seats then," Minji said as we walked away.

I fucking hate my seat. You may ask why I sit beside the "Playboy" Choi Yeonjun. This bitch always messes with me. 

But I know that you are WHIPPED for Choi Soobin. They should date, though. But the pretty boy is too shy, which I least expected from him. He is always confident, but when it comes to the topic of crushes, he gets shy.

As the final bell rang, my homeroom teacher approached his desk, sipped his coffee, and said, "Uhh, the new students are coming in soon. Be side to them, and don't be fu-I mean rude to them." He said, smiling. 

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