start of a shitty morning

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(Kazuha PoV)

"Where the hell were you yesterday?" Pretty boy (Yeonjun) asked, clicking his pen. "Uh well..." I said. Should I tell him. Fuck no. "Chaewon was sick so I stayed with her." I lied smiling awkwardly. "Ok. Also don't smile like that you look like a clown." He said putting his hand up to cover my face. I frowned and went back to drawing in my sketchbook.

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"Minji! Minji! Mi-" "What the fuck do you WANT?" Minji yelled at me. "Help." She raised her eyebrow. "Why?" I grabbed her wrist and dragged her to a corner of the classroom. "Yunjin..." I said awkwardly. "Bro." I rubbed my temples. "She keeps looking my way like i'm a damn roach. What do I dooooooo!" I slammed my face in my hands. "I-I have no idea what to do honestly. You want to try talking to her?" Minji said. "NO." I said lifting my head up. 

"What are you guys even talking about. All I see is Kazuha throwing her head or something." Sakura said very confused. "Her gayness is getting the best of her." I scoffed. "Shut up Minji. We all know that you are the gayest one in this whole ass classroom." Minji rolled her eyes and looked behind Kazuha. "Girl Yunjin is staring at you. She is kinda weird." A chill ran through my body. Why is she looking at me again. Just ever since that kiss she has been staring at me a lot. 

"Go. Talk. To. Her." Sakura said slapping my back every word. "Ow! Also no. I can't talk to her!" I whined. "Girl, don't act like a five year old whining because they can't watch Cocomelon and go talk to her!" Minji yelled shaking me. "Fine! Fuck you!" I hissed, turning my back away from Minji. 

I slowly made my way to Yunjin taking very small steps. "Ummmm hi..." I awkwardly said to Yunjin scratching my nape. "Oh hey Zuha." Zuha? What? Zuha? What? Zuha? What? "It's a nickname, don't overthink it." Yunjin laughed. Wait I  said that out loud? "Yep." Damn. I'm dumb as fuck. "I don't think you are." I started blushing. 

"S-shut up." I said looking away. I then looked up to see Minji smirking. I stuck up my middle finger. She rolled her eyes and continued talking to whatever those other girls are.
"Zuha?" Yunjin suddenly said, scaring me. "Fuck! You scared the shit out of me." Yunjin chuckled. "Sorry."

(Chaewon pOv)

"Girl." Jungyun said, clicking his tongue. "What do you want now?" I said in my head. "You are actually lonely as shit. But I think I was more." I sighed. "Shut up." I said sighing. "The only person I can actually talk to is Sakura. But I don't even have the guts to tell her about you, Jungyun." He did say anything. "Jungyun?" I said confused and concerned. "Do you trust me?" He asked. "Bitch. First of all, I can't even keep anything from you, you can hear every one of my thought. Also...kind of...but not...I really don't know...but I trust you more than Kazuha and Minji." He hummed. "Ok." He said simply. 

"Now, every single one of your damn thought you have is about this Minju bitch. Who the fuck is this hoe?" I laughed. "Damn. Hoe? You are not wrong but damn." Jungyun scoffed. "From what you say she must've been a bitch." I hummed. Fuck why am I so tired suddenly? "Then go to sleep dumbass." Jungyun said in a harsh tone. 

"Damn fine. If class starts while I'm asleep, I'm blaming it on you." I said, scoffing. "Girl, are you just going to tell the teacher that some random dude in your head was telling you to go to sleep?" I groaned in annoyance. "Fuck you." I said, slowly drifting to sleep.

"Fuck." I said, throwing my head back. Jungyun laughed. Hard. "You thought." He laughed, slapping his knee. "So everytime I go to sleep, I have to see your ugly ass face?" Jungyun looked taken aback. "You don't want to see me?" He said. 

"No." I said, sitting down on the cold floor. "You piss me off." Jungyun scoffed. "You're a bitch." He said also sitting on the cold floor. "Blame Minju." Jungyun turned to me. "What did Minju do anyways?" He asked curiously. 


"Kim Chaewon!" The teacher yelled at me. I quickly lifted my head. Oh. Fucks it's Mr. Kim. Or Kim Namjoon. He fucking hate him. So fucking strict. "How many times do I have to tell you not to sleep in class!" He yelled, rubbing his temple. "You're getting detention, Chaewon." He said writing something down.

"Fucking bastard." I muttered. "What was that?" Mr. Kim said staring at me. "Nothing." I said, clicking my pen. "Damn." Jungyun said, snickering. "Shut up bastard. You're not helping." Jungyun hummed. "How many times have you gotten detention?" He asked. "Too many times." I replied, sighing. "Blame Minju." I nodded slightly. 

"Blame Minju." 

hi...this is awkward...sorry I was gone for two months. School was stressful and I totally forgot about this story. I'm also working on a story rn. So...
The TXT comeback was sooo good. I honestly really liked the antidrop in Sugar Rush Ride. My favorite song in the album has to be Farewell, Neverland. The song is such a bop. I've been replaying it so much. Stan TXT. next chapter is probably coming out i'm a couple years-

-your fucking stupid author

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