how the hell is it wednesday

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Chaewon PoV

I fucking hate school, why? Because of the fucking people. Especially when I walk down the halls and see people sucking each other faces. But I mostly hate school because of the teachers but that's a basic ass reason.

I feel like this week has been going as slow as a fucking sloth. And also a lot of weird shit has happened like this random ass bitch is living inside my tiny ass brain. "Shut the fuck up." Jungyun scoffed. See? Pain in the ass. I literally can't fucking sleep because of this nerd.

No signs of Minju. Well fuck. Why am I even still thinking about her? Why am I like this because of her? I spent 2 fucking years just thinking about her.

I feel dumb.

I really am a fucking idiot.

(Kazuha pOv)
"AHH!" Someone screamed inside the classroom. "The hell?" I said, looking around. "There's a fucking spider on my fucking desk!" The person yelled. "Then kill it, dumbass," I muttered. Putting my head in my hands. "I c-can't kill it! You kill it Yeonjun!" Yeonjun? Pretty boy? I looked over to the chaos. It was some tall boy screaming over a small ass spider.

"Jeez Soobin, it's so small," Yeonjun said, grabbing a tissue. "Naw that's a pretty big spider dude." Some kid named Jay Park or Jongsung. I don't know, I don't pay attention to people.

"I killed it!" Yeonjun yelled, holding up the tissue. "Wow..." I whispered sarcastically. "Hey, Zuha!" The totally-not-hot girl said, putting her hand on my desk. "Oh hi, Yunjin." I smiled. "You look pretty when you smile. You should smile more." She said happily, sitting in Yeonjun's seat.

Note to self, smile. "If you are going to leave a note for yourself might as well write it on a post-it note," Yunjin said, chuckling. Kazuha you dumbass. Keep your fucking mouth shut. "Y-yeah I should." I said nervously. "Why are you nervous? Did I do anything wrong?" Yunjin said, slumping down in the seat. "N-no! Just... it's hot in here." I fanned myself. I'm an idiot. Hot? Bitch it's fucking cold in this classroom.

"Are you sure? It's cold in here." I nodded. "Yep! It's pretty cold in here huh." I smiled. Yunjin tilted her head in confusion. She opened her mouth like she was about to say something but closed it shortly after.

It was pure silence for a couple of minutes until the bell rang. "Bye Zuha." Yunjin said, getting up from the seat as Yeonjun arrived. "Also, just say that you like me. It's so obvious." Yunjin whispered. I turned red more than that fucking tomato from VeggieTales.

"What the fuck." I whispered, silently gay panicking. "Bro, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Yeonjun said, taking out his textbook. "Shut up pretty boy." I hissed, turning to him.

(le timski to the lunch)

"Minji!" I whined, shaking her violently. "Bitch, it was already obvious as fuck that you liked her dumbass." Minji said, shoving my hands off her shoulders. "Really?" I said, turning to Sakura. She nodded, taking a bite out of her sandwich. "When will you stop bringing that bland-ass sandwich to lunch?" Minji said, staring at the sandwich.

That fucking sandwich. It consists. of two slices of bread, one piece of cheese and a couple thin slices of ham. No sauce, no spices.

We call it 'Miyawaki Sakura's Bland Ass Sandwich'

"No but really, does that shit actually taste good?" I asked her. Sakura nodded, happily taking another bite. "How about talking shit about my beautiful sandwich, let us talk about Kazuha's love life." Minji laughed. "Oh yeah. But before the bell rang, the two just sat in complete silence for like minutes." Minji joked, slapping her knee. I shuddered. "The silence was loud."

"But like did I do something wrong? Yeah, I acted like an idiot saying that it was fucking hot in the classroom even though it felt like we were in fucking Antarctica in that hellhole then literally saying it was cold as shit in there but am I really that obvious she fucking whispered that she knew that I liked her but it isn't my fault she is hot as shi-" "Damn, you are rapping faster than Eminem bro." Chaewon said, interrupting my rant.

I sighed. "I got secondhand embarrassment from you and Yunjin's interaction. Bro said that it was hot in that classroom." Chaewon said, rolling her eyes. "No, but like the silence tho-" Sakura said, shaking her head in disappointment. "C-can we just stop talking about this?" I stuttered, obviously embarrassed.

" we got nothing to talk about. Damn." Sakura said, finishing her sandwich. "Actually no, let's talk about that damn sandwich." I said, disgusted. "It really isn't that bad," Sakura muttered. "Yes, it is, that shit is blander than fucking raw spinach. Trust me, I've tried it before." Chaewon arrogantly said, crossing her arms.

Before Sakura could argue, the bell rang. "Trust me, I'll force you guys to try it after school!" Sakura yelled to us, speedwalking down the hall.

Well, shit. This is going to be fun :D

hiiii...I'm sorry for not updating again :(. my lazy ass just wrote a single word each day. I know this chapter is short but it's basically part one of 'how the hell is it wednesday'. omg, ive's comeback is such a bop. blue blood is so good too. also, I like kep1ers comeback toom it's pretty catchy. le sserafim's 'burn the bridge teaser looks so fucking cool though. I'm so excited for their comeback. i will try to update some time is week, if not y'all will probably have to wait months

-your fucking stupid author

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