half-hearted confession

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(Kazuha POV)

As I walked into the classroom, I saw Yeonjun already seated in his place. He noticed me and gave me a sly smile, fanning himself. I could tell he was up to something.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I know I'm hot," he said, trying to get a reaction out of me. I gave him a disgusted look and replied, "Ew, what? No, you're ugly. You look different." I squinted my eyes, trying to figure out what was going on.

Yeonjun seemed to be a little more serious now. "Zuha, think for a second," he said, facing me. I raised an eyebrow. "About what bro?" I asked. Yeonjun took a deep breath and said, "Think about your heart, Zuha." He spoke passionately, but I could tell he was trying to hide something.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeonjun, you're not Cupid. Shut the fuck up," I said, grabbing my homework from my bag. I was annoyed and wanted to focus on my work.

"Damn, Zuha, use your brain," Yeonjun said, shaking his head. I knew he was trying to get me to pay attention to him, but I wasn't interested.

"No, Yeonjun, use your small ass brain," I pointed to my head. Yeonjun rolled his eyes and turned away.

I didn't understand why he was telling me to think about my heart. Was this about Yunjin? Did he know something I didn't?

I decided to forget about it for now and focus on more important things, like whether Sakura had done my homework correctly.


As I sat in the classroom, trying to focus on the math problems in front of me, I felt a strange sensation. It was as if someone was watching me, and the intensity of their gaze was piercing my soul.

I turned around, and to my surprise, I saw Yunjin staring at me. I met her gaze for a moment, but she quickly looked away, focusing on her paper once again.

I couldn't help but wonder why she kept staring at me. Was it because she wanted us to be together? Or was it because she sensed that something was off between us? I couldn't tell for sure.

The truth was that I was feeling conflicted about our relationship. Part of me wanted us to be a couple, to take things to the next level. But another part of me felt like I needed to explore other options, to find someone else who I could picture myself being with.

As I struggled with these conflicting emotions, Yeonjun interrupted my thoughts. "Zuha! What's the answer to number four?" he asked, tapping my shoulder.

I hissed at him, feeling irritated at the interruption. "You think I got to that yet?"

Yeonjun looked at me and side-eyed me, sensing that something was off. But before he could say anything, the teacher spoke up. "Hey you two, pay attention," he said, tapping on his desk.

Yeonjun and I nodded, but my mind was far from the math problems in front of me. I needed some time to think, to sort out my feelings about Yunjin and our relationship. Or did I?

(another sneaky lil timeskip)

As soon as the class ended, Yunjin approached me with a serious look on her face. I could tell that she had something important to discuss with me, and I was curious to know what it was. "Zuha, I need to talk to you about something," she said, her eyes fixed on mine.

I could feel the tension rising, and I braced myself for whatever she was about to say. "Uhh, about what?" I asked her, trying to sound calm. "I can't say here, can we talk somewhere private," Yunjin said, looking around the classroom. I nodded in agreement as we started walking out of the classroom.

However, before we could leave, I remembered that I had to tell Minji to wait for me at the cafeteria. I turned back and called out to her, "Hey, Minji, wait for me at the cafeteria, ok?" Minji, who was busy flirting with Hanni, replied with an absent-minded "yeah, yeah," and shooed me away. I rolled my eyes at her and turned to Yunjin, saying, "Rude. Anyway, Yunjin, let's go."

We finally found an empty classroom, and Yunjin walked in first. I followed her, feeling a bit apprehensive about what she was going to say.

"Okay, Kazuha," Yunjin began, using my full name instead of the shortened version I prefer. This made me even more nervous, as I knew that when Yunjin was serious, she used my full name.

"I wanted to talk about what the hell is going on between us." She paused and looked at me, and I could see that she was struggling with her words. Oh no, I thought to myself, please don't let this be what I think it is. God, I really want to run out of here.

"I just wanted to say that I like you, Kazuha," Yunjin finally blurted out, her voice trembling slightly. "I know I've been pretty obvious about it, but I do." I was taken aback by her confession, and I didn't know what to say.

I needed more time to sort out my feelings; this was happening too fast. Damn.

"Look, Yunjin," I said, trying to gather my thoughts. "I know deep down that you are the hottest person that I've ever met. But I feel like this is going too fast. I'm not ready for this. So..." My voice trailed off, and I looked at Yunjin, hoping she would understand.

Yunjin looked at me with a sad look in her eyes, and I could tell that she was disappointed. "I understand, Kazuha. Maybe I am doing too much," she said softly. "No! It's not you, it's me. I'm the one being a wimp right now. Just give me some time. Maybe we can be in a relationship, or maybe we're just better off as friends." I explained, hoping that she would see things from my point of view.

Yunjin nodded, and I could see that she was trying to be understanding. "I'll give you time, Zuha. I'll be waiting for you," she said, and I could feel the weight of her words on my shoulders.


y'all i got a question. currently i have seven stories in my drafts and i want y'all to pick out the one i should start working on.

Two Truths One Lie (Kazuha x Yunjin)
Hot Chocolate (Sakura x Kazuha)
From Seattle to Miami For You (Minji x Haerin)
Passion Fruit (Haewon x Lily)
You Made My Dawn (Hanni x Haerin)
3 O'Clock Things (Chaewon x Yunjin)
Your My Type (Danielle X Haerin)

anyway yeah and if you want the plots js ask but chose please cuz idk what i want to do atp but my main focus is this book and my other one :)

-your fucking stupid author

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