i'll wait for you no matter how long it takes

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(i like my sappy chapter title, Yunjin POV) (im in love w this song)


I can't stop thinking about her. It may be weird, or you think I'm creepy, but I can't stop. Her words—I can't stop thinking about her. I want to wait for her, but at the same time, I can't. I want to feel her touch again. I want her to say that she loves me, but at the same time, it doesn't seem like she does.

Just wait, Yunjin. Just a little longer. I'll wait for Kazuha, no matter how long it takes.-Yeonjun gave me a skeptical look, raising his eyebrows questioningly. "So... it's more complicated than what you told me?" he asked, disbelieving. I nodded, feeling frustrated that I had to explain myself further.

"Indeed," I replied shortly. "Just a 'yes'? Come on, give me more detail," Yeonjun urged, tapping his foot impatiently. I let out an exasperated sigh. I had already given him a thorough overview of my situation. Why did he need more information?

"I think I've shared enough with you, buddy. Maybe if you paid better attention," I teased, flicking his forehead lightly, "you would grasp what I'm trying to convey." Yeonjun playfully rubbed his forehead in mock pain.

"So what you're getting at is that you're really into Zuha and you want her," Yeonjun said with a sly grin. I paused for a moment, gathering my thoughts. "Yes, but it's not that simple," I finally replied, feeling a flush creeping up my neck. Yeonjun gasped dramatically.

"Oh, come on!" I said, feeling embarrassed. "You're obsessed. That's not good," Yeonjun said, wagging his finger at me. "No kidding, Sherlock," I retorted with a dry laugh.-The worst part about this is school. It's a shame that I sit right next to Kazuha. And what's the ultimate worst is how she ignores me. I can't help but overthink: What if Kazuha hates me? What if I weirded her out so much that she doesn't like me anymore (or did she even like me in the first place?)?

You know what? Forget it, I can't be a pussy and start weeping over her, I have better things to do.


(Kazuha POV)

I have been contemplating whether it was the right decision to ask Yunjin out for some time. I am willing to go to great lengths to be with her, even if it means humbling myself and asking her out. But is it really that simple?

In fan fiction stories, they make it look easy. The protagonist confesses their feelings, their crush reciprocates, and they live happily ever after. However, I am aware that this is just fiction. I can't base my real-life decisions on fictional characters. I must carefully consider what I truly want and what would be best for us. But what is the best course of action?

"Zuha, I can't bear to see you in this state over Yunjin. This has been dragging on for far too long. Just approach her and make a decision," Minji urged, gesturing towards Yunjin. "You can do it; you make everything look easy."

I shot Minji a disapproving look. "First of all, absolutely not; secondly, I do not make anything seem easy," I groaned in frustration. "I need more time, okay, Min?" I said. Minji shook her head in disappointment.

"When you wait too long, the other person may start to lose hope and eventually their feelings for you. They might move on and find someone else, leaving you with nothing but regret. You'll find yourself looking back at the missed opportunity and wondering what could have been if you had just taken the chance sooner. It's a painful feeling to watch someone you love move on with someone else, especially when you realize that it could have been you if you had only acted sooner—" Chaewon interrupted Minji by slamming her book on the desk and yelling, "Can you shut up!? You sound like my dad."

I chuckled, clapping my hands. "You should take a leaf out of your dad's book, Chaewon." Chaewon gritted her teeth and rolled her eyes. "I will when pigs fly." Minji and I exchanged a knowing glance. "No, don't attach wings to a pig and make it fly," Chaewon dismissed the idea. "Aw, man," Minji sulked.

Chaewon scoffed and walked away from Minji and me. "She's always been difficult," I remarked, flicking an eraser shaving off the desk. Minji seemed uneasy and stretched her back. "Yeah... she has," she said. I looked at Minji curiously, but she quickly diverted my attention. "Don't ask," Minji said, shaking her head. I gave her a thumbs-up and sighed.
"I know you told me not to ask, but does that have something to do with last week?" I inquired. Minji bit her lip and looked at the floor. "Yeah, it does," she admitted. I looked at Minji curiously but decided not to push her to say anything.

Overall, I don't want to talk about Chaewon right now. Well, I never did. -The class bell echoed through the room, indicating the end of the lesson. "Let's go, Zuha!" Minji exclaimed, dashing over to my desk. Before I could respond, Yunjin interjected politely, placing her hand on my arm. "Excuse me, Minji. I'd like to have a word with Kazuha," she said, her tone composed.

Minji looked at Yunjin, her head slightly tilted. "Well, actually," Minji hesitated, raising her finger, "Zuha mentioned she wanted to check out the new vending machine." The tension between Minji and Yunjin escalated into a silent standoff until I decided to intervene.

"You know what, Yeonjun wanted to hang out with me, didn't you, Junnie?" I asserted with a forced smile. Yeonjun, initially baffled, caught on and chimed in, "Oh yeah, let's go, Kazu." He took hold of my arm and guided me out of the classroom.

As we distanced ourselves from the room, I expressed my gratitude to Yeonjun. "Thank you so much," I admitted, needing a breather after that unexpected confrontation. "It's crazy how those two were fighting over you. I wish that would happen to me," Yeonjun muttered sorrowfully. I looked at him disapprovingly. "Bro, no girl likes you," I sighed. But you know who does like you?" Yeonjun pointed behind me. I turned around and saw Yunjin striding deliberately in our direction.

"I said we needed to talk, Kazuha," she declared in a low, intense voice, pulling me away from Yeonjun. I couldn't help but think that she was so hot as she did so.

(Yunjin POV)

"Okay, I just wanted to talk to you again. It pains me that we haven't spoken to each other in so long; I know it's been a week, but it felt like 10 years. I know you said you need space and stuff, but I live for you. Wait, no, I want you. No, what? I don't want you like that, but like, uh...I don't know, bro. It's just the fact that you could say no, and I fall into depression and end up killing myself-" Out of the blue, I felt a pair of lips on mine. Zuha cupped my face as we fell deeper into the kiss. Kazuha pulled away first and smiled. "Shut up, I like you back,'' Kazuha said, stepping back. I looked at her, not knowing what to say.

"You're an idiot, Yunjin. You know that," Kazuha said, smirking. I scoffed. "No, I'm not; I'm a normal person with normal thoughts. It's not a really normal thought, but you get what I mean," I said, smiling.

"Ladies! Get to class!" A teacher shouted to us. I had completely forgotten about our class. Did the bell even ring? Whatever. "I'll see you soon, Huh." Kazuha said, walking away. I can't believe that just happened. What I always wanted to happen since I saw Kazuha on my first day of school now.

I feel fulfilled, and I don't want anything to alter that.

"You did what!" Minji said, jumping from the couch. I groaned in annoyance. I knew Minji was going to react like that. Minji looked at me in complete shock. "There is no way Kazuha kissed somebody willingly?" I glared at Minji.

She is so dumb; she's acting like this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience; maybe it is. "Omg, I need a wedding planner," Minji said, rushing to get her phone. "Bro, what? Isn't it too early?" I said, but Minji quickly shut down my idea.

"Nothing is too early." Minji said, sitting back down on the couch. Minji smiled at me. "I like seeing you happy." I raised an eyebrow. "Getting sweet now, huh, Kim?" I said teasingly. "Do you want be to be sweet? If so, How sweet?" Minji said, expecting a good answer. I shook my head. "Not sweet at all." I said, getting up from the couch. Minji sulked. "Whatever."


What the fuck did I do. I mean, I don't regret it but like, what the fuck? Neither of us asked to be each other's girlfriends, and we are already locking lips like we have been married for 15 years. I'm just making this more complicated for myself.

The agenda for tomorrow is to ask Huh Yunjin to be my girlfriend. 


anyway, i put my heart and soul into this chapter so i hope yall like it, some errors bc im trying to get this chap out as fast as i can. update on my life i probably failed my math final lo and i have a science final tomorrow so wish me luck lol. the school year is almost over so HOPEFULLY i will finish this book during the summer. there is mad construction going on my window so that hella disturbing.

 bro im js gonna rot all summer like all of my school friends live kinda for from me so idk if we gonna hang or not. my family better have prepare a fun trip. so yeahhhh next chapter will probably come out in 2027 to stay tuned lol

at this time this chapter is out this book is at 9k to special chap at 10k :)

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