how the hell is it wednesday pt.2

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(kazuha PoV)

Finally, school is over. Let's pray that I will not run into Yunjin again. If I do, I will eat the whole 'Miyawaki Sakura's Bland Ass Sandwich.'

"Hey, Zuha!" Yunjin said walking next to me. God fucking dammit. "Heyyyy Yunjin." I fake smiled at her. But seriously, that sandwich...

"So, do you want to walk with me?" She asked. I took an unnecessary deep breath and exhaled. Yunjin looked at me confusedly. "U-uh yeah sure bro." I said nervously. Bro? I don't even say bro. What the motherfuck is wrong with me? Yunjin chuckled softly. "Alright...bro." Yunjin said, wiggling her eyebrows when she said bro.

Shit. Now we are bro-ing each other? How the hell do I have a crush on this hot bitch? I mean, she is cute, funny, and a good kisse- "'re" Yunjin stammered. "What? Girl speak English." I said squinted at her. Wait, Kazuha you idiot she isn't Minji. "You know what? Girl, first of all, stop acting like Y/N and saying your thoughts out loud and second of all, I am hot as fuck.

I said that out loud. Holy shit I am Y/N! "Girl, do I need to tape your mouth shut?" Yunjin side-eyed me. "N-no." I muttered embarrassed. Yunjin sighed. " like the weather?" I asked the first question that came to my small ass mind. "Yeah sure, I like cloudy weather." Yunjin said smiling again.

I nodded. An awkward silence filled the air as we approached the building. "Well, Zuha. This is goodbye! See you tomorrow!" Yunjin waved as she walked away. "Bye..." I whispered, waving back. I turned away from her. Kazuha you dumbass, I have to tell Minji!

"MINJI!" I yelled, busting the door open. "Holy shit you scared me! And what? More Yunjin issues." I looked around nervously. "Maybe." I said staring at Minji. She threw the remote on the couch and groaned. "The Le Sserafim comeback is releasing in like 3 hours bro. So if we are going to talk about your problems don't make it into a whole ass 5-hour conversation." Minji scoffed, looking at her phone.

"Oh please, it was one time!" I whined, sitting next to her. "I swear to god I'm going to shove Sakura's sandwich down your throat." Minji said angrily. "Anyways! Spill." Minji smiled, completely changing her emotion. "Umm, ok."

"So basically I fucked up in all ways. I fucking stuttered! Stuttered Minji!" I took a deep breath. "I took an unnecessary deep breath then she looked at me confused. Then worst of all I called her bro! Fucking bro like I don't even say that! It's mostly your fault Minji! Anyways, she called me Y/N because I said my thoughts out loud. I may or may have not said that she was hot. Also, she looked so fucking flustered!" I cringed at myself and looked at Minji who was trying not to laugh.

"Continue." Minji said, calming down.

"Bitch. ANYWAYS! Then I fucking said for her to speak English. Like bitch why'd I think that I was talking to you? Then after she said for me to stop acting like Y/N and also that she was hot as fuck. I mean she isn't wro-", "No. Don't even." Minji interrupted, looking very disturbed.

"Sorry, anyways. Then I asked her a random ass question about the weather. She then went back to normal. Help." I finally finished my rant as I heard someone clapping. "That's tough." Chaewon said, holding a sandwich. "For every time you said anyways you have to take a bite out of 'Miyawaki Sakura's Bland Ass Sandwich.'" Chaewon said handing me the sandwich. "How many times did I say anyways?" I asked Chaewon.

"Three. Actually no, for wasting Minji and I's time, eat the whole thing." Chaewon said.

I deserve this right? Didn't I say that I would eat this if Yunjin talked to me? "Damn, you do act like Y/N." Sakura said.

"Ok, stop talking." I slowly raised the sandwich to my mouth and took a bite. "Holy fuck this is crusty, musty, and dusty. Dry ass bland ass." I practically rapped. Minji burst out laughing while Sakura looked slightly offended. "Hold on, hold on."

I took a deep breath and took another bite. And another, and another until the sandwich was gone. "Fuck I need water." I said, my mouth full. "Good thing I got that on video." Chaewon said. "Fucking delete it!" I yelled at her. "No." She simply said, sitting on the couch. I gulped down the water until I finally washed the sandwich down.

"How the fuck do you eat that?" I asked Sakura. "Take a bite, then chew and swallow." She rolled her eyes. "Bitch." I muttered.

(Yunjin PoV)

"Yeonjun." I said tapping his shoulder. "What?" He said, taking his cigarette away from his lips. " interesting. I know that she likes me but do I like her back? All of this dumb shit is making my head hurt. I took a cigarette out of the pack. "I need a lighter dude." I said, slapping Yeonjun's shoulder. "Here." He said, handing me his lighter. I lit up my cigarette and inhaled and exhaled the smoke.

"So, continue about your girl problems." Yeonjun said. "I don't know what to do. I don't know if I like her or not. Yeah, she's cool or whatever but...I don't know. This is dumb. I just hate acting all jolly around her. I just get so nervous." I sighed. "Well, with my experience-", "What experience! You're a fucking playboy." I scoffed.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes. "Well, just follow your heart. If you like her then go for it. If you don't feel a spark then don't" Yeonjun said putting his cigarette into the ashtray. "I guess. But shit, you got some good advice." I said also putting my cigarette into the ashtray.

"Well, there is always a next day right?" Yeonjun chuckled. "Unless you die dumbass." I rolled my eyes. "Are we even allowed to smoke here?" I looked over the balcony. "Nope." Yeonjun said, heading inside.

(Kazuha pOv)

"Shit! I missed the fucking premiere!" Minji said staring at her computer. "That's tough." Chaewon said patting Minji's shoulder. "I'll just watch it now..." Minji said disappointedly. Yep, our conversation lasted 3 hours. Mostly just jokes and insults though.

"Honestly, stan le sserafim." Minji said, closing her computer. Suddenly my phone went off.

Unknown Number: Hey Zuha, It's Yunjin!

Unknown Number: Yeonjun gave me your number.

Fucking pretty boy. Also what? Yunjin texting me?

Change Contact Number To Yunjin

Kazuha: So??

Yunjin: Oh I just wanted to make sure this was actually your number.

Yunjin: I'll see you tomorrow alright!

"Who is texting you?" Minji asked. "Fucking Yunjin. Pretty Boy gave her my number. "Damn." Chaewon said, clapping. "Shit, how do I make a conversation!" I whined, staring at my phone. "Girl she already ended the conversation. Move on. Sakura ordered take-out.

Then we just ate some cold fried chicken. Nice.

Heyyyy Honestly my longest chapter yet bro. 1146 words. Omg. Also, Le Sserafim's comeback bro. It's a bop my favourite song off of the album has to be Eve, Psyche, and the Bluebeards Wife. Long ass names but I can't complain because I stan txt. Excited for Enhypen's and (G)i-dle's comebacks. (ok but why did it take so much effort to write (G)i-dle) Anyways, bye bitches

-your fucking stupid author who used ChatGPT to do my biology homework

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