shits and giggles

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(Kazuha POV)

Huh Yunjin.

As I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, I felt an unexpected dislike toward her. It was strange because, just yesterday, I was utterly obsessed with her. However, as they say, feelings can change without warning. Feeling stressed and overwhelmed, I let out a deep sigh.

Chaewon, sitting across the room, noticed and asked me what was wrong. Annoyed, I told her to "Fuck off" without even looking at her. She scoffed and asked me what was up as if she hadn't heard me tell her to leave me alone.

I don't know what to make of what happened at the diner earlier. I should be thinking about it more, but I can't find the energy to do so.

Chaewon's annoying voice pierced through the silence as I lay there, asking me why I was so moody. I shot her a glare and once again told her to "Fuck off." She just shrugged and went back to scrolling through her phone.

I couldn't think I wished I had gotten the solo room instead of being stuck with this annoying person. She ruined my life. "Kazu-" "Fuck off." I interrupted Chaewon. She clicked her tongue and sat on the edge of her bed. "Kazuha, just let me talk for one damn second!" Chaewon shouted. I didn't say anything.

"Okay, for once, I'm concerned for you, Kazuha. You've been in a bad mood since Minji took you out to eat." Chaewon started. Her eyes glistened with concern. She was being genuine. Why the sudden change? This wasn't like her.

"I know that," I said, still not making eye contact with Chaewon. "Just tell me what's going on, Kazuha," Chaewon said softly, as if hesitant. "I can't tell you," I replied. "Oh, I understand," Chaewon said as she lay back on her bed.

Deep down, I wanted to tell her, but she was part of the issue, so I couldn't. I didn't trust her, at least not anymore.

(Chaewon POV)

Jungyun wasn't there anymore. It was a week ago that he suddenly disappeared. I couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. He was the only person who truly understood me. But I'm over it anyway.

The real problem is what the actual fuck is going on with Kazuha. She is acting emo, and I hate it. It's fucking weird and unlike her. I tried showing her empathy, but she would break. Then she said it was about me. Me? I know I've done some fucked up things, but it wasn't that bad.

Right...yeah, I'm at fault. But I wasn't even there, so whatever. She can stay mad for all I care. I got up from my bed. I should ask Minji, maybe she will say something.

'Cause if she says nothing, I'm actually going to break something. Like, how are y'all talking about me? I don't know what you're talking about specifically. Sounds like bullshit to me.


I walked over to Minji's door, and at the corner of my eye, I saw Sakura. "Hey Kkura! You know anything that's going on with these two fuckers?" Sakura raised an eyebrow. "No, why?" She asked me, confused. "Eh, you'll find out sooner or later." I shrugged, knocking on Minji's door.

Sakura ignored me and started watching TV. "Come in." I heard Minji's husky voice say. I opened the door and put my hands in my pocket. "What do you need, Chaewon?" Minji asked, putting her phone down. She was sitting on her desk, supposedly doing schoolwork.

I shut the door and scratched my head. "Uhh. What happened between you and Kazuha? She is acting all emo, and it's bothering me a lot." I told her. Minji seemed to look a little uncomfortable. "Um. Just an argument, nothing important." Minji fakely smiled.

I knew she was faking this bullshit. Argument, my ass! Kazuha would vent to Sakura about how annoying Minji is if this were an actual argument. However, she is all moody and shit. "Yeah, sure. So then, why does it involve me? I didn't do anything that fucked up." I said, "clueless". But Minji's face turned sour.

"Didn't do anything fucked up? Chaewon, you practically ruined her damn life!" Minji shouted, standing up. "What? That's bullshit." I said with a straight face.

Fuck, I knew I ruined her damn life. But I'm not admitting that to this whore.

"Chaewon, are you fucking with me, or are you being serious!?" Minji raged, slamming her fist on her desk. I chuckled. "I'm fucking with you. I know I ruined her life. I'm not fucking stupid. I did all of that shit ages ago. I haven't talked to her lately anyway." I said.

Minji's face filled with rage. "Do you see how you're acting right now!?" She screamed. "Clearly," I said, smiling. "I fucking hate you Chaewon. You always fuck with peoples feelings and don't feel a fucking thing. You're a monster, Chaewon! You do shit without thinking and ruin shit! No wonder Minju dumped you!"

(Kazuha POV)

My phone rang for the umpteenth time. I didn't bother to look at who was talking to me. I still can't believe the shit that Yunjin and Minji did behind my back. It's like I don't exist anymore.

I'm just even more pissed off after Chaewon's fake empathy shit. My phone rang again. I groaned in annoyance and picked up the call. "Hello?" I said in a monotone voice. "Zuha...I want to talk to you for a second." I recognized this voice.

"Why Yunjin?" I said back, unsure. "Please, Kazuha, I want to clear things up between us. I messed up." Yunjin pleaded. I thought for a second before settling on a decision. "Alright, I'll meet you at that same diner." I said. "I'll meet you there." Yunjin said before hanging up.

I rolled out of bed and looked at my outfit. I didn't feel like changing, so I started my way out of the dorm. When I entered the living room, I saw Sakura and Chaewon cuddling. What the fuck? I never thought I would see something like this.

"Uh...I'll be back..." I said, slowly putting my shoes on. Sakura nodded, and I headed out the door.


I still can't get the image of Kkura and Chaewon cuddling. Like when did Chaewon get soft?

I arrived at the diner and saw Yunjin sitting at the far end of the restaurant. I swallowed nervously and approached her table." I'm glad you came, Zuha; I thought you lied briefly." Yunjin said, relieved.

I smiled softly and sat down. "So, what do you have to say?" I asked Yunjin, who tensed up. "First, I wanted to talk about Chaewon. I never knew she was such an asshole towards you. I shouldn't have mentioned her. I don't know; she acted weirdly sweet to me." Yunjin explained.

I leaned back in my seat. "That's weird. But yeah, she is an asshole. But I'll put it out there: I might have overreacted a little. I was overwhelmed by all the information I had learned." I said. I thought back on my actions. I don't know if that was a normal reaction or if I was just being extra.

"No, Zuha, that was completely normal. Anyway, do you have any questions to ask me right now?" Yunjin asked me. I sat up and nodded.

"When did you become so close to Minji?" I asked. "We have a couple of classes together and talk a lot there," Yunjin answered.

"When did Chaewon be a little goodie two shoes to you?" I fired. "Uhh, sometime after school, I think? She offered to carry my stuff to my dorm." Yunjin explained.

"Have you and Minji ever talked about me?" I asked hesitantly. "A couple of times. But it wasn't anything bad. Just trying to convince her of how cute you are." Yunjin indirectly flirted with me. I could feel myself blush.

"What's your relationship with Yeonjun?" I asked, trying to calm myself down. "Unrelated to the issue, but we are just smoke buddies." What? Smoke buddies? She smokes?

"Why did you kiss me that day?" I finally asked. I've been wanting to ask her that for a while. I'm still confused about to this day. Yunjin leaned forward. "I don't know. What was I supposed to do when the pretty girl was in front of me?"

sorry for all of the intense shit. I kinda want this story to be longer. i dont want it to end jusssst yet

omg yall i wrote 1,399 words im just that good

-your fucking stupid author

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