is there more i don't know?

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(Kazuha Pov)

"Why the hell is Yunjin here? And she knows Minji? Why did she never tell me?" I thought to myself.

But before I could even process this, Yunjin had already sat down at our table, wearing a bright smile on her face. "Oh hey, Zuha!" she exclaimed. I awkwardly smiled back, not knowing what to say.

To my surprise, Minji and Yunjin seemed to be close friends. "Sup Jen, how are you doing on this fine evening," Minji joked, trying to be a gentleman.

Yunjin laughed at this, indicating that they had a comfortable rapport with each other. "I'm doing good Min," Yunjin replied, pulling out a menu.

As I sat there in silence, I couldn't help but wonder about their friendship.

They called each other by nicknames and seemed to have an easygoing dynamic. I felt like I was missing out on something.

And then it hit me - Yunjin's English name was Jennifer. I had forgotten for a moment that she was from New York.

But before I could dwell on this further, Yunjin asked Minji what she was getting.

Minji seemed indecisive, biting her lip as she glanced through the menu. "Ummm, hold on," she said.

As the two of them chatted, I sat there feeling uneasy. It was weird being in the middle of two close friends. I swallowed a lump in my throat, not knowing what to do.

Finally, Minji decided to get a chili dog. "I've been craving those lately," she said, showing Yunjin the menu.

Yunjin let out a chuckle. "Zuha, this is a Western-style restaurant. It has a bunch of American foods," she explained, noticing my confusion.

"Ohhhh," I said, scanning through the menu. "Minji, you didn't tell her?" Yunjin asked, turning to Minji. "Nah, I had better things to do with my time," Minji replied with a smirk.

Yunjin rolled her eyes. Right, I had this question. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I forgot! Shit, Kazuha think! I furrowed my eyebrows desperately, trying to remember this stupid question.

No, it wasn't stupid. It's fucking important! I cursed under my breath and looked out the window.

"Are you ok Zuha?" Yunjin said, turning away from Minji, who was in the middle of a story I was not paying any attention to.

That's when I got it. I finally remembered my question!

"What do you mean by Chaewon is sweet. I know her and she is a fucking hotheaded bastard." I snapped. I don't know why I'm so mad; I don't understand what's happening.

"Sakura told me a lot about her, and I've talked to her a bit. She isn't as bad to me as you make it seem, Zuha." Yunjin explained. Minji slowly nodded, too.

Chaewon? Being nice to Yunjin and Minji agreeing?

Last time I checked, that bitch caused Minji to break my fucking computer, broke my fucking bracelet that my mother got me from Kochi before never going back on purpose just because I beat her in fucking Mario Kart, and stole half of my fucking savings from my credit card.

"What?" I whispered, looking out the window again.

Why do I feel like there is something that nobody is telling me? When the fuck did Yunjin get involved with our shitty friend group?

Why is Chaewon being so nice to other people except me? Why did Minji tell me she was friends with Yunjin?

I don't know how to feel right now. My heart felt heavy. I wanted to leave, but Minji promised to take me here.

I should act happy and break down in my room; good idea, Kazuha.

"Are you ok Zuha?" Yunjin said, touching my shoulder. I pushed her hand away. "I'm fine, Yunjin." I fakely smiled.

I sucked in a breath and just tuned in to Yunjin's and Minji's conversation.

"So basically, Haerin said and there is this shop across the street and sells really cute sweaters. I've been wanting to go there for a while." Minji said, pointing at a shop. I didn't bother looking at the shop.

I have five outfits, and that's fucking enough for me. Also, who the hell is Haewon? Hyerin? Haerin? I don't know.

Minji never mentioned her before. But knowing me, I don't listen to anybody unless it's interesting. I blocked out Minji and Yunjin's conversation as it was about clothing. I don't give a shit about that.

Like, I never gave a shit about anything. But I do. I always did. "Are you ok, Zuha?" Yunjin asked for the third time.

I love Yunjin and all, but can't she get the fucking hint?

"I'm fucking fine Yunjin! You don't have to keep asking! Just leave me alone!" I shouted at her.

I never wanted to shout at anybody. My mother taught me better than to yell at people.

Yunjin looked slightly offended and countered, "Is this about Chaewon?" Yunjin asked, narrowing her eyes. I could feel myself filled with rage.

"What the fuck do you think!? The person who always fucks with me and ruins my fucking life suddenly sucking up to other people! I'm fucking confused! What am I doing wrong, Yunjin!?" My voice started cracking. Minji looked at me in shock.

"You aren't doing anything wrong-" "So then why are you keeping shit from me!?" I interrupted Minji. Minji looked down in guilt.

"I don't understand, Minji; how many fucking things have you not told me? What have you and the others done behind my back?"

I was right the whole time. I have such fake friends.

I got up from the table. Minji didn't look up at me, her face laced with pure guilt.

"Thanks for taking me out, Minji. Bye Yunjin." I said, storming out of the restaurant.


I started my walk back to the dorm. A ton of things are going through my head right now.

Even though Minji and I bickered a lot, she always knew how to make me happy, and we would pull an all-nighter just chatting about our personal lives. We went through thick and thin together. We trusted each other with every little secret.

That all had just been a lie.

I'm a little late for Christmas, but here is your present :))))

the NJWMX is a bop, LIKE THE INTRO TO ATTENTION!?!?!?! anyways ador should've included the eta remix like i was twerking to that shit five minutes before making this chapter.

-your fucking stupid author

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