my oh madness!!

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"Ben never told me that!" I exclamed.
"Ohh..its okay if u don't want to I completely understand" said harry. "No it's okay I mean I was just.. I mean Ben didn't tell me but I'm okay with it" I replied.

Once I get Ben I will give him a piece of my mind. I thought to myself. I mean I really okay with sharing a room. But then u realize it's harry styles. Im nervous thinking about how I will handle those green eyes and curly hair all at once.

"Imma just find Ben ." I said . " okay" said Harry with his hands in his pockets and looking at me with a confused look on his face.

I was getting down the car where there was a huge rock that I completely ignored and suddenly I felt the ground slip under me

A small yelp escaped my mouth. And suddenly I hit something hard and I felt two hands steady me . my heart was racing and my breath came out in rasps as I looked up to a pair of sparkly green eyes.

"Woah‚ careful there " said harry. I opened my mouth but no words came out . just my raspy breath. He held me until my breathing became normal.

But my heart was racing even more realizing Harry styles saved me . I finally walked inside and found Ben I dragged him by his collar to a corner .

" hello Ben we need to have a little talk" I said with gritted teeth. Ben made puppy dog eyes and said " about what? " acting soo innocent

" Ben I think you forgot to mention that I was sharing a room with someone" I said. "Yup just for you" said Ben winking his eye.

" at least you could have told me earlier" I said. " if I would have told u earlier would u have agreed ? And besides there is only one guest room and harry had no place to live and neither did you soo might as well put u two together" said Ben.

"Are you kidding me ?? U have such a big house and only one guest room?" I asked . "yup I only let close and nice people stay at my place but this time I allowed you" said Ben.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean??" I asked . Ben just chuckled in reply. I was getting frustrated so I just left him there and headed for the guest room. Which took me ages to find. And I was mad at Ben and I wasn't going to talk to him.

Finally when I entered the room harry asked me " where have u been so long? I was about to file a missing person complaint ". " I was just finding the way up to the room." I replied.

"Why didn't you ask Ben?" Asked harry. I didn't want to tell him the truth so I said " I am a strong and independent woman and I need to start taking matters into my hands and not depend on anyone or else their isno place in the world for weak people "

Yes I know that was a stupid answer but I panicked and I didn't know what else to say so. " okaaay " said harry with a funny look on his face and soon we both burst out laughinng until we couldn't breath and our fces turned red as a tomato

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