im soaring, flying...

26 5 0

"no , dont worry i was just messing with you" said harry. i slowly let my breath out, which i didnt realize i had been holding. "though you sang loud enough for me to hear ." said harry with a smirk on his face . i had a bad feeling about this

"i didnt get to hear you well enough . so will you sing something for me?" asked harry.

"never in a million years styles" i said . "ohhhh i see what your trying to do win against me by using the lyrics from one of my own songs ehh?" said harry.

i couldnt hold back a smile. " but your gonna have second thoughts about refusing " said harry. and that wiped the smile off my face.

"what do you mean styles?" i asked noticing i had developed a weird habit of calling him styles. "come sit" said harry whilst patting a spot on the bed beside him. i slowly walked towards him and saw a huge smile creep up on his face.

i sat down beside him while he was looking at his phone. he suddenly shoved the phone towards me where a video was playing. "what is that?" i asked suddenly scared that harry recorded me taking shower. but then i thought he wouldnt do that and besides i had locked the door.

but instead it was a video of harry dancing to someone singing . and i just realized i was the one who was singing. holy schnitzel i thought to myself.

"still refuse to sing?" asked harry. i gulped and said " yes i am not going to sing"

"well maybe you will sing if i tweeted it out and posted it on instagram"

"you wouldnt " i said , my stomach churning". " watch me " said harry.

"noooooooooo" i screamed trying to snatch the phone from him but he raised it

above my reach. but i was also tall . so i suddenly climbed the bed and grabbed the phone from his hand .

and boy did i underestimate him , he climbed on the bed as fast as lightning and grabbed the phone from me or atleast tried to. then suddenly his grip went loose and the phone went flying into the air and landed a few feet from the bed.

then it was all like slow motion.

we both turned to each other and i was making a run for it , when i felt harry pulling my hand and i felt the bed slip from under my feet i was frantically searching for something to hold and then i found harrys shirt but it was no use.

i fell on the bed with full force when a gasp escaped me and harry landed on me.

i just realized i had pulled him down with me. an oomph escaped his lips. and it was still like time had slowed even more . my hair was everywhere on my face.

harry slowly lifted his hand up and pushed the hair away from my face. i felt his soft fingers glide across my face. as i stared at him and saw him staring at me too.

his green eyes looking into mine i felt like he could stare into my soul. his eyes moved all over my face and landed on my lips. my breath caught in my throat.

then suddenly someone knock on the door. we both snapped out of it. and i felt heat climb up my cheeks.

harry got up and headed for the door . i was just dumbstruck . i was very sad i wanted him to kiss me . i wanted him . i realized i didnt want anything else.

but a small part of me was glad it didnt happen cause i was sure i would have passed out.

i finally forced myself to sit up . i was disappointed to find the phone was no longer on the floor. great i thought just great. harry opened the door and standing there was ben . " hey guys , i was thinking about how laura said that she cares about what people want and i thought if wanted to become president one day i had to follow it . so do you guys want some ice cream?" .

i just wanted to get my mind off of what just happened so i said "sure". even harry took some and we both sat down on the bed. there was awkward silence between us and i had a feeling that even harry was thinkig about what happened.

my mind was whirling with thoughts . did harry actually like like me? or was it just because of the heat of the moment . i knew that i really liked him. really really liked him. then i was scooping out for more ice cream but nothing came so i snapped out of it and saw that i had finished it.

i looked at harry and saw even he had finshed his. so i put my bowl on the nightstand when harry suddenly said " so i gave you some time ready to sing?" a smile mischevious smile spread across his face . i didnt have patience to fight again and i didnt want to land in the same situation as earlier.

but a little part of me wanted to . "okay fine" i said. "so what should i sing ?" i asked . harry shrugged his shoulders " anythings fine i guess. i just wanna hear you sing " . suddenly an idea popped into my head. "okay got my song " i said a smile spreading across my face.

so i started.
twinkle twinkle little star,
how i wonder what you are,
up above the world so high,
like a diamond in the sky,
twinkle twinkle little star,
how i wonder what you are.

harry was just staring at me opened eyed and wide mouthed. i smirked.
"heyy, thats not a song thats a rhyme that cant be considered as singing"
said harry. "sure it can even though its a rhyme you have to sing it. and besides you didnt mention that i had to sing a song did you?"

sorry for not updating for sooooo long . was a little busy and as all the authors or atleast me suffering from a severe case of writers block.

so i gave you guys a longer chapter than i have ever written.

luv you loads xoxo

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