nightmares and teddy bears

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Finally after about 20 minutes of continuously laughing we stopped once and for all. " I'll just go and change " I said.

"Okay" replied harry. I rummaged through my suitcases which were surprisingly already in my room even before I reached. I guess even my suitcases found the guest room faster than me.

So I took my polka dotted pajama shorts which were not even that short and my unicorn shirt . yes I do luv unicorns. Don't judge me. I quickly sprinted into the luxurious bathroom which was huger than my bedroom back home.

I quickly washed my face And changed into my amazing pajamas. Ahhhh soo comfy I thought to myself.
As soon as I got out of the bathroom I wish I hadn't.

There was harry styles standing shirtless with a pair of shorts with his eyes on me as I walked out. I just froze yet again. I knew I was gonna embaress myself but I couldn't move.

"Hi" said Harry with a smirk on his face after seeing my unicorn shirt. I finally forced myself to say something and here is what I said "yes I know I am as magical as my unicorn shirt" .

I mentally slapped myself so hard that I could actually imagine the pain or should I say Payne . yes I am corny.

"Of course you Are" replied harry. I mentally face palmed. I frantically searching for another topic looked around the room. " so I'm gonna sleep on the sofa right??" I asked.

" no I can sleep on it don't worry" replied harry. " no no I'll sleep " I said . " or we could share if u want" said . I felt heat crawl up my cheeks.

" yea sure I'm okay with it" I reply.
I soon got into the corner of the bed . and I usually sleep with my teddy bear. Yes I mean come one I am an only child and I feel quite lonely.

But I didn't want to embaress myself in front of harry so I didn't take it out of my suitcase. My eyes were feeling drowsy and before I knew it I was asleep.

I was running I don't know from what but I was running as fast as I could . there was complete darkness and I was finding my way through the dark
My lungs felt as if they were on fire and my legs were aching

I was scared I don't know why but I was . even in my sleep I was searching for my teddy bear but instead I found something else.

I opened my eyes next morning as the sunlight poured through the window the first thing I noticed was that I had moved from the corner of the bed to the middle and my hands were around harrys waist and his hands had pulled me close.

He was still asleep and I stared at him for a while then I got up before he wakes up and went to take a shower.

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