get out get out of my head

30 4 10

I rushed into the shower before Harry could wake up. I quickly stripped and got into the warm shower.

But I couldn't stop thinking about harry. All that was playing in my mind was harry standing shirtless then his peaceful face while he was sleeping.

I don't know how long I stood there but I was interrupted by a knock at the door. " hey laura you okay in there?" Asked harry.

"Oh yeah everything is perfectly okay" I replied . " okay I just asked cause u were in there for more than an hour " said harry. Holy schnitzel I thought to myself.

I quickly got out of the shower and realized I was doing everything quickly nowadays except my shower.

I dried myself off and put on A pair of jeans and a striped shirt. And paired it with a scarf. Then I stepped out and harry slowely got up and went in the bathroom while saying "finally I thought you'd never come".

Then I put on some boots and pulled by hair up into a pony. I felt relieved as harry didn't mention me holding him. Or it would have been aaawkwarrd.

Then I checked some of my notifications on Instagram. Yes I do have a twitter but I just have two followers yup and that is embarrassing. One of my followers is some account called depressedforlife guess I just depress everyone around me.

And the other one is some one called weirdpotae I guess its supposed to be potato but I don't know what happened.

After sometime harry came out and then asked " ready??""yup I replied.
We soon got into the car and were waiting for Ben who hogged the bathroom even longer than me.

"Hey what's your twitter?" Asksd harry. Oh no what was I supposed to do . I didn't come up with anything so I told him mine. I soon got a notification saying harry styles followed me . hopefully I would get more followers after this.

Finally after ages Ben finally got into the car and we picked up the rest of the boys and guess what turns out me and Louis wore the same thing.

A striped shirt with black jeans. Well nice to make it even more awkward.
But Louis was super excited to see me in stripes and said "well we can be zebras together" .

We all burst out laughing. Then harry told everyone my twitter And they all followed me but thank the lord no one mentioned my followers except niall.

"Omg you have a follower called weirdpotae I am totally going to follow whoever that is. And speaking of potatoes I'm hungry" said niall.
Everyone started laughing uncontrollably until we reached the studio.

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