7: meaningless

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Art cc: @uki_violeta on Twitter.
(I couldn't find the the artist, might be Uki himself. Not sure. But it's in his acc in twitter, so you can try and find it from there! <3 also the cover has nothing to do with the chapter, I just found it cute..)

Third person perspective:
Sonny was simply sitting in his room, studying. He was ready to start a new life in the states. It was still a few weeks till. But this had been planned for the past months.
Even tho yesterday he was feeling very down by the Alban situation. He feels slight better now.
Which is why he is focusing on himself! He has decided he wants to be the top student and achieve all his dreams! Become apart of the VSF! As he always wanted. Ever since he was a little kid he admired them so so much!

"Sonny!!" Ren yelled from outside his room.
"Whatt." Sonny answered.
"You have guests!" He said.
Oh right, he had completely forgot he had invited Yugo, Fulgur, and Uki. To tell them about the move to the states. He was now sure that he was going. There was no turning back now, and nothing stoping him. Or so he thought.

Sonnys perspective:
I rush downstairs only to be met with my best mates!
"Uki!! Fulgur!! And Yugo!!" I yelled hugging them all.
"Hey!!" Fulgur said.
"Come inside lets sit down on the couch! I need to tell you guys something more important than Yugos boring milkshake stories! Y'all want anything to drink or eat?" I asked
"Hey! My milkshake stories are amazing so shush! And yes I want the delicious dinosaur cookies you make." He said
"Lucky for you i still have a few left, Uki, Fulgur?" I asked

"I'm fine! Thank you tho." Fulgur answered
"I'll just have coffee, with a slash of milk!" Uki said
"Got it!" I said turning around to get everything.

When I was back, I saw them all talking and having fun. I didn't want to ruing their smiles.. but I had no choice.
"I'm back!" I said as I put everything on the little coffee table.
"Welcome back." Uki said.
"Ok so what's up!" Yugo said clearly excited. He probably thinks it's something good that's ahead.

"Ok so.. this isn't exactly a happy announcement perhaps. I never thought I'd do this, and to be honest. I thought I'd decline and stay here but. I'm going to study aboard at the states.." I said
Uki gasped. And Fulgurs eyes widened.
Yugo didn't look surprised tho.
"for how long?!" Uki asked.
"Only a few years.." I said
"Only?!" Fulgur yelled.
"Guys we must accept Sonnys decision!" Yugo said.
"You're right Yugo. Sorry Sonny, it just shocked me. I just meant to say I'll miss you.." Fulgur said.

"Aww I'll miss you guys too! All of you. Everyone in the gc!" I said.
"Actually, there's something else I'd like to ask you.." Uki said.
"Mhm?!" I asked trying to be happy, I want simply the best for everyone.
"Do you have any clue why Alban was crying yesterday?" He asked
"He was locked in his room all day after he came home.." Fulgur added.
"Oh.. I have no clue, maybe he had a hard day?" I said avoiding the question.

So Maria was wrong, Alban actually has something deep down. He actually likes me.. or liked. I don't even know, I don't want to think about it. I'm so over him! Yeah no I ain't.

"Do you need help packing?" Fulgur asked
"Fulgur I'm going in 2 weeks not tomorrow." I replied.
"My bad" he said rubbing his neck.
"Tho I can always help when the day comes!" He said
"Of course!" I answered.
"Have you told Neko?" Yugo asked out of nowhere before taking a big bite out of his Dino cookie.
"I.. no I haven't." I said
"Why didn't you invite him tho that's odd? Y'all are usually a lot closer than all of us." Uki added.
"Perhaps. I think I messed up." I said giving in

"So you were the reason Albanyan was crying?" Fulgur asked.
"Yes, but.. we agreed!" I said
"Agreed on what?" Uki asked
All of them were looking curiously at me. As if I was an alien. No offense to you mister Risotto.
"We agreed that we wouldn't work out." I said
"You guys liked eachother?!" Fulgur said as his eyes widened again.
They all looked shocked.
"I guess, I don't know! That's why we agreed to not even try! Because it might be fake." I said

"No way you're calling feelings fake.." Uki said
"This guy is out of his mind.." Fulgur added.
"Hey! We did it for the best come on!" I said.
"Well I'm so FaceTiming Alban, he must know you're going!" Uki said getting ready to FaceTime him.
I sighed as I heard the beeping tone.
"Hey Uki!" I heard Albans joyful voice, it was different from yesterday.

"Hey Alban!" Uki said as he put down his phone so Alban could see us all.
"I'm assuming you told them, by the atmosphere?" He asked looking at me.
"Maybe.." I said.
"Hey guys, don't pressure onii , we agreed on this. It isn't his fault!" Alban said.
"Yeah right.." Yugo hissed at me.
"Yugo.." Alban said.
"My bad." Yugo replied.

"Well Alban there is something else, this wasn't the reason we called you. You see, Sonny here was too much of a pussy to invite you over because of yesterday. But I decided it was best to call you so you're aware." Uki said, that's the longest I've heard Uki talk before..
"Yeah, Sonny please? Tell him. We can't do it for you." Fulgur said

"Uh Alban.. First off I'm sorry I didn't invite you over, I was scared I'd do or say something wrong. Because it turns out we were both sad and shit.. but uhm I'm going to study aboard over at th-." I started
"What.." Alban said. I swear I heard his voice break when he said that.
"Hey! No don't be sad please! It's not forever! We will see each-other again! It's just for some years!" I said
"Sonny.. years?!" Alban said.
"I didn't admit yesterday that I liked you for this shit!" Alban continued.
"Alban! Don't act like I didn't literally confess to you either! Elira told me you had a boyfriend! Imagine how jealous I am!" I yelled starting to cry again.
He simply declined the call leaving us all speechless.
They all turned to me with this stare. And I knew I was in trouble.

Albans perspective:
Fuck him! How can he be this selfish! What happened to him.. I don't even have a boyfriend in the first place! Why would Elira say that.. maybe she doesn't know me and ... broke up. Perhaps..
I hugged my pillow and let myself sink in. I've never felt my heart ache this way before. Perhaps it's best if we just never met again at all! I hate him! I hate him! How could he be like that..

Or maybe.. I'm not thinking about him enough? Maybe he really came to me yesterday with the intention of simply seeking comfort. Of trying to keep this relation the same.
I just wish I could go back in time and never fall for him.
I just wish I could've stayed home that day. The day I met him. Maybe it isn't him, maybe it's me?..

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