8: just a game!

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Art cc: @Kanishiima on Twitter! ❤️

1 week later

⚠️mentions of someone getting horny⚠️
(I'll put ___ when it starts, it's in the end of the chapter)

Sonnys perspective:

I don't know what to do anymore.. I've dmed Alban every single day since the incident a week ago.
I lashed out on him because of my jealousy, I should've never done that. But I simply don't have the courage to show up at his door.

I even started to send pictures of cute cats. I know he loves cats. That's why Yugo calls him Neko.
I wish I could tell him how much I love him. I wish we were like Fulgur and Uki.. that sounds weird tho, I don't wanna go around fucking everyday like they do.

Ok no I get a weird feeling just by thinking of it.
"Sonny!" Fulgur yelled.
"What.." I yelled
I stayed over at Fulgurs today, I needed comfort. And Fulgur is the absolute best comfort machine ever!
Yugo is here too, Uki also wanted to come but he was busy. So it's only us three.
"So how's stuff with Albanyan has he answered?" Fulgur asked curiously.

I looked won at the floor.
"Ahh.. I see.." he replied getting closer to me. Before I knew it I was being embraced by the one and only Fulgur. I hugged him back. And Yugo throwed himself on us.
"FAMILY!!!" Yugo  yelled
"Yeah!!" I answered.

After we calmed down Yugo started looking at my chips.
He was really focused..
"Hey how about we play some VALORANT" Fulgur suddenly requested.
"Chips." Yugo replied.
I chuckled and got up and went to the kitchen. I found a random bowl in the kitchen and assumed I could use it. I grabbed some of my chips and put them in it.
I headed back to them.
"Here you go dumbass." I said heading Yugo the chips.

Yugo smiled at me satisfied and Fulgur simply said:
"I know let's play some truth or dare!"
"Sure." I replied
"Ok yeah!" Yugo said.

"I'll start!" I said.
"Fulgur truth or dare?" I asked
"Hmm truth!"
I started doing my evil laugh.
"Is it true that you and Uki don't even know what protection is?" I said teasing.
"Oh shut up!" He said
"Fine, yeah whatever it's true." He said
Yugo started laughing.

"My turn!" Fulgur said
"Yugo truth or dare?" He asked looking at Yugo with this evil look.
"I dare you to eat chips of Sonnys feet!" Fulgur said
Yugo made a disgusted face before putting chips on my foot. He tried to grab it without touching my toes but that didn't work. He bit the chip almost touching my toe, after that he took his mouth away from my feet and started chewing on the chip.
"Man! Why are you so good at this! You were supposed to bite Sonnys toe!" Fulgur said
"That would've hurt!" I said.
"Yeah whatever.."

"Ok shush! Sonny truth or dare?" Yugo asked turning to me.
"Truth!" I said
"Hmm what would you answer if Neko proposed to you right now?" He asked
My eyes widened and I blushed like crazy just by the thought..
"I.. I I don't know, Yugo that's a really weird question! Can I get a new one?" I asked
"No! You must answer or you're out!" He said
"Yeah I'd say yes.." I said

"Ok my t-." I started
"Wait I got a good one!" Fulgur said
"Ugh, fine go on." I replied
"Sonny truth or dare." He said, by now I could clearly notice they were teaming up to make me admit my feelings for Alban. They're probably recording this if anything.

"Uh.. truth?" I said
"Nice.." yugo commented.
This made me question my choice
"NO I meant dare!" I said
"Too late!" Fulgur replied
"Come on! You're clearly teaming up!" I said
"Whatever just answer." He said
"Well give me the darn question." I said
Fulgur giggled before saying.

"Would you have unprotected sex with Alban Knox?" He asked.

"WHAT?!" I yelled.
"You heard me." Fulgur replied
This made me so flustered, I swear I could feel myself turn to a tomato.
"I don't wanna play anymore!! You guys suck!" I said
"Come on! Just answer! We won't tell anyone!" Fulgur started begging me to answer.
I sighed, I knew damn well I wasn't getting away if I didn't answer it.
"Fine!" I said

Yugos eyes lit up as soon as I said yes.
And Fulgur looked like a darn dog.
"Yes I would.." I answered getting so damn flustered, I covered my face with my hands
"Damn!" I heard a new voice say
And Fulgur started wheezing.
"It's me Uki don't worry!" Uki said
"No.. you heard that?" I asked him.

"Yup I've been here ever since you started playing truth or dare!" He said
"And I also screen recorded! Now I have more stuff to embarrass you with~~" he said
"UKI VIOLETA!" I yelled covering my whole self.

Yugo and Fulgur were wheezing their ass off, while I was worried he might show it to Alban
"Of course I wouldn't show it to anyone tho, so don't worry Sonny!" Uki added
I let out a big sigh and the boys were also calming down.
"You got to admit that was a good one." Fulgur said
"No." I replied grabbing some chips and throwing it at his face.

The rest of the night was chill, eventually we all went to sleep. I was alone at the guest room. It was dark but all I could get myself to think about is Alban..
Why am I having such dirty thought about him! I got to stop. I thought flustered just by the thought. I was getting really hot so I took my shirt off. I started to make wind-current with my hands and almost decided to open the window, even if it's in the middle of November and sooner or later snow will start to dance and fall down. Suddenly I felt a very bad ache somewhere in my body.
I could feel something hurting in my privates, it didn't take me long at all to realise what it was

I looked down only to see my thing was extremely hard, shit.. How can thoughts make me feel like this.. Alban the shit you do to me, I swear..

I sighed, this will be a long night..

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