10: Where we sealed our love.

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Art cc: @yuelunyue on Twitter!
(Fucking love this art I'm in love..)

Albans perspective:
I was fully asleep when I heard my alarm go off.
"Ugh..." I said checking the time. 2 am?
"What the fuck.." I said taking off the alarm.
Let me sleep, why would past Alban do this to future Alban. Well it shouldn't be important.. I hope it isn't. I hope I don't regret whatever I'm doing right now.
I thought falling drastically on my bed again and sinking into a deep sleep.

Sonnys perspective:
I yawned as I got out of bed, I took a look at the clock. "2 am" I sighed. It's now or never. If I don't go know I might regret. But if I do, I feel like I'm leaving so much behind. Even tho this all started only like a year ago, I feel like it's been decades. I'll miss my roommates. I stood up and headed out my room. This time there was no one there. They were all asleep, I warned them that I was going. But it still felt wrong to not see any of them sitting there in the kitchen counter talking about useless things that we shouldn't actually care about.

I made breakfast quickly and ate it, I had already called a taxi to take me to the airport after all its still a bit to the airport. And the bus isn't exactly a good idea. After I finished my coffee I decided to take a bath and so I did. You know sometimes I wonder if perhaps the states will be much different, will people talk in a different accent. What if I don't understand them?!

After I was done bathing I was quick to get ready. I took one last look at what used to be my room before grabbing my suitcase. Most of my things that I had before, are already in the states or on their way. I was sleeping on an old mattress that Luca luckily had. I sighed, turning around and closing the door. Right after I closed the door, that was when my decision was made. I was going to the states. No matter what crazy stuff may happen. I'm going. And no one or nothing is stopping me. I thought as I walked to put on my shoes and jacket, I put them in quickly as I realised that the taxi was already here.

And feeling bad for the man I decided to be quick. It's 2 am after all they must be tired.

"Good morning young lad!" He said looking at me.
"Good mo-." I stopped as I looked at him in disbelief.
"Vox?!" I said out loudly.
"Oh! Sonny! My man!" He said as soon as he realised.
"Vox! What are you doing here.." I asked
"Well you know I moved here not so long ago, or actually it was before you and the Aussies but, I did what I had to you know." He said
"Ahh.." I replied
"So where to?" He asked

"Airport.." I said
"Vacation?" He asked
"Nope, I'm moving to the states for some years, I'm going to follow my dream of becoming a vsf. And it takes a lot of studying you know." I said
"Ahh right." He replied
"Yeah.. then off you go! I fully support you Sonny! I really hope you enjoy the states! I've heard that it's very beautiful.." he said
I nodded and we drove off.
All the lights were still off inside the houses. But the street lights illuminated enough. I checked the time. 3.15.. its already been an hour.

My flight should be leaving at 5 so I have lots of time to spend. I think I may even go as far as to go to a restaurant or a café. Café.. funny how one word can make me regret my decision, right! I'll miss the café and the ugly painted not very matching wall colours. And that one nice client called.. uh.. what's his name? Kyo kaneko? Yeah.. oh and Elira! How she always annoyed me when I accidentally started staring at Alban.. Alban. Even tho we spoke yesterday and supposedly everything is settled. It doesn't feel settled something feels so off. As if I wanted to met him one last time.

It's too late for that tho, I'm walking into a brand new sea of opportunities I mustn't let it go like that.

Soon enough the car pulled up right beside the airport.
"And we're here!" Vox said smiling at me.
"Ahh right, how much will the ride be?" I asked
"No need to pay, we're friends! I'd never charge friends." He said
"Vox it's 3am I'm going to pay." I said death glaring him.
"Fine, fine, whatever." He said as he grabbed the money from my hand.

We said our goodbyes and soon I walked in the airport feeling more regret than ever.

Albans perspective:
My alarm ringer again, this time at 3am. For the love of god, why did I put two alarms?! I thought as I started getting mad. I decided to check if I put any note for the alarm. "Sonny leaving." Thats when it hit me.
Fuck shit!! I got up faster than lighting and didn't even bother taking off my pyjamas. I quickly grabbed my car keys and I swear I just ran to my car I didn't even bother to lock the door. I sat down in my car, and started the car and drove off.

I couldn't put my mind to anything, how could I forget. I'm so stupid if only I woke up earlier. I sighed as I drove. I got to the airport in a few minutes. I didn't exactly live far from it of course. I got inside the building, and looked everywhere inside. But I couldn't see him.. I had no option but to go through the security check to the other side. And so I did. Of course I was a little embarrassed. I was only wearing a pyjamas after all.

As soon as I got to the other side I looked for one of those screens showing when the flights are going. I saw a flight to the states. The only one. It's got to be that one! It's going in 40 minutes. The gates open in ten. Alright, I should have time. I thought as I held onto my phone and ran to the little place where the flight was going to take place.

I ran for dear life, almost as if I depended on it. You might call me crazy. And all you want but trust me, if I don't do this I'll regret it more than anything. I finally found someone, I'm not letting that someone go.

I don't reached the little "station" but I didn't see him. The gates had opened and I lost all hope all of a sudden. I could feel myself get heavy. My heart was sinking slowly. Until I spotted him. He wasn't in line yet, he just sat there.
"SONNY!" I yelled as I ran over to him. He soon saw me coming over, he threw his book and stood up in shock. I ran and threw myself in his arms.

"I'm so so sorry! I should've never done that!" I said tearing up.
He also started tearing up.
"You came.." he said
"Of course I did! How could I not. Sonny Brisko for the love of god I love you so fucking much just let's put those stupid reasons and fears behind us please and let's ju-." I got interrupted with someone's lips.
He kissed me. He grabbed me by my waist and simply kissed me. We let go after a while. And I swear some people were clapping.

I looked around and saw a few people clapping. Sonny hugged me. And there we sealed our promise.

The end, or perhaps just the start..

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