Bury me at Makeout Creek.

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Adam stood at the first step into the basement, Suddenly looking down to the basement faded into nothing. An overwhelming feeling of dread rushed over him. His heart pounded in his chest, something told him to run as fast as he possibly could. Before he remembered he found himself outside on an empty driveway. Where the hell was Jonah?

He probably took the car when he ran out after the argument. No biggy, Adam quickly fumbled with his walkie-talkie. He blinked, confused only seeing blank static. It felt like eyes were piercing directly into his soul. No one was actually watching him though but be felt like he was in a crowded street with thousands of people staring directly sat him, but he had to keep running.

2 minutes of just running full speed Adam stood on the side of the flat dark road. Out of breath, He only to walk for an short time. He pulled out the talkie again. Seeing if he could get a slight signal to Jonah....No response - All he heard was. The family sound of fire. His heart beated faster

"Shit— did something happen?!" He whispered to himself, his legs ached but he managed to get himself to run, after what felt like hours of painstaking running he saw it..... A horrifying wreckage the van was turned over small smoke fumes coming from the passenger window. He ran up to the van horrified at the sight of his van.

but where was Jonah? he ALWAYS had his walkie-talkie in his pocket. He ran to the drivers side of the car wich was facing away from the road, he took a step back absolutely horrified at what he saw, Jonah was laying half inside half outside of the car pools of blood had formed at the side of Jonah's head he had shards of glass inside of his right arm the right side of his face had been scorched by the flames that were now shrinking.

Absolutely horrified, hysterical. He pulled Jonah out of the car. He was knocked out cold. Adam shook around Jonah's body to somehow break his slumber.
Jonah was Unresponsive to Adams prays. He slapped Jonah across the face "THIS ISN'T A TIME TO JOKE AROUND JONAH-" He yelled but not loud enough to alert any passersby's.

"Jonah.. THIS ISN'T FUNNY WAKE UP PLEAEE JONAH." Still no response. Adam saw the damage done to their BPS van, unrecognizable. Adam Fumbled with his walkie-talkie once again. " Evelyn..? Evelyn! Evelyn Pick up! Please.."

He glanced at Jonah his eyes wide with worry "hello?" He heard the firmillar  sound of Evelyn's bored and  slightly concerned tone of voice. Relived Adam shook the strings of his hoodie,  "EVELYN- please- it's an emergency come here as quickly as you can!" 

"Alright—-i'll be there but may I ask why?" Evelyn sounded rightfully confused before Adam could answer, Evelyn let out a sigh "it doesn't matter Adam- this BETTER not be something stupid." "Evelyn- ITS JONAH HE-"

The walkie-talkie shut off as Evelyn hung up. Adam leaned against a nearby tree then pushed Jonnah up against it as well.

Adam takes a quick sprit to the van.
His walkie-talkie started to ping. Evelyn is trying to find them. Adam was stunned to see the condition of his beloved van but couldn't stay for long. He opened the back of the van a cloud  of smoke proofed out. *Cough*

How did Jonnah Survive with all that smoke?

The little fires scattered here and there. Adam layed his eyes on the first aid kit worriedly.

"I should probably stop that bleeding." He mumbled to him self in panic. He didn't know how to use most of the things in the kit. There was a clump of  surgery tape, that could probably stop the bleeding..? Right.? Adam hurriedly wrapped the bandages around what he assumed were opened wounds, he knew it wouldn't do a thing but - suddenly bright lights made his vision blurry "Hey idiot and - " Evelyn said looking taken back, eyes open with terror.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?!" Evelyn shouted surprised, she ran up to Jonah "Is he dead?" She whispered quietly, her voice suddenly became concerned, her eye wide with terror. "He's breathing -" Adam shrugged, "Barley." Evelyn muttered." His eyes still glazed with shock Evelyn as usual saw through his fake 'cool guy' act.

"well, put him in the car dumbass!" Evelyn offered. "I'm bringing him to the hospital." She continued, " No we can't go to the ER!" "You know from us just standing here he's already in the condition to be in the ICU, Right?" Evelyn shoved Jonah into the back seat of her white CLEAN car." No But if we go to the hospital they arrest us! Dummy." Once the snappy woman slammed the door, she froze to the words. " First you said something you ever said was smart."

"Well i have an idea! Get in the car." Adam stole the keys from Evelyn. " But that's my car!" Adam was already starting up the car swiftly. Evelyn couldn't argue anymore. They had to give care to Jonah immediately.
Evelyn went into the backseat." what's your genius plan?" Evelyn fumbled with the first aid kit, seeing everything scattered due to Adams panic.

Evelyn picked up some bandages and started wrapping up his right arm&face. The most mangled things. " The crash is going to draw attention, which means cops, and we don't want that." Adam responded. Neither of them knew where they were, just a random forest, not one of those fancy ones that you would go on a hike on, one of those.

Adam abruptly stopped the car somewhere in the forest. Passed out to exhaustion... Evelyn couldn't blame him, if she wants to find her best friend in this condition, she would just be like him.

Evelyn spent the rest of the night patching up small wounds on Jonah.

Surprised that he hasn't woken up yet, Evelyn went to sleep, hoping that he'll be out by tomorrow.


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