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Adam was the first one to awaken, who knew what time it was, all he know it was, it was morning. His neck ached for a proper bed, having to sleep on the dashboard. All the three of them are at the mercy of nature. Memories from the other night swarm to Adam and he made a quick turn to make sure Evelyn and Jonah were all right. especially, Jonah.

Adam took the water bottle next to him and tried splashing a little bit into Jonah's face to wake him up. No response. But a small amount went Onto Evelyn jeans. She slowly woke up to the feeling of wet jeans. " What the hell dude!? She sat up. " it's just a small dot you'll survive." Adam muttered. " But why did you do that..?" 

" To wake Jonah up." Evelyn looked to the fragile man next to her. Most, if not all of his bandages were bled through. But if they wanted to get more, they would have to go to the county, they had no idea which direction they even came from. Evelyn gave a gentle shake to Jonah. " Jonah..? It's Evelyn and Adam. If you can hear us, just please give us a sign.." Jonah didn't move a muscle.

The only thing that didn't move was his chest, but that was only for faint breathing. Adam looked at the window in front of him a faint, thin fresh, lare of snow layer on the forest floor. "Well when do you think he'll wake up..?" Adam asked Evelyn with consurn in his words. "I'm not a doctor, but i don't think he will wake up."

The words pieced Adam. No... Jonah had to wake up sometime! If he's dead, Adam is also.

After a few moments of silence and shock, Adam broke the tension. "Do we have food..?" Adam spoke. "I'll check the back." Evelyn answered. She opened the doors letting the coldness of snow in.

Evelyn open the back and fumbled with some organization baskets. Unlike their old van..
And came back with a small basket of random stuff that was in the back of her car. " To answer your question. Yeah, we have some granola bars. Should last us a few days." Evelyn pulled out some blankets from the basket and a plain white T-shirt. " Why do you just have a random shirt?"
Adam asked, "I'm just gonna give it to Jonah. His clothes are just in bits and pieces."

Adam didn't pay attention to his clothes when he first saw him he was more concerned over his well-being. But taking a look at him now his hoodie was completely destroyed and shirt were drenched in blood. The entirety of his right sleeve was torn. Other places were just burned off.

He looked like a zombie in a movie, Adam wild never admit it but he was heavily concerned for his friend. They had known each other since they were six, Adam and Jonah were both orphans, they always had been. Adam shook his head and turned back to Evelyn, "so- what's your plan genius?" He shrugged mockingly, "wait I thought YOU had the genius plan." She said with full honesty. She clearly wasn't in a joking mood. Her eyes were glazed with grief. "He's not dead yet." Adam hissed under his breath twitching his fingers nervously as the two stared at each other awkwardly.

Jonah fell to his side, startling the two. " Jonah are you awake?!" Adam looked behind him.
Only if he would be awake anytime soon..

Adam turned back to Evelyn who still remained silent.
"What are we supposed to do?" Adam asked Evelyn, he could feel sweat beads forming on his forehead. "Well the best option for now, is to wait.." Evelyn said as she laid her eyes on Jonah. She was scared for him.

She just hoped that he'd wake up.
but his body needed time to rest,
Evelyn didn't want to think at the moment what they had to do to keep him alive in this condition. That was hard enough to bear. "So, what do you wanna talk about?" Evelyn asked turning to the young man.

" where are we even?" Evelyn asked. " We're in a middle of nowhere forest." Adam replied. " I'm just gonna go find some berries.." Evelyn needed to get out of that car. Seeing his boyfriend's best friend in this condition is heartbreaking. The only two people in the car was Jonah and Adam. Adam stepped out of the car and went to the backseat with Jonah. " Jonah it's me! Adam..? Can you hear me? you've been asleep for almost a day now. Please stay with me."

Adam could feel himself tearing up to Jonas lifeless body. "Jonah please wake up.."
He kept repeating the same line over and over again.
Quickly wiping off his tears. He needed to focus. He looked down to Jonah once again.
"Hey, Jonah. You need to wake up." Adam said quietly. He watched his best friend since childhood chest barely rise and fall. His lips barely moved. Adam couldn't help but wonder if the he could even breathe.
" He'll wake up When is body decides it wants to." Evelyn tried to comfort.
mforting hand on Adam's shoulder.
"Please Jonah... You've gotta wake up...." Adam felt his heart break in half, he felt the pain of losing someone important to him. Evelyn and Jonah were one of the only few people still in his life.

" I hope you'll forgive me.."

The car became silent.

Adam climb back into the driver seat, Evelyn came back.
and that whole day went by, and what seemed like silence.

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