A burning memory.

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It felt like months in the void.

He can only see a thing outline of what seems like his body. He can't remember a thing from the accident.

It was pitch black, only a faint light where his chest would be. He couldn't feel his body at the slightest.

He took a shaky step, he could start to hear muffled noises, they sounded like voices but they surely weren't they sounded too Inhuman. Like wailing in a whisper, if that was possible. He shook his head trying to get the feeling out, but it wasn't affective, he really couldn't tell.

The walk in the void was going nowhere.
Step by step was going slower and slower. He was oh so but tired to kept walking, but could not sleep.
He collapses, to exhausted to keep on walking into nothing. Muffled binary whispers seemed to be heard.

Sitting on the floor, Not a single soul in sight.

He been sitting in the floor for what seemed to be hours, suddenly startled by foot steps behind him. Fear penetrates Him, he couldn't seem to move his body while the foot steps got closer.

"Excuse me..?"A faint voice asked. Jonah still couldn't move. The foot steps got closer and closer. Jonah's breath slowly became more labored as the voice gotten closer.

He couldn't see whatever was speaking to him but he was sure it wasn't friendly, he covered his face with his knees.

The figure taped him on the shoulder. He tensed up more. "Are you ok..?" The voice asked. Jonah felt reassured, feeling the thing was not try to hurt him.

He raised his head, Looking behind him.
A short man stood behind Jonah. He could only see little features of him. A large glowing red substances Seemed to be leaking from his neck.
Jonah yelped, he push himself away from the figure. "I'm not going to hurt you." The man spoke.
Jonah froze. "Really..?" Jonah stared, "Yeah, no point killing another dead person. My name Cesar!"

Jonah became feel silent." Wait, you didn't know this..? I'm sorry for breaking the ice to you so suddenly." Cesar apologized, trying to be reinsuring. "So how did you die? I don't see any scars." Cesar asked. " I don't remember." Jonah replied in between sobs.

" Oh, don't worry that's normal! You'll remember eventually. What's your name?"

Jonah understood what he meant by scars. I mean the guy had one across his throat. Take a wild guess about how he died?
" Jonah." He slurred. "Follow me, Jonah!"
Jonah's vision was blurry, but he knew that Cesar was extremely hard to see. The only thing he can really make out was what seem to be a slight outline of an formal outfit and a very bright, glowing, dark red blood drenching down to the floor.

Jonah crossed his arms while sobbing to himself also following Cesar
in the void. He barely even knew what he looked like. He was just following the glow that he was giving. Jonah noticed that the what to say about the time in whispers, we're now getting clearer. They were not human at the slightest. They weren't speaking any language that he can recognize.

Jonah broke the silence. "Are they even saying anything..?" "probably, just speaking their alternate language we guess."
Jonah froze. Overstimulated by of all the information given to him and such a short amount of time. "Are you all right?" Cesar pondered.
Jonah nodded shakily.
they began walking again.
"You know what alternates are!?" Cesar shake this head. "If you're down here you're either an alternate, they're more annoying than anything. or a person who died of alternates like you and me! You are the only one." Cesar tried to lighten up the mood.

The rest of the trip into nothingness was spent in silence.

Thoghts overwhelmed Jonah.

I'm dead.
Cesar knows about alternatives..?
What is this place.?
How long have he been in here..
Is there more people other then me and him..?

He wouldn't accept it, he wasn't dead this was just a dream. Everything that had happened what's just a very bad dream. He looked back down at Cesar, he had stopped to fasten his bow tie, he blinked still comprehending what was happening, the muffled voices made Jonah feel...alone. He felt as if.. This wasn't real.

"Mark..? Mark! Where are you?" Cesar shouted, a figure appeared. Unlike Cesar, the glowing red blood was coming from his head. "Yo,new guy!" Mark shouted, Jonah could feeling getting closer, but he was rather hard to see just like Cesar.

Jonah backed up while mark try to examine him. Mark looked back at Cesar. "Where this guys scars..?" Mark asked, "My name isn't guy!" Jonah snapped. "Ok ran-do guy!" Mark was just trying to anger Jonah more. Mark chuckled.
Jonah clenched his fists. "Jonah?" Cesar said softly, Jonah flinch at the sound of his name. Cesar took notice of Jonah's action.
" Marks always like this, you'll get used to it." Cesar tried the reinsure. "Am I in heven or hell..?" Jonah muttered. " Y'know I was just like you when I enter this place..? Then I realize my life was a lie. There's no God! I was lied to.." Mark looked down.

"How did you die? You don't have any scars!" Mark got rather close to Jonah. The same question that Cesar ask him.. "Can I ask you something?" Completely ignoring the question. " Of course man!" Mark backed up. also getting Caesars attention.
"You guys know what alternates are.. Right..?" Cesar and Mark froze. Mark looked around. "Are you blind..?" Mark voice got louder. " Almost.. Everything is really dark. I don't even know really how you guys look.."

"They're everywhere! You can't see them!?" Cesar added on. Cesar took a look around to confirm. " They're unsettling at first, you'll get used to them after a while. See that one over there? I named Gabe." Mark was trying to lighten up the mood. Jonah was just on the verge of tears more than anything. "They don't really do anything, they just speak their weird alternate language." Cesar censed fear going through Jonah.

"Do you guys have any food" Jonah question. "Wait you feel hunger..?" Mark froze. "I haven't felt hungry ever since I died. Don't know if it's just a void thing.. Or blood just made me not have an appetite. Either one, we don't have food."

Cesar explain, "Weird, couldn't be me!" Mark said, with a smug look on his face. "Can you tell me what you know about alternates?" Jonah sat down. Mark and Cesar followed. "We'll, they kind of just chill here.."

"And they really like killing people for some reason!" Mark cut off Cesar. "We tried to make some new friends in this void.. but they were very traumatized. Can't blame them. I was too, when I entered this place." Cesar continued. "Since you don't have any of your memories... Your normal! I guess.." From the miniature outline that Mark had.. He could tell that he talked with his hands a lot. Slightly hitting Cesar well he talked.

"Let me reverse question. How did you die?"
Jonah said loudly, but not exactly a shout.

"Mad." "Mad!" They said that the same time.
"Does that mean.." Jonah looked down. "Yeah." Cesar muttered.
What would Adam think when he found him wherever he was..?
"Don't worry dude you'll get over it!" Mark spat.

Jonah stood up.

His heart was racing, the empty space the lack of actual noise. He broke into a sprint, "Wait where are you going!?" Cesar shouted, making no effort to run after him.

His legs ached harder than ever. His chest ached from all the running he felt his heart would burst out of his body. He held back tears as the void only got emptier, no more outlines, he felt MORE alone now.

he has gotten away from the whispers of the alternate, but now it's too quiet.

He tripped, unable to run anymore. His eyes wide he felt rivers of tears streaming down his face. Can't breathe.. He shook his head trying to bring himself to continue running. He looked around, he was alone now he wouldn't be able to find his way back to Cesar and Mark. This was not real. This had to be a bad dream.

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