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*5 minutes later*
I still sit on the toilet and look on my arm.  I just look at the blood that comes out of the scar, not knowing what I should do. It's getting more and more. It never was so much. It floats down on my arm and it's dripping down on the floor.
The bathroom door opens and someone steps in.
It's the voice of Miss Romanoff, but I don't respond. My mind is to blurry, I just watch the blood that is coming more and more out.
Miss y/l/n I know that you are here. Detention with me is not that bad"
She laughs but I am still not responding. My eyes are getting heavy but I try to keep them open.
You need to stop the blood but I can't. I want to stop the blood I don't have power enough.
Miss Romanoff is now walking to my toilet door.
„Y/l/n I know that you are in this toilet so open the god damn door"
I am still watching the blood. More and more drops down on the floor and gets in the rim  between the tiles.

Romanoffs Pov

I walk in the classroom, still thinking about Y/n s words. I rode her file yesterday and saw that her name is Y/n Y/l/n.
Then I see her again. She looks so good in her purple dress and her smell is unforgettable. But I need to concentrate on the lesson. I walk infront of the class, thinking about how I can get y/n in detention for this afternoon.
It is mean but I know how bad she is in Russian so I say:
Good morning class, we start with the vocabulary of the last year. Now anyone should stand up"

I walk through the class with there old Russian book until her and a girl are the last ones standing.

Автострада, автомагистраль"
I look to the other girl waiting for her answer.
Suddenly y/n answers
I look at her in disbelieve. The word was car road. But how can she know that it means something with car? Yesterday she didn't even know what Привет means.
Wrong" I say while the other girl says the correct answer. I look at y/ns face. Does she have tears in her eyes? I start to feel guilty for not saying something. She looks down and a tears rolls down her cheek. Oh god I never wanted to make her cry!
I automatically ask her if everything is okey not even think about that we aren't alone. Now the hole class is starring at her and she storms out of the room. Oh no.
Well Uhm open your pages book, I mean open you book page 34"
I need to hurry and give them tasks so I can look after y/n
After 10 minutes I can finally left the classroom. I run to the toilets, knowing that I could find her there.
„Y/l/n" I ask carefully
Miss y/l/n I know that you are here. Detention with me is not that bad"
I laugh nervously. I have the feeling something bad is happening.
„Y/l/n I know that you are in this toilet so open the god damn door" I get nervous. She didn't responded and I pray to god that she is just mad at me. I wait infront of the door thinking about what I could do now, then I see it. My heart is stoping when I see the red water that is coming out of the cabin. Blood.
Y/n! Y/n what is happening. Shit please open the door! Y/n open the door" I start panicking and start to shake the door.
Somehow I can unlock it. I open the door and see y/n in the toilet sitting, her arm full with blood.
What happend?

Yn pov:

I sit there while Miss Romanoff starts to scream something and shakes the door. She unlocks it and opens it. She looks at me and I closed my eyes. I am so fucked up.
„Y/n... y/n please stay with me"
She says and holds my head. I open my eyes again.
„You scared me!"
She says
She helps me out of the toilet and to the washbasin. She puts my arm under cold water and washes the blood away. After that she gets some napkins and wraps it around my arm.
My eyes get wet again and I start to cry.
„Shhhhh it's okey. It's okey little girl" she say and starts hugging me. She is warm and smells like strawberry's. I hug her back tight.
„What happend Сладость?"

Сладость? Is she Russian? That would explain her beautiful accent.
I- I was just angry"

„That doesn't explain the scar with blood."

„That was just because I ran into the toilets and were so mad that I crashed into the wall."

but why are you so angry? You know that the other had 3 more years Russian than you"

„I know but... I stood up this morning at 4 am to study some Russian. I wanted to impress you"
I look down
But it didn't worked"
I look at her again and she smiles softly.
You learned Russian to impress me?"
She hugs me again
You're so sweet Y/n"
She says
Y/n? You know my name?"
She looks at me
Oh Uhm... yea I do. I hope it's not a problem"
„No not at all"
That's good. Not that you think we are more than just teacher and students"
She say while laughing.
That hit more than everything she Sayed to me.
But I need to act with it!
Yes of course! That would be dumb! I mean you are a good teacher but I wouldn't love you or some shit like that"
I fake laugh.
You can see Y/n she doesn't like you at all. Except that!

xX Hey guys! How are you? I hope you likes this chapter! I've already wrote until chapter 7 because I have next week 3 exams and so now time to write and I promise you that it's getting a bit hotte.
See you soon <3 Xx

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