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*a few days later*

After a long school day of 10 hours I am done. Why does school need to be soo long?
I take my bag and knock on Natasha's door.

Come in?"
Only her voice made my mood better. I enter the room and smile at her.

how lovely"
She says and smiles too. I walk to her desk and get a second Chair.

Is there any special reason why you are here?"

„No... just wanted to see you again"

„Are you alright?"

„Yea just in a bad mood"

For a second she just looks at me but than she starts to smile again.
She claps on her lap two times

Come here little one"

She doesn't need to say me this twice. I sit on her lap and cuddle with her. She gives me a kiss and stars caressing my head.

I just love you so much"

I say and hug her tighter.

I love you too darling"

We just sit there for minutes. Until the door snatches open. I push her away and let myself crash on the floor. It did hurt but I just hoped the one who entered didn't recognised anything.

Uhm Hi Miss Romanoff, and Y/n?"

„oh hello Miss jones. You're here because of the meeting right? I will come!"
Natasha turns to me

Sorry Y/n but we need to repeat the Grammar on another day. And please, be so kind and look that you don't slip on the wet floor again. I don't want a corpse in my room"

„O- Okey"
I say and step as fast as I could out.

Did she regonised something? I hope not.

When I lay in bed this night I have made a decision.
For our safety we shouldn't communicate in school besides in lesson. So I write a Short Message

 So I write a Short Message

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*next day*

I run to my car, knowing that I will be late. When I drive to school I could freak out. The most important road to my school is closed because of building works. The diversion needed like 30 minutes so I barely came to my second hour.


When I go into Natasha's classroom I feel strange. We were the only ones yet. We make eye contact and I look on my notes again. I feel her eyes on me and it's even harder to not look at her.
When I slowly peek on her I see that she tills her head and raises one eyebrow.

That was kinda hot-
For god sake you're in school!

But even 5 minutes later the others won't come. She stills looks at me. I close my eyes, breath out and look in her eyes.

Where are the others?"

„Oh they won't come"
She says while starring on my lips


„Because I want you!"
She says and locks the door. She pulls me up and into a kiss. During that she goes with her hand into my pants.

How much I liked it, I know it isn't right. I gently push her away.

Nat we aren't allowed to do that!"

„I couldn't care less"
She says and pulls me Into a kiss again but I push her a second time away.

But I care. I don't want someone to fire you because of our relationship"

„I don't ca-„

„Stop it Natasha. We won't do this in school anymore, okey?"
I say. She looks a bit sad but covers it with anonymen.

Good. Than now please leave this room!"
I pack my things and walk out. I know she doesn't wanted that and hoped that I will stop and kiss her but we can't. She is to important for me than I could lose her.

When I walk out the school, Miss jones comes to me.

Hey Y/n, wait a second."
I stop walking


„I just wanted to ask you what this yesterday was?"
I fell how I start to sweat

Wh- What do you mean?"

„You and Miss Romanoff"

„We just made some vocabulary"

„Wasn't it grammar?"
Oh shoot

Yea. Yea first vocabulary and than grammar"
She look at me suspiciously

well than good night"
I say and walk out.

It's 7 pm when I arrive at my car. I needed 15 minutes to walk to the parking lot because I was so nervous.

Why does school need to be so long? I mean it's freaking 7 pm.

I start the engine but it doesn't work.

Oh hell nah"
I try it again, again , again and again but it doesn't work.

You little bastard shit, I swear to god of you don't work immediately I will kill you!"
But nothing happend. Well looks like I need to sleep in my car, I thought quietly.

Ok I am honest:

Was my real reaction.

I get to my back seats and get my backpack as my pillow. I couldn't even turn on the heating I roll myself in and try to warm myself.

Natasha's pov:

She was right. It is really dangerous. We can still chat and see each others on the week ends.

I need to apologise to her tomorrow immediately.
I step out of the school and get into my car.

7:56 pm

I turn on my engine and drive to the exit of the parking lot, when I see Y/ns car.

Why is Y/n still here? Did she walked home? Or does she meet with this stupid Miss jones again?! OR DID SHE GET KIDNAPPED?!

I get out of the car and run to hers. Luckily I see her on the back seats. I bang on her window. She startles and opens the door.

Fucking hell Nat you made me a heart attack!"


„Why? I just lay in my car"

„I thought you got kidnapped!"

„Nat, really?"

„Yes! The world is dangerous Y/n! But why are you still here?"

„My engine is broken, it's to cold for it."

„So you think: hey I will sleep in my car and get sick or what?"

„I didn't thought about that"


„And now?"

„Get in my car"

„What? No what if someone sees us-„

„I said get into my car!"
I scream

She is making me insane!
Thankfully she finally did.

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