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When I come back home after school (9 pm I had sooo much lessons) I literally run in my room, locking for the Shirt.
When I finally find it I am already exited for school tomorrow.
I lay it on my desk with normal trousers. She said I Should wear normal trousers, but she didn't sayed something about shirts. Happy and with excitement for tomorrow I go into bed.

This will be fun!

7 o'clock.
My alarm clock starts to ring but I am already awake. After 6 am I couldn't sleep anymore, because of all the excitement that goes trough my body. I get the trouser and the shirt and dress myself. I go into the bathroom making me ready and looking in the mirror. Gosh she will be more than angry! Luckily I have just englisch and Russian today. The day is always the best because I just have 4 hours of school.
I take a Jacket and leave the house.
I drove to school and put the jacket over.
No one should see the suprise before Russian.

Finally, after 2 hours of just waiting for Russian the bell rings and I run out to Russian. I am so exited. I go in the first row again and throw away my jacket. After I realised I throw it in the bin I quickly get it and put it over my chair.
Don't be so nervous, you got this!
Omg she is coming!!!!

Miss Romanoffs pov:

I walk into the Russian class of Y/n, still thinking about yesterday. The way she smells and she looks like makes me crazy. I walk to my desk and look at the class. I see y/n and my mind is stopping to work. She wears a White t shirt with the letters:
„Free the nipples."
She doesn't do that isn't she?!
I look at the class and back at y/n again.
Good morning"
I say try not to stare at her.
With the white shirt you could see her nipples. She isn't even wearing a bra under it.

But when she takes out the water bottle I couldn't stand it anymore. She drinks something and acts like she „accidentally spilled"
Now I could see her whole boobs.
I couldn't else that starre at them.

I would do anything to touch or see them without her shirt!
Natasha stop that she is your student. But what a student she is. I couldn't Else than think about her the whole lesson.

Ten minutes before lessons end I hand her secretly a piece of paper:

Ten minutes before lessons end I hand her secretly a piece of paper:

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Y/n pov:

I think it worked!
She started at me, or better at my boobs and couldn't get herself anymore!
Oh thanks god for this really bad Tv show and this really dumb Phase to create shirts!
She walks pas me still starting at me and hands me secretly a piece of paper!

Come to me after the lesson. Just keep sitting.

Okey I think I made her mad. But that was totally worth it!

After lesson I keep sitting while acting like I would pack my things, just needing long.
She walks to the door and looks it. After that she closes the curtain and turns around to me.
I stand up and go to her desk.
She doesn't say anything but keeps starting at me,  but now into my face. I couldn't interpret her face so I was just standing there, waiting for her something to say.

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