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The next day she gets a suspicious call. She gets nervous after that and says that I need to leave, because she needs to go somewhere. She isn't lieing but she doesn't tell where she needs to go.

I text her message after message but she doesn't read them. After a while they don't even get delivered.
I start getting worried and decide to drive to her house. When I rang the doorbell no one opens.

I get the emergency key and enter the house. After going through the house 16 times I get out again. She isn't here. I drive back home, still having a bad feeling.

When I go to school after the break she isn't even in school. We had another teacher. She didn't knew either why she isn't here.

I run out of the room feeling how my heart gets heavier and heavier.
That when Miss jones comes to me.

Hey, are you alright?"

„Yes and no. Where is Miss Romanoff? I need to ask here something really important!!"

„Oh honey she got fired."

What? She got fired? Why?


„Don't worry darling"

„Stop calling me that, I have a girlfriend"
Suddenly her face changes. Her warm smile gets into a cold view.

Oh I know. It was pretty obviously! But after I told the director what is going on between you and Miss Romanoff she got fired"

She is the reason why Natasha is gone?

You little piece of shit!"
I scream while running to my car.
I call Natasha but she doesn't answers the phone. I talk on her mailbox while crying, how sorry I was and that I miss her. Even that we could do this together but she doesn't call back. I drive to her house, she isn't there.

After 3 weeks of just sitting on the bed while crying and eating ice cream my grieve turns into anger.

Why did she just left me?
She didn't even said goodbye

I start hating her. I get all of the things she ever gave me and throw them out of the window.

Okey a few second later I run down and get them again, but I get them on the Attic.

All the photos I had and everything that made me think of her goes on the attic.

I start to get over it. At least I act like it. I can go to school normally and live normal again. I just think of her all the time and nights I can't sleep without her. Always when I fall into sleep I dream of her, her pretty eyes, her beautiful body, her laugh, her voice, her smell even her warm smile.

After months of grieve and anger I finally made a decision. I will drive to a town, far far away. There I will go to party's and enjoy my life.

When I arrive there I get into a bar. There are many people and I make new friends. I need to commit, I drink pretty heavily. I get to my car, drunk, when I bumb into a girl.

Whoops sorry"
I say. When I look into her eyes my heart drops. It's Natasha. She is here with a blond girl. Wow. This is the reason why she left me. For this ugly (she was beautiful but I don't care) rate.

Seriously?! You bitch, leaving me for another womanly without even saying something"
I almost falls because I am to drunk. I still hold my bottle vodka in my hand. I take a big sip.

At least my vodka is still here, traitor"
I say and continue walking. Well falling would describe the situation a bit better.

Y/n wait!"
I turn around again.

This is all a big misunderstanding"

„Pshhhhh! It's okey you can have another woman! At least one of us is happy. Well maybe we both are. You with these girl and me with my friend."
I take a big sip of me „friend" again and the bottle is empty

well, looks like this is also a traitor"
I let the bottle fall and almost crash into the floor again. I start walking again when I hear Natasha following me.

Y/n what are you doing? You can't handle even a glass of wine!"
I arrive at my car and look at her again. I stretch my arms out like I am some sort of god.

Wrong. 2 bottles vodka and I am still standing"
Well I was standing before my feet's couldn't hold me anymore. This time I really crash on the floor.

Wow. From down here the sky is even more beautiful"
I say and look up to the sky.

Well, goodbye"
I say and get into my car.

Natasha's pov:

I walk down the road when a drunk girl walks towards us. When she gets closer I see it's Y/n. My heart immediately starts to beat faster. I haven't seen her in ages!

But when she sees me she isn't as exited as I am. After talking something I just could understand the half of it she walks away. I follow her. She smelled like she had drunk alcohol. That's strange because she hates alcohol. She just likes wine but that didn't smelled like a glass of wine.

I follow her until we arrive at her car. She tell me how she had drunk 2 bottles of vodka and gets into her car. Is she crazy or something? I pull her out of the car and get her into mine. She falls asleep and I drive to my new house. Since I moved away I missed her so much. I always need to look at her while driving. I don't want her to wake up.

So this is Y/n?!"



„Yea I also don't know what happend. Normally she doesn't even drink a glass of wine"

„Well maybe because you just left her?!"

„I couldn't else! This freaking Miss jones told the director everything he called the police. If I had spoken to her the last 4 months I would be in Prison right now?"

„You still love her right?"

„Of course I do, more than everything, Yelena"

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