Part Ten - Love

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When the next round of viewings started getting ready for, I remembered the deal that I had with Erik, and wondered if it were even still valid at this point. I decided to play it safe and pretend to sprain my ankle falling down the steps. Raoul was the first to find me and carried me to my room. I had "sprained" it the night before so Christine had all of the next day to prepare.

In addition, I had received two offers from one of the Opera Houses I had applied to, finally. They wanted to offer me room and board, plus the Prima Donna for their next Opera. The pay was only slightly less, but I was pretty certain I would take the offer. They also offered me a place in the chorus, but of course I was only interested in the Prima Donna role, only to take the chorus if I didn't make the role for the next show. Soon I can be out of his hair and we can both be happy. After all, he clearly seemed all for my departure the last we spoke.

When the performance started, I opted to go to the roof. Raoul invited me to sit with him during the performance, but to be honest I just wasn't interested. I sat on one of the gargoyle pedestals on the roof and read my book. It was getting dark quickly, but it was a clear night and the moonlight was enough to make out the words. Snow was just beginning to fall, but it rarely bothered me much.

I had brought up a blanket to help keep me warm, and I kept reading.

About an hour into reading, I heard the roof door click as if it were opening. I quickly went to the side of the gargoyle and crouched down to see who it was.



Raoul was right behind her.

I backed up slowly until I hit someone else. I almost screamed, but when I turned around it was Erik, he gave me a shushing motion with his hand and went on to staring at Christine and Raoul through the gargoyle.

Christine was once again frightened beyond belief. I wondered what spooked her so much.

"Raoul, I've seen him. Can I ever forget that sight? Can I ever escape from that face? So distorted, deformed, it was hardly a face in that darkness...darkness..."

I winced at the talk of Erik's face, and glanced over at him. He did not look happy in the slightest. His eyes were broken and his face was angry.

I looked back at them, and Raoul was now consoling her, singing to her. And it turned into a confession of love. Christine reciprocated the feelings, and they sang together. They kissed, and loved each other. They then left, I presume, to finish the Opera.

When they left, Erik walked over to a Rose that must have been dropped by Christine. it had a black ribbon on it just like the one I had received last week, which told me Erik had given me that rose. I was so extremely confused when it came to his feelings.

He fell to his knees beside it, and I could see him cry a little. I walked over to him and kneeled next to him.

I placed my hand on his shoulder in comfort and watched him crush the rose beside his face.

"Erik..." I murmured leaning over him, trying to comfort him. In the distance, I heard them singing more to each other and Eric started shaking in emotions.

"I gave her my music. Made her song take wing, and now, how she's repaid me. Denied me and betrayed me..." he looked up at the sky.

It had been 4 weeks since I had seen this man, but it hurt so much to see him so broken. I adjusted myself to be in front of him, and just hugged him. I tried to hug the pain away and show him the compassion he had never received. I wanted to bandage his heart.

He was stunned at first, and stiff. But he slowly accepted the hug and hugged me back.

It was silent for a long time. Probably ten minutes of me hugging him and rubbing his back. He rested his face in my hair. He didn't cry, but I could feel soft weeps on his back at times.

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