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" I don't think he would want to meet you." Aya Ryuguji would say this whenever her classmates wanted to meet her older brother. Some girls in her class found him hot(saying things like "I really want a bad boy boyfriend!!" or "I know it's bad, but... he's kinda cute! *giggle*"), others found him scary and wanted nothing to do with him. She understood fearing him, but liking him... not understandable.

Why would anyone want to deal with him? He was never there, always in fights, and plus, he took care of that energetic kid more than he ever took care Eiji and Kai(her other brothers, they were younger). She could barely stand being in the same room as him.

When they were little, they were close. But as the years went by, their paths seperated.


"Aya-chan!" One of her classmates shouted, Aya turned her head. The classmate- Haruka- was running towards her.

"Haruka-chan, calm down..." Aya sighed, she had just got Kai into his elementary school after a tantrum, now she had to deal with the selfie and boy-crazed Haruka? Her luck was pretty much non-existent now.

"Hehe, sorry. Anyways, I was thinking about boy's last night-" oh, really? plot twist. "- and I began to want a deliquent boyfriend, someone to protect me, y'know? And then I remembered you! And I was like "Well, Aya has a deliquent brother, maybe she knows some of his friends!" because dating your friend's brother is so weird and gross, y'know? So, like, please?" Haruka clasped her hands together, giving Aya puppy-dog eyes. Aya only deadpanned.

"I don't..." -like my brother, why would I talk to his friends? " know any of my brother's friends. I steer away from deliquents, most of the time. Sorry..." She scratched the back of her head, trying to give a sheepish and apologetic expression. Haruka was getting on her nerves...

"Aww! That's too bad! Oh well." Haruka pouted, before going back to her usual peppiness. "Hey, do you think I can ask Takahashi-kun out by Friday?"

One of these days, I'm going to learn how you do that... "I'm sure. You're pretty much irresistible." to not punch.

"Aww, thank you, Aya-senpai!"

" How many times do I have to say this, we are the same age!"

"But it's a cute nickname!" Haruka blinked twice, a smile plastered on her face. Aya rolled her eyes and sped up in fear of Haruka deciding Ken was an option in the dating game she seemed to play.


School was only the time between being home, and not being home. Of course, the idea of a 'home' is a rather vague idea for Aya, but she would rather be doing the girls skin care and gushing about some romance manga or anime with them rather than spend 7 hours learning, another hour studying with her school friends, and then deal with her brothers. But responsibilities always exist, no matter how much you hold them off.

Maybe she should be thankful for some consistency in her life, but sometimes it was just... boring. Wake up, get ready, help Kai get ready, say goodbye to the girls, get Eiji and Kai out the door, drop Kai off at elementary, try to avoid Haruka, eventually succumb to the fact she cannot, watch Eiji run away for his life when Haruka shows up, get to school, study, study, study, and then go to art club, study... with friends(!), then go home with Kai and Eiji, get dinner, then ignore Ken and his stupid friends, and finally sleep.

"I hate geography..." Izuru, one of Aya's desk neighbor, groaned, doing the homework Aya assumed was due next class.

"You mean geometry?" Aya asked, leaning over. She was already done with her work, why should she not help a friend out with some math?

"I mean geography." Izuru showed her a map. It had been due the last class.

"My prowess is now useless. I am now sitting my ass right back on my seat and never look over at that again." Aya turned her head in disgust.

" Now who will help me?!" Izuru cried.

"God, perhaps."

"Wake me up when its all over-"


Aya wandered the halls, looking for Hinata Tachibana. She always gave the Tachibana girl sweets during lunch, but the girl was not in her class.

"Hey, Hiroto-kun, where's Tachibana-chan?" She asked one of her underclassmen. Hiroto had a slight crush on Tachibana so he knew would know if she passed him in the hallway.

"Well- uhm- she's pretty mad..." He stuttered out, a bead of sweat running down his face. She couldn't tell if it was from Tachibana or herself, but Ken's deliquent fame was working in her favor, as Hiroto shook slightly.

Aya only raised an eyebrow. "I asked where she is, not how she is. Where is she?"

"Near the lockers..." He scurried off. Aya sighed, but walked to the stairs anyways.


"Tachibana!" She shouted, some students turned to her.

"W-hat do you want with Tachibana-san?! Huh?" A boy, probably in Tachibana's class, interrogated. Aya held up a bag of sweets.

"To give these to her."

"Tachibana-san isn't a lesbian- atleast I think- so don't bother!" He declared. She stared at him, dead in the eyes, and shook the bag. 'Dude, she literally has a boyfriend. Why would I think she was gay?'

"Sorry." He pointed down the hall. "She's over there. With some deliquents and her boyfriend."

"Huh. Thanks, I guess." Aya brushed past him and contiued her treacherous quest of giving Tachibana yummy food.

A few spectators blocked her view at the end of the hall, but she could see a glimpse of Tachibana's hair and a far too familiar tattoo on a familiar, abnormally tall boy's head. The tall boy in question would be her brother, Ken.

Pushing someone to the side, Aya was given a clearer view of the event. Tachibana was yelling at some short boy Aya had seen visit Ken before and Ken, while holding Hanagaki's hand and protecting him. A brave and heroic move if Tachibana was dealing with some average middle school deliquent. Reckless and unnecessary in the situation.

"What's going on?" She whispered to the person next to her.

"I think Takemitchi is being beat up by those other two blondies!" The student whispered-yelled. Aya nodded as a thanks, and then stepped out of the crowd.

"Tachibana! I brought some sweets! Hanagaki can join, too!" She shouted, gaining everyone's attention.

"A-aya-san! When did you get here?" Hanagaki yelped, nervous beads of sweat trickling down his forehead.

A smarter person than Aya would have quickly intervened and grabbed Tachibana and Hanagaki in seconds. Unfortunately, Aya was not that smart in social settings.

"Why are so nervous?" She asked, enjoying seeing her brother get pissed out of the corner of her eye.

Hanagaki's entire face seemed to be screaming, "HUH?!" as Aya fought the urge to start laughing. Tachibana even interrupted her rant to turn around to see Aya.

"Aya-san!" She shouted. Aya waved, the bag of sweets in her other hand.

"...Aya?" Ken mumbled, glaring down at his sister. She pretended he wasn't there.

"C'mon! These might get stale while you two waste time!" She grabbed Hanagaki's and Tachibana's shoulders and turned them around. She began pushing them to the stairs

"Wait a minute!" Hanagaki held out a hand to stop her. "You don't have to intervene, Aya-san!"

"Intervene..? What do you mean?" She seemingly asked obliviously, but with the knowledge of the future, Hanagaki saw past the facade to the annoyance Aya felt.

She despises her brother and deliquents that much? He thought. I'm pretty sure I'm on thin ice too...

"I'm not intervening anything, or a have I got it wrong?" Aya continued.

"You've got it wrong." A hand reached out and grabbed her shoulder

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