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Aya walked with Haruka after she dropped off Eiji and Kai.

Aya's thoughts were full of panic after her interaction with Mikey. She wanted advice, thank god she knew Haruka.

She had only seen the boy crazy girl interact with her boyfriend a few times. It was clear that Haruka was good at relationships. Aya was not.

"I think I messed up," she said. Haruka looked at her.

"Is this about the deliquent boy?" she asked.

"Yeah..." Aya cringed at the upcoming conversation.


Mikey had decided to skip school that day. He was planning to go steal Takemitchy and make the boy pay for his snacks. However, a familiar girl took his attentions.

He wasn't close to Aya and her friend, but he could hear them.

He couldn't help but watch his best friend's sister. He always felt a little guilty whenever he did so, but ever since that night they bumped into each other in the hallway he couldn't help himself. He would pester Draken to bring Aya along, pretending to say he wanted more hands to hold his snacks. It was not for that reason.

Aya was an interesting person. She took care of her younger brothers and occasionally her older brother. She also reacted the most out of everyone he knew to his teasing. At first, he thought it might have been shock. Then he did he teased her again, her blushy face and frantic attempt to avoid eye contact told him it was more.

It was just that morning when she confirmed his suspicions. Her heartbeat, blushing, attempt to seem annoyed; it all made him think she liked him.

He couldn't say he wasn't interested in her. He could say that her mere presence made him ten times happier and that he would do anything for her. Her My Melody hoodie: adorable. The pink gradient in her hair that somehow managed to make her look even more sweet: diabetes sweet. How easily she was flustered yet how desperately she tried to fight back: he was kicking his feet and giggling.

He had to instigate multiple fights a week to get his mind off her. He couldn't think about her when he had to think about punching a dude's nose in, although he still managed to occasionally wonder how she would think of him. He would continue as she was in his thoughts again.

Unfortunately, when he tried to shoot his shot that morning just before they all left, he was rejected.

It wasn't a terrible rejection, maybe she still liked him. However, he wanted to be closer to her. He wanted to hold her in his arms and kiss her forehead, her nose, and then fall asleep with her with their limbs intertwined every night. He wanted her to patch his scratches and clean the blood off his knuckles after a fight like a personal nurse. He wanted to be next to her all the time like a bodyguard, but a bodyguard who was a big fan of PDA.

But did she want that? He had no clue.

He wasn't stupid. He knew there was a possibility she lied, but why would she? He wasn't shy about showing her affection, just that morning he hugged her like they were a married couple that had a day off and didn't want to be seperated from each other for longer than two minutes. He also knew she was smart, she had to have known how he felt, right?

"I think I messed up..." Aya said. He immediately payed attention.

"Is this about the deliquent boy?" her friend asked. Mikey perked up, Aya had talked to her friends about him?

"Yeah..." Aya mumbled, sounding a little embarrassed.

"I was so shocked when I found out you liked him, but go ahead, what did the great Aya-senpai do that she thinks ruined her love life?" Her friend laughed.

His eyes widened when he realized what Aya's friend said. "-you liked him," the friend had said. He wanted to grab her and tell her exactly how he felt, and finally kiss her. But he also wanted to see how Aya would respond and if she wanted to actually date him.

"We're the same age! ... but he asked me if I liked him jokingly-" 'It was not a joke,' Mikey thought. "- and I said I didn't want a relationship..."

"Do you?" her friend asked. Mikey almost asked it, too.

Aya inhaled and exhaled before she began to reply. "I... I would not mind a relationship... if it was him."

Her friend gasped and giggled excitedly. Mikey empathized with that reaction. If he wasn't wanting to know if she had more to say, he would've done the same.

"Do you want to kiss him?" her friend asked, hands over her mouth.

He could imagine Aya's blush and how she would look around as she tried to formulate a vague answer. He watched her slump a little as she realized she couldn't. "I do..."

"Do you want to hug him?"


"Do you want to sleep in the same bed as him?"


"That's not a 'no'. Okay, do you want to slowly kiss him as you sit on his motorcycle in an empty park after an amazing date and as you too move away from each other you immediately move back and share on last kiss before he drives you back home?"

Aya didn't respond. He couldn't either.

It wasn't a bad idea to him. In fact, that sounded exactly like something he would want to do.

"So?" her friend said.

Aya lowered her head, having one last quiet second before she answered. "I wouldn't be upset if that happened..."

Mikey smiled so hard he had to purposefully try to lessen his smile or his face would hurt.

He decided to leave the two alone, although they weren't aware he was there. He wasn't going to go school, but he was planning to do something enjoyable.


Aya leaned back, regretting what she said even more. Haruka laughed at the girl's state because she knew exactly why Aya was staring at the ceiling like she suffered a terrible loss and not a mildly embarrassing and inconvenient mess up.

"Why...?" Izuru pointed at Aya.

"She's becoming the age where she gets crushes on real life boys!" Haruka whispered-yelled to Izuru.

He nodded gravely, as if Haruka said that Aya was deathly sick.

"No dating until you are 80 years old!" Izuru lectured Aya like a dad..

She let out a shriek-groan as she hit her head on her desk. "Be quiettttttt..."

He was very surprised. "I thought you were trying to set her up with someone... is she...?" He made a heart with his hand. Haruka nodded. Izuru faked a gasp.

"I can still kind of see you two!" Aya grumbled at them, hiding the rest of her face with her arms.

"Its fine, Aya. These feelings are natural." Izuru patted her back.

"ThEsE fEeLInGs aRE nATurAl," she repeated in a high pitched voice, continuing to try to hide herself.

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