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Aya woke up that morning and had only a minute, a very blissful minute, before she remembered the events of the day prior. Her face turned red as she decided to fall back into her bed, deciding sleep, permanent or not, was a much better option than spending the day remembering how embarrassing you were.

Then she realized her responsibilities were too important to ignore and slowly rolled out of bed, barely letting go of her blanket before she was on the ground. She, for a second, wondered if she should go back to bed on the floor.


Nevermind, the children are screaming and her day is ruined.

"What?" she asked them when she finally got off the floor to investigate the screaming of Kai.

"Ken took my fork." Kai pointed at the blonde who was peacfully eating his breakfast, despite Kai's "inside" voice.

"You don't have a specific fork. What do you need it for?" Aya grabbed out another fork from the drawer, about to hand it to her younger brother.

"Cereal," he answered.

The fork was suddenly back in the drawer. Where it belonged, far away and safe from the war crimes of Kai Ryuguji.

Aya grabbed out a spoon for her younger brother and walked a little faster than usually back to her bedroom so she could ready for school or running away, either one.


"Goodmorning, Haruka." Aya smiled seeing her classmate. Despite her annoyance with Haruka, Aya legitimately was glad the girl was there. The sudden change in heart towards Mikey made her feel like everything was going to change, she was not in the mental space to deal with her life flipping upside down. Haruka's romance adventures made all of Aya's anxiety seem so simple and unnecessary for a while. It was just a nice break to listen to someone who sucks with romance like you, although Haruka sucked specifically at being loyal and... a good girlfriend.

Most of the time. Aya was both glad and somewhat disappointed to hear that Haruka's current romantic prospect was actually engaging the boy crazed girl. She seemed actually happy about this boy, despite her immediate wish to find a more deliquenty deliquent to date while also getting together with Daisuke.

"How about you?" Haruka asked. Aya felt her skin leap off her body, terrified of the possibility Haruka would get her answer through some ungodly mind games. "Don't look so scared! All I heard was that weird blonde-bad boy-wannabe talk about a boy named Mikey and you. Isn't that guy..." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "...a deliquent?"

"Leader of Toman," Aya said without really thinking. She was in shock for a few seconds that she would make a Freudian Slip. She honestly just wanted to say "He is" and leave it at that but apparently her mouth decided to go into further detail.

Haruka was also shocked, but not for the reason Aya was. Haruka was shocked because Aya had an actual physical crush on an actual living person. Not a little crush, the normally stoic- occasionally frazzled while tired- Ryuguji girl was crushing hard and strong on the president of the biggest deliquent gang in their area.

"I... hope he likes you too..." Haruka ended up saying.

The walk to school was quiet, both girls moving without much thought. Aya cringing over herself and Haruka amazed at the thought her friend actually liked someone- not a fictional someone either.


Aya decided to eat lunch alone. Her mind was running faster than she could process her thoughts. She was going to get a headache from them. At this point, she hoped Mikey didn't like her back so he could tell her and her crush would dwindle. She was so distracted that day she barely paid attention. Thank god there were no tests.

The rest of the day ended quickly, or maybe she just blanked out for most of it. She barely noticed it when Eiji and Kai joined her for their walk home.


Her bedroom was very tempting to stay in as she heard the familiar voice of Mikey.

Her face turned red immediately as she paced around her room. She mentally yelled at herself for being so cliché and, to be honest, cringey. Why was she acting like the heroine in an shojo anime with a cool, dark, edgy tsundere male lead? She casually hit herself with a pillow before grabbing clothes to change into.


She only left her room when she heard Eiji and Kai knocking on her door to watch her TV. She let them in, turned on the show they wanted and left. It was a rather kiddy show with lots of high pitched screaming and overreactions that she didn't feel like listening to.

She decided she wanted something to eat, it was around dinner time.

Ken was snacking on chips with two other boys. One was Mikey, who waved at her with an innocent smile when she entered. The other was a boy with purple hair and piercings who waved at her as well, even though it was evident he didn't know who she was. She didn't know he was either so she wasn't upset.

"Aya? Hey, you don't mind if we eat some of your leftover onigiri you made, right?" Ken asked. Aya froze.

She knew they already ate her onigiri. The purple haired boy looked apalled.

"Those were hers?" he asked to Ken.

She sighed, they had ate her onigiri. Her amazing, salted salmon onigiri which she made in adorable animal shapes to give to Eiji and Kai for a snack that week. They were gone, all gone.

"When I write "For Eiji and Kai" on the tupperware, I mean "For Eiji and Kai". Not "For Ken and his friends"," she berated her older brother a bit as she searched in the fridge for a quick meal. There was some salted salmon leftover and she knew she had rice and eggs. She always made sure there was some vegetables which could just be thrown in with any meal at all time. She found carrots and mushrooms.

"Aya, what are you making?" Mikey asked, looking over the counter to see what she had collected.

"Fried rice," she answered, grabbing all the utensils she needed.

"Can I have some when you're done?" he asked. She turned and saw the blinding sparkles in his eyes.

"Sure, I'll make extra." She put more rice into the bowl.

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