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"You're sick," Ken told her.

After he had got home, Eiji had forced him to see what was wrong with Aya. He checked her temperature with his wrist and almost gasped at the heat.

"How didn't you pass out?" He stared down at her in bewitchment.

"Honestly, I don't know..." She fell back onto her chair, readjusting the cold cloth on her forehead.

"Just... rest." He walked out the room, presumably to go to a Toman meaning. It reminded her of all the times his vice captain responsibilities got in the way when finally, finally they were becoming closer. By the next morning, they already fallen back into ignoring each other or arguing. She doubted this time would be different.

Kai entered. "Ken said to give you some water." He held up a water glass. "We didn't have any soup, so he's getting dinner with his friend and bringing it all back home."

"Thanks Kai." Aya carefully grabbed the glass and took a sip, her fingers brushing her face by accident. She then realized how really warm she was at the moment. "Can you go make Eiji study? Tell him I told you to do so."

"Okay. Rest, sissy!" He ran out of her room and immediately yelled at Eiji.

She put her glass down and flopped on her bed. She could barely focus on words, so reading was out of the list of things to do. She had already watched all her anime CDs. So what was left was to think.

Ken's out getting food, huh? That's honestly nice of him. But unusual...

She sighed and rolled over. How was she so tired yet so restless? Was it the interruption of her normal schedule? Or her brother's shift in attitude?

Oh well, it'll pass by morning. Like all the other times.


"What the $*#& is that?" Aya asked Ken when he came home. She had gotten up from her nap and felt better, so she went out into the hallway. The first thing she saw was some food, then she saw a member of Toman. The Toman guy was shorter than average and had bleached hair, with a gleam in his eyes that made Aya insanely wary.

"Don't you like this restaurant?" Ken asked, holding up a bag of food.

"Yeah, it's the best."

"Then what are you complaining about...?"

Aya pointed at the Toman member. "That."

He seemed childish, but he suddenly narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean by that?" He asked as he walked closer to Aya, slowly. She didn't dare speak nor move.

"I mean, you couldn't possible be talking about... me?" He was far too close, so she did what she had to.


He backed up immediately, but Ken walked forward.

Scared. She was kinda- really- scared. Ken had certainly never hit her or any of their siblings. But he was still known for his fighting capabilities. The other guy looked small, but she could guess he was good in a fight too. Not one cell in her body would willingly fight either- or both- of them.

Turning on her foot, she turned around and went to Kisa's room. Food didn't sound as good as it did before.


"Huh? Aya-chan?" Takara cocked her head to the left. "Where's your food?"

"Not hungry." Aya kneeled down on the floor.

Before she could fully sit, Kisa was already beckoning her. "Here, sit on the bed! We want to do skin care!" Kisa aggressively slapped her bed. Aya let out a exasperated breath and sat on the edge of the bed. Kisa forced some skin products into her hands and Aya set to work.

First she did Kisa's skincare. Kisa had dry and sensitive skin, so she stayed far away from aggressive products. It was fairly simple, due to not having to take away excess oil, instead, add them. Then Aya did Takara's, which included basic products like cleanser, moisturizer, and some acne treatment. Next up was Akari, who needed to have her face exfoliated, dabbed with toner, and oiled so she could go asleep. Last was Hana, who just needed some makeup applied to go to her client with. As she did all their skincare, she talked about what had just happened in the hallway.

"I think I can safely escape right now," Aya said as she set in Hana's makeup.

"You're being so dramatic about this, Aya-chan!" Takara giggled behind her hand.

"I just slapped that kid with the blonde hair in a half ponytail. He looks scary and Ken seems to be protectibe over him..." Aya mumbled as she put everything away. She had just finished zipping the bag up when she realized it was silent. "Hm?"

"Um, Aya-chan... I think you just slapped Mikey-kun..." Akari mumbled, leaning back a little, as if afraid.

Mikey-kun? Mikey-kun...


That's the captain of Toman.



Safety was something Aya valued highly, so getting this situation was her worse nightmare. Not only did she piss off two members of Toman, one was her older brother- the vice captain- and the other was Mikey- the captain. She was basically screwed.

With soft feet, a shut mouth, and the fear of god, Aya walked out of Kisa's room. Maybe Ken was feeling benevolent today and left the bag outside. It would be cold, but still edible. Or maybe this was a trap and she should be fearing for her life.


"What the f-" She bumped into the corner of the wall. Though the hall was dark, she could make out a shorter boy with fluffy hair in a half ponytail... oh, would you at the time! It's write-your-will-and-get-your-affairs-in-order-o'clock. Aya's favorite time.

"Uhm, hello," She said, from the floor, laying down, in fear.

"..." He just stood there(menacingly) as he watched her like a hawk. She couldn't see much, but the gleam of his eyes gave her the chills again.

"You look so stupid... heh... hahA!" He crouched down next to her as he cackled.

"What." Aya shoved herself in a sitting position. Half-glaring, half-waryingly watching the boy(or Mikey, whatever).

"Sorry, sorry. Not really!" He started laughing hysterically laughing. She eventually just deadpanned as he entertained himself by the thought of her terror.

"Heh, heh... heh," he was still giggling. It was getting on her nerves.

"I fell, hilarious. But do you know how creepy it is to see the captain of a powerful gang that you had slapped in the dark at night? You would of crapped your pants!" She tried so hard to defend herself and her pride, but unfortunately Mikey was having none of it.

"I wouldn't have, y'know why?" He grinned mischievously, like he was about to say the punchline of a corny joke.

"... why?"

"Cause I'm smarter than to slap a gang captain and run away." He stood up. "But thanks."

"For... what?" Aya was insanely confused. What was he saying thanks for? Surprise slapping him?

"For calling Toman powerful!" He held out a hand and against her better judgement, she took it, allowing him to haul her up.

Suddenly, he pulled her close to whisper, "and for giving me a laugh."

"What!?" Aya yelped. Flustered about being so close to someone and for being teased.



so this morning me and some classmates were discussing pockets and i mentioned that one time i found jeans with a fake pocket and also a fake coin pocket and apparently they found that important to crowd around my desk and another girl added her own story to that lol.

and my friend is going a on "date" with someone i think they have a crush on!!! they asked the person out as friends, but intuition tells me something else.

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