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Aya had never been so nervous as she was right then. Mikey stood in her door frame, a grin on his face that told her he knew something she didn't.

She had left school tired. Her thoughts scrambled after the morning event and school work.

She honestly just wanted to sleep after she finished her homework. However, Mikey apparently thought she had one last thing to do before she could sleep.

"Who's your friend?" he asked.

"Which one?" she asked instead.

"The girl?"

"Which girl?"

"The one you were walking with this morning?" Mikey scowled a little.

Aya had to pause before she continued talking. He was following her? Thats... kind of weird.

"Haruka?" she asked, "Also- you were following me?"

"Don't mind that-"

"I MIND THAT!" Stalker much? Also, he would've heard her little confession about him. BUT WHY WAS HE FOLLOWING HER??? She calmed down. "Why were you following me?"

He huffed a little, as if she should know, and let himself onto her bed.

"I just wanted to get Takemitchi and hang out," he defended himself, "but you were in front of me-"

"Did you eavesdrop?" she couldn't help but ask. The idea of him actually overhearing the conversation made her stomach flip. If he liked her back, great, but if he didn't, oh no.

He grinned at her. "Yeah, a little."

She decided the door was very interesting, until her eyes fell back to him.

"So..." His grin grew again. Although, now there was a gleam which made her wonder if he really did like her back. She had wondered- but she also didn't want to jump to conclusions.

"So?" She couldn't smile a little. She raised an eyebrow at him.

"You like me?" he asked. He looked hopeful, and she felt relieved. One, she didn't have to tell him. Two, he may want her to like him.

Through sudden boldness and the desire to find out whether he liked her, she answered. "Yeah, I like you." She thought it was cooler in her head, it was not. She was 14 so she gave herself a pass.

"I know," Mikey whispered.

She fell into her bed and made a ball. She had no clue what to do, but the fact Mikey knew she liked him calmed her. Her crush was almost always what made her panic near him, but him knowing got rid of the idea she had to keep it quiet.

"You know, Toman had lots of fights this past week," he told her, completely changing the subject. She didn't care, this felt like a much deeper conversation and she didn't mind it.

"Huh. Are you okay?" She pushed herself up a bit to be able to see him.

"I am. I just... wanted to get some feelings out and my fists worked-"

"Don't do that."

"They weren't good people..."

"Don't beat people up."

"You're so different all of a sudden..."

"You know I like you, I'm not going to be super flustered being near you due to it. You haven't barfed, so I'd say you don't care whether or not I like you." She fell backwards a little.

"Oh." He curled up on her bed. "Okay."

"So, why were you beating people up?" she asked.

"I couldn't get you out of my head." He leaned back onto to the wall.

"Really?" It was absurd- not because she thought she couldn't be liked but because he had beaten people up due to thinking about her too much.

"Yeah." He looked over to her.

"Okay. Sure. The people you beat up, they are bad, right?" That was the only way she would've excused it.

"They either were picking on younger kids or they were being gross to women."

"So you sent the entire gang on them?"

"Nah, I was being dramatic. I beat them up myself."

She thought for a second. She eventually came to the conclusion that Mikey wasn't wrong to fight those people, but also his reasons were still somewhat messed up.


A comfortable silence fell onto them. Aya was laying mostly on her pillows and while her eyes were on Mikey, she was so deep in thought she wasn't actually paying attention to him. Mikey was staring at the ceiling, maybe just as deep in thought was her. His knees were to his chest and her arms rested on his legs. He was leaning on the wall still.

"How do you feel about me?" she asked. The conversation they had about the moral reasons behind his decision was done. She still wanted to know how he felt. It sounded like he did like her, but the possible idea he didn't was still in her mind. Maybe it was due to insecurities. Whatever it was, it made her want answers.

"I like you." He didn't go further, though he didn't need to. They liked each other, that was the truth.

It wasn't long pining. She was flustered and he teased her for a few weeks and then they were able to confess. But Aya wouldn't have been able to have years of a crush(or love) that ended in finally getting together with the person. She was incredibly impatient normally, so maybe it was a fault of herself.

Mikey fell onto his side and pushed himself closer to her. She made room for him. They both were so close that they would be cuddling regardless of whether their limbs were around each other.

"Hey," she said.

He waved at her. The same hand he waved with made its way around her shoulders. They began to cuddle.

A few minutes after he looked back at her and he leaned closer. She knew exactly what he was planning to do, and she wasn't planning on complaining. They kissed and went back to cuddling. No more words were said.

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