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It was incredibly awkward to eat dinner with a stranger especially when the others leave.

Draken had finished his fried rice quickly, wanting to work out before he went to bed. Mikey finished his fried rice so he could sleep more. Aya was left wondering how the two were friends.

But now she was left with the purple haired boy. He was obviously nervous in the situation as well. He avoided looking at her as they ate.

Aya wondered if she should've just disappeared into her room again, but deciding it would be rude to leave her guest like that.

She began to open her mouth to talk, hesitating occasionally as she started speaking. "Hey, so what's your name?"

The purple haired boy didn't respond for a moment and she freaked out. Was that rude or abrupt? She wished she could melt into a puddle. Normally, she didn't care about her brother's friends but this boy seemed nice enough. She also didn't want to be a bad host or be close minded.

" I'm Mitsuya. Are you-" He had a moment of panic and regret before he acted like he was coughing. "Do you work nearby..."

She was confused, until she realized what he meant.

"You think I'm... a prostitute?" she whispered before she grinned. He thought she worked in the red light district. Oh my god.

He stuttered as he apologized. She couldn't help but laugh as she watched him dig himself into a hole.

"I'm not, I'm Ken's sister," she told him when she calmed down. He flushed when he realized what he called the sister of his friend.

"I'm so sorry..." He looked like his soul was leaving his body as he spoke.

"It's fine, it's fine," she snickered and waved her hand, dismissing his apologizes.

Another silence fell as they continued eating. She occasionally grinned when she remembered the prior incident.

Eventually, they both finished their fried rice and went their separate ways. Aya went back to her room to do homework and Mitsuya went to join Mikey and Ken.


Mikey had stayed the night. Aya only found out when she woke up early to him looking around the kitchen for snacks.

She tapped his shoulder and he looked up at her with a big grin.

"Good evening, Aya-chi." He waved at her with his free hand. The other was holding chips.

"Good morning, actually." She ignored the nickname. Deep down, she found it endearing.

"Oh. Good morning, Aya-chi," he said. He yawned. "Do you guys have coffee?"

They indeed did. She typically didn't make any because she didn't want Eiji and Kai to drink any. But she had been craving it as the weather became colder.

"I'll make some," she told him. She grabbed what she needed and went to the coffee pot.

She put the filter in and added the coffee grounds. Mikey watched from beside her.

She winced when the coffee maker began to make sound. It wasn't painful, she just hated the sound.

"Are you okay?" Mikey looked genuinely concerned.

She nodded, trying to focus on something else. She sighed in relief when it finished making coffee, and she handed a cup to Mikey. She wondered if it was worth it to make some for herself and deal with that sound again.

"Those are your pajamas?" Mikey asked. He laughed a little.

She glared at him. She was wearing an giant My Melody hoodie. She only put it on because she was wearing a tank top and shorts and had gotten cold. She was glad she put it on when she saw Mikey. She didn't even stop to think about how embarrassing it was.

She only had two opitions really; defend herself by mentioning her actual pajamas underneath or let herself be embarrassed and act like she legitimately wore a My Melody hoodie to bed like a travel blanket.

She chose the latter.

"Be quiet," she said. She turned away and made her coffee. Mikey occasionally snickered as he watched her.

"It's so funny to see someone in a fluffly pink bunny hoodie making coffee with a giant scowl," he said.

She rolled her eyes, making sure to turn her head so he wouldn't see.

"Hey, pay attention to your coffee. There's a razor in there."

She looked at him. He had a giant grin.

"Awww. Don't deadpan at me, I'm looking out for you, right?"

She looked away. He went silent and she heard him shuffle around. She assumed he had taken his coffee and went to the little living room next to the kitchen.

She discovered she was wrong when she felt him hug her.

"The hoodie is kinda cute..." he mumbled and played with one of the drawstrings.

She put down the box of coffee filters. She didn't trust herself to not drop it as her thoughts speed up to go 70 miles per hour.

"Are you okay?" he whispered. He had moved closer to her face and had moved his arms down to hug her waist.

She nodded far to quickly, trying to calm her heartbeat. She was sure he could here it beat.

"Are you sure?" he whispered again. She let herself glance over at him. His eyes were traveling up and down her face. He did have a glint in his eyes she recognized as mischief. She groaned mentally when she realized he was teasing her.

"I am sure..." She tried to sound sure, but her flustered state made her words shaky.

She could feel Mikey rest his chin on the dip between her shoulder and neck. She knew he felt her heartbeat, there was no way he couldn't.

She panicked for a few more seconds until she began to continue her coffee.


Aya got ready in a rush. She spent most of the her morning with Mikey. He didn't let go of her until Ken, Eiji, and Kai came into the kitchen. She pretended like nothing had happened as they all ate breakfast together. Ken did look back and forth from Mikey and Aya like he had noticed something between them.

She was very relieved when she had finished her breakfast to escape.

She rubbed out the wrinkled of her uniform as she waited for Eiji and Kai. Mikey was also there waiting for Ken. She didn't say a thing to him, worried she'd say something wrong. Mikey didn't share these worries.

"So, where do you go to school?" he asked.

She realized she would have to talk to him. "Mizo Middle School."

"Takemitchy goes there!" he commented.

Takemitchy..? Wasn't that Hanagaki's first name? She remembered that one day, where she had seen Ken and a blonde boy take Hanagaki to hang out. The blonde boy must've been Mikey. She had been focused with arguing with Ken that she hadn't noticed Mikey.

"Yeah, he does," she agreed.

"Are you two friends?"

"I guess."

"Do you have any other friends?"

"A few."

"Any boy friends?"

"I... a few. Why do you ask-"

"Do you have a boyfriend?" he interupted her. After every question he looked more and more serious. He did look incredibly serious after his last question.

"I don't..." she answered. It was a little embarrassing when it was him asking. She wouldn't mind having a boyfriend if it was him. She gathered a little confidence. "Do you have a girlfriend?" She tried to say it casually, and she thought she suceeded until he grinned.

"Why? You like me or something?"

If she had the confidence to tell him, she would've. But alas, she did not. Though she didn't want to lie. "I'm not interested in having a relationship with anyone."

He noddded like he understood. She didn't say a word and he didn't either as they waited for the Ken, Eiji, and Kai.

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