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Aya woke up early. Far too early. She wanted to cook breakfast for Eiji and Kai. She did, but her sleepy brain made too much and now she didn't know what to do.

I could... no... but it's wasteful to just throw it away... Maybe she should be the good guy for once and help her older brother for once.

After she woke up Eiji and Kai to eat, she knocked on Ken's door.

"I made you breakfast by accident! And maybe your captain some too! Depends on how much Eiji and Kai eat!" She pounded on his door for good measure. One of the girls- Takara- yelled at her to quiet down.

"Sorry, Takara-chan!" Aya yelled back.

She heard the creak of the door and jumped back.

"How do you make someone breakfast by accident..?" A messy-haired Ken appeared! He used 'Get On Aya's Nerves'! It's super effective!

"You make too much, don't let it get cold." She turned around and went down the hall. "Eiji don't you dare get seconds before everyones at the table!"


"Kai, I know school sucks. That's why they make us go." Was Kai being overdramatic about school? Yes. Was Aya also being overdramatic? Yes. It runs in the family.

Kai just screamed incoherently. It had already been 5 minutes, so Aya just picked him up and dropped him in his school grounds. Techinally he was now at school so her job was done. She walked away, a part of her hoping Haruka was late as well and would meet up with Aya, another part wanted a calm morning.

She thought as she neared Haruka's house. Haruka was annoying and overwhelming, but one of the only people Aya grew close-ish to through Junior High. And Aya felt a little bit of goodwill for the boy-crazy girl.

"Aya? Are you lost? You couldn't possibly be not early?" She heard her worst nightmare, Izuru.

"What do you want?" She turned her head, but didn't stop walking.

"Hey! I'm just pointing it out," He said defensively, but then his eyes relaxed and he frowned. "Are you good? You're not normally late, seriously this time."

"I..." fought with my older and youngest brother? Can't find my friend? Hate school? "Just tired. Anyways, whats so cool about Dear Daniel?"

Izuru gasped offendedly. "I'll have you know, Dear Daniel is an important part of all little kids life. He is utterly polite and teaches us how to be gentleman."

"He's an offbrand Hello Kitty. He wears a blue- blue!- suit, with shorts. Not nice shorts either."

"He's a fancy cat, what can I say?"

"He deserves to be an alley cat."

"You're so mean!"


Aya and Izuru argued the entire time they walked to school. First they argued about Sanrio characters. Then they shifted to flavors of Ramune(Izuru loved grape, Aya would never drink anything expect the peach flavor), food at convenience stores(Aya loved matcha and strawberry mochi. Izuru would eat 5 Onigiris in seconds), and what season was the best(Aya was a fan of school breaks and sunny days. Izuru liked school breaks, but burned easily. He liked winter). They couldn't seem to reach an agreement even at school about what manga was the most entertaining. Eventually, they found one of their classmates and went to bully them into picking a side.

"Hey, Riku-san! Do you like shonen or josei better?" Aya shouted across the lockers at an unsuspecting student.

"I'm a fan of shojo... so..." Riku played with her skirt. "Josei is closest."

"See! It is better!" Aya put her hands on her hips and grinned smugly.

"That's not fair! You chose a girl!" He scowled.

"What are you hinting at, Izuru-kun?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Just that most of the female student body here likes shojo- thus josei! You're cheating!" He pointed a finger at her and stuck out his tongue.

"I am not! I'm playing fair and square!"

"No you are not! Once we get to class, we can ask some of our classmates! Then we'll decide!"




They came to the conclusion that everyone in their class was uncultured.

When they picked shonen, they named manga like Fairy Tail and Naruto. They weren't bad manga, but Izuru wished his classmated were more interested in Hitman Reborn and Soul Eater. Izuru claimed those were the classics, Aya claimed he was out of his mind.

For the most part, girls picked Aya's side of josei(techinally they liked shojo, but shojo was like the child form of josei, so it counted). Aya was half way through the five stages of grief from all the animes and mangas they picked. Aya would have loved those shojo animes(they really just picked anime) when she was five, but five she was not. A popular pick was Fruits Basket(It was good, but it took her a few months to get into it) followed by Ouran High School Host Club( Aya had to admit, she had binge watched this one...). Personally, she enjoyed Nana and Honey and Clover; those were her favorites.

Shonen won, but that made Aya more determined to change Izuru's mind.

"Listen, listen. Honey and Clover is pretty, Nana has cool clothes. It's way better!" Aya stressed, she was far too tired to make an actual argument.

Izuru stared at her, and shook his head slowly. "No."

She had to cover her mouth to muffle her annoyed scream.

"Ugh. You're lucky I have responsibilities, or else I would debate with you for hours." She grabbed her bag.

"After or before you sleep for five hours?" He grinned, it was uncannily similar to her grin, causing her to be even more pissed.

She flipped him off and walked out the door.


Aya's head was far to heavy, so were her eyes. Even Eiji stared at her in concern.

"Did you not get enough sleep?" He asked as they neared the elementary.

"I got enough, don't know why I feel like this..." She mumbled. She straightened her posture and forced a smile to wave at Kai. He was only eight, he needed positivity and peace in his life.

"Aya!" Kai basically tackled her in a hug. She gave him a squeeze before leading them down to the subway.


bro someone at my school passed around a note that said "if you read this, you're gae" I mean yeah, but ???

also, I think I'll start writing tiny stories about my day at the end of the chapter.

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