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"You've got it wrong," Ken stated.

Aya let go of the couple and turned around to him. She dropped the facade immediately.

"How so? I'm just grabbing my friends for lunch. Is that so bad?" Aya sneered.

"Considering I'm trying to grab my friend to hang out, yes, it is bad." Ken sneered right back. "What is with second years and getting in the way?"

"Are you sure you're just hanging out with Hanagaki? I mean, you're far from an angel, how can I know your intentions?" She grabbed the couple again and continued on her way.

Hanagaki began rambling. "It's fine, really! Draken-san and Mikey-san are just taking me to hang out! Nothing more, nothing less! You don't have to worry!"

Aya paused. "What would "Nothing more" be? A date?"

"Aya-san!" Hanagaki and Tachibana shouted, staring at her in shock and exasperation.

"What?" She grinned ear-to-ear.

"I- Aya- You- Ugh!" Tachibana groaned in defeat. The grinning girl had some moments that made Tachibana want to slap Aya.

"Haha." She let go of them. "Have fun Hanagaki-san. And Tachibana, I don't think you have to worry about him." Aya looked over her shoulder. "I hate deliquents, but I trust Hanagaki's word."

Tachibana stared at the girl, before turning to Hanagaki.

"Be careful." She hugged him. He hugged her back. Aya just laughed at them and made her way down the hallway.


"Haruka, everyone knows Hello Kitty is inferior to all her friends. Tuxedo Sam is so much cuter," Aya stated, standing like she was giving a presentation to her coworkers.

"Those are some fighting words," Izuru commented, watching the girls have their daily argument. "What's so amazing about some cutesy anthropomorphic characters from a children's show? Besides, Dear Daniel is the best, so why bother having this debate?"

Both of the girls turned to him. " You fool. You absolute moron. Your opinion is a worthful as singing the ABC's to an English Major. I wish violence was the standard response to all comments just so I can show you how foolish you are," Aya said. Izuru raised his hands up.

"Okay, damn. Calm down. All I said was that Dear Daniel was better, that's it."

"And you were wrong," Haruka added.

"Fine, I guess my opinion is unimportant, that's cool." He turned around in his seat and began to talk with some of their other classmates.

Haruka stuck her tongue out at the back of his head, then looked back at Aya.

"Oh! Guess who said yes today~!" Haruka smiled.

"That guy in the other class you were talking about this morning?" Aya guessed.

"Nope! He was actually gay, whoops." Haruka only shrugged, obviously not caring. "But then I saw this cool guy in the halls- his name is Daisuke- and we talked during lunch and I asked him to go with me to that new Bubble Tea Shop in Shibuya- you saw it, right?- and he said yes!" She squealed. Aya clapped. "He's actually cool. His mom works at that tattoo shop almost every deliquent in Tokyo goes too, so he knows a few deliquents. So if this doesn't work out, then maybe I'll get a bad boy boyfriend anyways!" Haruka giggled like everyone thought about using the boy they just met to meet another possible boyfriend. Aya thought this was a bit superficial, but junior high is something lots of people regret. Haruka will be humbled sooner or later

"Hmm, have fun. Hopefully he's as nice as he seems." Aya said her goodbyes, grabbed her books, and walked out, meeting Eiji and going to the nearby elementary school for Kai.


Aya sat on her bed as she watched Sailor Moon, again, on her beat-up TV. It was one of her favorite animes, ever. With flashy colors and girls beating things up, it was made to entrance Aya. She was not one to stand for violence, but she was okay with pretty girls who were also magical beating things up. There's always expections.

She heard someone knock on her door, assuming it was Eiji or Kai, she yelled at them to come in.

It was not her younger brothers at the door, but instead her older brother.

"What do you want?" She glared at him.

"Why did you try to intervene with Takemicchi?" He asked, standing in her doorway. "I thought you said you would never get involved in my 'deliquent' life."

"Your only life is your deliquent life," she snapped, getting up and tried to push him away. "Go bother your gang- Toe boys or whatever. Don't you have a gang meeting or something?"

"Its Toman." He was unmoving, like a brick wall. It might've been because he was 34 centimeters taller than her or a pile of muscle with sentience. Either way, she wished he just. would. move. even. a. bit.

"What do you my only life is my "deliquent life?" I'm equally here as I am there," He said. She stared at him for a minutes, before letting out a laugh.

"Equally here as I am there? Maybe you're here physically, but when's the last time we went to school together? The last time we got together with our little brothers and watched a movie? Shit, do you even know which one does Judo and which does Kendo? Do you even know any of my friends?" She tried to push him again, to no avail.

"You don't know my friends either!" He yelled.

"Because all of your friends are dangerous!"

"Notice where we live?! It's kind of hard to not be in danger!"

"Exactly! Why do you want to bring in more? Eiji and Kai need peace in their life! Why can't you take care of us like siblings, rather than that crazy little kid you're always with?!"

"Don't you dare talk about him like that!"

"See! Would you ever defend us when someone talks behind our backs? Would you even defend us when we are there! No, no you won't!" She finally pushed him back and slammed the door shut.

She sighed as she sat back on her bed. She glanced at the TV, maybe she wasn't in the mood for flashy, pretty, magical girls whose only problems are the mysterious, cliché villians they face. Because in real life, villians are subjective. She fell back onto her bed with a "flop!" and fell asleep instantly.


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