Ch. 5 | Caught

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Sat between the wall and your knees you let your head hang limp as you ran through your options within your head.

You were lost, the fear of Copia and what he might have done in mistaking you for a malicious intruder clouded your better judgment. You panicked, ran away, and in your frenzied state, completely gotten yourself lost in the maze like mansion.

You were so close. Now you were lost, having no idea how deep you had wondered into the mansion.

But it was too late to mull over your mistake.

Lifting your head up from your lap you spot another arched window. You could still see grass out of it so you knew you were still on the first floor.

That was a start.

And with a new plan, you stood up patting your thighs as you set off. Utilizing the wider range of view the windows offered you decided to use it to scout for possible exits to the outside.

You walked slowly, being diligent, keeping your ears open while your eyes were occupied searching for an out.


You could assume it had been about 20 minutes since you started searching, but truthfully you didn't know for sure. The scilence of the mansion and repetitive action of walking and searching had lulled you into a nearly meditative state. Despite this, you made sure to be mindful of your surroundings.

You were making progress, that was for sure.

Your heart lurched as you felt a presence behind you.

A hand gripped you by the gruff of your neck tangling itself in your hair, before you could even acknowledge them. Lifting you up you struggle and kick, aiming for a shin, groin, knee, anything you could as you try to pry the large hands of the stranger off your neck. To no avail, you feel your body sail into the air and with a gruff 'oof' your assailant held you by your back against his shoulder.

He flipped you like a bag of potatoes onto his shoulder.
To haul you off to God knows where.

"Get the fuck off! Stop touching me!" You screamed, among other obscenities. You heard a grunt from below you and suddenly your stomach lurched.

The world seemingly whizzed by you, walls bluring, you were going fast. Until all at once, it stopped and you were in a new room.

"Hha-" you wheezed, the wind having been knocked out of you and your body from being dropped onto the hard wooden floor from what had to be over 6 feet.

Groaning from the disorientation of being wisked away, you push yourself up onto your elbows to meet 4 pairs of dress shoes.

"Thank you very much, Mountain."



A rickety wooden chair is slammed down just inches from your fingers. A man clad in a white button down and gothic vest with white piping straddles the chair. His long lengs falling across either side of it, his loose pushed back hair falling into his face, he grinned. He looked down at you from the chair above, he liked how you looked, a bit pathetic.

Like other inhabitants youve met here, his face was painted. Though his was in the shape of a skull using blocked out shapes to form the skull, and similarly to Copia, he had that whited out eye.

"So~ something tells me you're not supposed to be here?" He drawls out, head tilted to the side like a cat.

"Unless breaking and entering homes in pajamas is just your thing."

"I don't-"

Heavy footsteps approach the door as it swings open to reveal the man you'd seen in the front yard.

"Terzo." A gruff voice called.

The old man stroll into the room, which you now realize is a spacious office, toting his oxygen tank. The man straddling the chair pouted.

"What do you think you're doing, Terzo?" Coughs the old man, aggravated at the man straddling the chair, who you now assumed to be Terzo.

Terzo gets himself up from the chair, placing it back to its original spot in the corner with a grumble before turning back to you. You were still on the floor. Realizing that, you scramble to stand upright.

"Guest?" You ask.

"Yess, of course." The old man responded, drawling out the s in 'yes', like he did in saying sister, before taking a hit of his oxygen.


Uh oh sphegetti-o-'s


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