Ch. 9 | A New Arrangement

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Hand in hand Y/N and Terzo walked to Nihil's office, you a bit sluggish from having just woken up and your head still throbbing, albeit not as bad as before. You could tell it was his office from the bits of broken door set off to the side of the doorway.

That's explains the loud bang.

Terzo stopped at the doorway, bending at the waist and gesturing you forward to enter first. As you strode into the office he placed his gloved hand to the small of your back, guiding you further into the room. You stood before Nihil's wide wooden desk and waited for him to acknowledge you. But he didn't.

No, he kept his head down, scribbling in frankly indistinguishable, messy cursive on documents you had to will yourself not to snoop and read. You look back at Terzo at a loss. Terzo let out a small cough, finally grabbing Nihil's attention. The old man's head finally snapped up and with a polite smile he placed his pen back into its inkwell.

"Ah, Y/N correct? So nice to see you up and about at last, truthfully we were a bit worried for you." He said, regarding you at last. Thankfully, pushing aside his papers so you couldn't read them. You thanked him, nodding your head with a tired smile.

"I assume Terzo has informed you of your new living arrangements si? We need to begin the process of converting you to a sibl-"

"Wait, what?" You cut off the old man.

Last you checked, that was not the deal

You hear a small 'Merda' from behind you. Nihil frowned, shaking his head with a sigh, he turned solemn.

"Oi Satanas-" He mumbled to himself, suddenly sitting up straight in his large rolling leather office chair.

"well,-" he began with a sigh, "you may want to sit down for this, caro."

You shake your head, a firm, nonverbal no. You didn't want anything more to do with these people.

Mustering what confidence and strength you could from your spent body you argued.

"You said earlier you would get me an escort. There is no 'new living arrangement', you said you'd take me home."

Nihil's eyebrows raised, he wasn't expecting resistance from you, you'd been so submissive thus far.

Your exhaustion and frustration finally rearing its head you gripped your fists tight. All you wanted was to get home, that was what you were promised, and damnit that was what you would get.
Be damned what this decrepit old man says.

Nihil slumped back in his chair, putting a hand to his forehead he mumbled what you assume was a curse in italian.

"Well, yes that was the original agreement, but the circumstances have changed Y/N."

"What circumstances?! I still don't know where I am, I still don't know who or, hell, what you are! I just want to go home, those are the circumstances." Practically shouting, exasperated, you let out your frustrations on the old man.

"I'm sorry but we can't let you leave with you having seen what you've seen." He apologized, shaking his head.


You felt a hand grip your shoulder gently, meant to be comforting.

Terzo stepped forward, he could tell Nihil wasn't gaining any ground in calming you down so he could properly explain the situation. He only seemed to rile you up even more, but that really didnt suprise him. His father never was very good at dealing with people. Terzo looked to Nihil for a nod. A nonverbal consent to take over the conversation.

"Y/N, what you saw in the dining room wasn't human. It wasn't from here." He explained, voice level and sympathetic.

You looked up at Terzo, your face twisted in confusion. You didn't see the subtle nod Nihil gave Terzo.

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