Ch. 6 | What Was Seen

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The old man motions you to take a seat opposite his large desk. You sit hesitantly in the elegantly crafted leather chair, awaiting his explanation. As he slides to his chair opposite to you, the 4 other men followed suit, lining up beside him against the wall near his chair.

Now facing all of them, you recognize a face. Copia. And beside him a taller gruffer man, a black and green robe similiarly adorned with etchings as the oldest man's was. A similar papal hat adorned his head, although like his robes, it was green and black and sported that familiar cross like symbol. Of all the men his skull facepaint was the most realistic, with his naturally sunken in features adding an impression of cruelty and anger.

Beside the cruel looking man was a similar, yet, older man. His face longer and slimer than his companion his skull facepaint wasn't as realistic but certainly just as ominous with sharp lines depicting a skeleton's mouth. His robes were the same as his companion in their basic composition, only differing in their red and black coloring.

Finally, on the other side of Copia was 'Terzo', as he was called by the old man across from you. Now standing upright, you could see he was the shortest of all the men. His facepaint was a simpler version of a skull, using blocked out shapes instead of shading to depict. Though there was one thing each man had in common: a left white eye.

Settling into the chair with a deep grounding breath, you look back between the men until the oldest of them all speaks up.

"I see you've met my sons, caro." He said with a smile. You nodded, albeit confused.

"I apologize for their manners, more specifically my youngest's. He is quite impulsive, si-"

he paused, taking a hit of his oxygen using the opportunity to send a glare to the mentioned youngest son, Terzo, before continuing.

"Nonetheless I must ask how you managed to get in here? Our ghouls are quite proficient when it comes to security."

His sons nodded in agreement, now all looking at you expectantly. Some with suspicion, others hostility.

"I don't-" you paused.

You took a brief second to organize your thoughts. You swallowed back the lump in your throat, the hostile glare coming from the man in green frightened you the most. You didn't know these people, or what they were capable of, they clearly weren't normal. But you bit your tongue, deciding to power through your fear in favor of leaving as soon as possible.

"I don't know where I am." You began, firmly.

"Last I can remember, I fell asleep in my own bed. I'd locked all my doors to keep myself from sleepwalking and getting lost yet despite that, I somehow ended up here. When I came to I was in what I assume was one of your guest rooms down the hall from the dining room." Your shoulders slumped forward, realizing how implausible of an explanation that was. But it was the truth. And that's was the best you could offer them.

The old man put his finger to his chin in thought. The sons looked between eachother and their father.

They were skeptical, sleepwalking into a strangers house and waking up in their guest bedroom is sure to raise some questions about the validity of your story. But truthfully, stranger things have happened here, and  you seemed harmless enough. The most you had done was scurry around. Even then, you were careful not to bother anyone or snoop. You truly just wanted to go home.

Suddenly the oldest sighed, his aura shifting into an intimidating one.

"Okay," He sighed. Looking up to meet your eyes he leaned foward, resting his elbows on his desk with his hands clasped in front of him.

"-how much did you see here tonight (Y/N)?"

Just what was he accusing you of?

"What do yo-"

He cut you off.

"Because, if truly just spent what time you were here bumbling around the corridors I'd be glad to offer you an escort home." He finished. He didn't need to add the catch. It was obvious. But you really didn't see anything.

"Yes sir, I'd appreciate that." You said, as respectful as possible. Careful not to show your fear, you didn't want to know what would happen if you had seen something or he thought you had.

"Wonderful." He smiled again, his demeanor light hearted once more.

The sudden switch in mood made you shift uncomfortablly in your seat.

His sons nodded in agreement, a subtle yet effective threat. As their father stood up at his desk, as did you. Eager to arrange your escort home you smiled with relief. Suddenly a loud bang and crash souded through the office.


Literally fuck Nihil, gonna roast that mf every time he's in a scene we don't stan him here

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