albedo | piano and the apocalypse

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Albedo sat at the piano, hands hovering over the keys. He didn't know what to play. What would you want him to play? Something old? Maybe you would rather just mess around and come up with something new. Or maybe you would tell him to play what he wanted, and simply listen with your head resting on his shoulder.

One of those, he was sure.

The piano itself was in the middle of the hallway in the Knight's of Favonius headquarters, but it was a little to the left that day. Albedo had suggested the idea of getting a piano when the building was undergoing remodeling, and soon after it became your favorite place in the city. He viewed the memory fondly.

Somehow all the greatest memories with you were connected to that piano. The day you met had nothing to do with it, but the night he realized he loved you was when you first sat at those keys, playing whatever came to mind. Even when you played mindlessly, missing notes left and right, he still thought the world of you. He fell in love with the way you played for enjoyment– even as people walked past– not caring about what notes you got wrong.

As the outskirts of Mondstadt caught fire, Albedo remembered telling you how his heart had gone up in flames. He played your favorite song, late in the night when nobody was in the building, and even sang a few lyrics. At the end of the last chorus, he turned to you and told you how he felt. I love you, this I am sure of. He took your hands in his. I would like to do this more often.

He remembered the look on your face when he told you. It made his stomach churn to think about it, how your eyes sparkled and your face reddened. It was truly a sight to behold, then. Albedo would've never expected you to kiss him right after that, but you did, and he could've sworn he saw real stars.

The alchemist didn't know much about love, but after a while, he knew what he wanted from it. Surprising even himself, when he thought of the future, he thought you might be married. He wasn't opposed to moving to Sumeru, and adopting a dog like you wanted. He saw himself playing the piano for you in the morning, and sharing dinner while the sun set. A quiet life seemed possible then. Reachable. The fear of losing control faded slowly each day, replaced by hope for the future.

It was the day he bought the ring that the piano started sounding a little out of tune, but it didn't matter to him then. Albedo played for you like he usually did, and in the middle of the Knights headquarters, he asked you to marry him. You said yes. Albedo's master returned that day– He seethed as he remembered it. She had to ruin everything. His fists pounded down on the broken keys, which were wildly out of tune, now. The only thing he had yet to destroy.

Albedo sat at the piano. The piano sat in the rubble of the main hall.

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