tartaglia | somewhere in fontaine

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aka i finished fontaine 4.0 story quest and want tartag to be my boyfriend but ONLY if he's like laurie from little women (1994)

this is insanely fluffy hopefully romantic. i just lost my mind sry. unedited and its 4 am

warnings: none, spoiler free!
WC: 700


Early summer warmed your soul as you sat in the grass, a book in hand. Next to you was a lake, where ducks idled on the water and frogs found places to sit atop lily pads. The trees swayed slightly, allowing just the right amount of sun to pass through them and set the grass aglow. All was well in your corner of the world, and nothing could disturb you.

Nothing except Tartaglia.

"My darling y/n!" He yelled dramatically, stepping over the small stone fence that encased your little hideaway. "How could you come here without me?"

You tossed down your book and jumped up, throwing yourself in his arms. He wrapped them instinctively around you, lifting you off your feet to spin you in a circle. "Missed me, did you?"

A smile spread across your face as you nuzzled it further into his chest. He smelled of chocolate and powdered sugar and thankfully not the blood of his enemies. "Of course I missed you."

Fontaine was kind to you, never mind Tartaglia's experience at Opera Epiclese, the land itself had only ever shown you its most beautiful waters and secret forests. And of course, it has given you the best gift of all— the man standing in front of you.

"Well, miss me no more, because here I am." He broke apart from the hug to look down at you, "and here you are."

Your arms wrapped around his neck as he moved to kiss you, his hands finding their place on your cheeks. Tartaglia could never get enough of your kisses, so he made sure to savor each and every one— and make them last. He ached for this to last.

"Run away with me," he mumbled against your lips. "Run away with me and don't look back."

You laughed and he picked you up again, drawing more yelps and giggles from your lips. "Run away with me, y/n," he said again, praying to any and every god you would say yes this time.

"Taglia," you frowned. "What would my parents think?" Your family never approved of your choices, be it your career, your interest in lounging in the grass all day, and more recently, your choice of lover. There was a reason your secret meeting place was just that: a secret.

"I don't care what they think," He said honestly. "All I care about is waking up to you every morning and holding you like this whenever and wherever we want."

You looked away, but he brought his hand up to gently guide your chin to face him. "I love you, y/n." He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "I love you and your parents love each other— they can take care of each other. Let me take care of you."

A fond smile painted itself across your lips as you used your Anemo vision to gently ruffle his hair. His eyes narrowed. "Is that your answer?"

A startled yell left his lips as you tackled him to the ground, very sure that grass stains were accumulating on your dress. "Alright," you said through both of your giggles, "I will run away with you, and wake up to you every morning, and disappoint my parents more than ever."

"That's my girl," he said from under you, again reaching up to tuck strands of hair behind your ear, to no avail. That same boyish grin graced his features as he pulled you down into another kiss, utterly content with finally being sure that this... would not be the last.

As you talked and laughed and wondered where life would take you next, the summer breeze blew once more. It rustled the trees, wove through your hair, and let you know that everything was as it was meant to be.

"I hereby promise to protect my princess, and do so forever and always," Tartaglia whispered. He held you close to him, your head on his chest, as you both stared up at the weeping willows.

"I swear to protect my knight in turn," you played along, though it meant more than anything. "So long as he is always by my side."

And he was.

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