What You Want

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We quickly packed up my essentials and headed out into fading light. Hope's car was parked around the corner and we dropped my things in the back. When she told me we needed to go all the way back to Duskwood, I insisted on driving as she'd already come so far solely to help me.

I took her hand across the center console; she accepted it with a smile on her face, and it felt as natural as breathing. She was even more beautiful than her picture, with delicate features and soft, glossy brown hair that had a natural wave to it. "I cannot believe I'm sitting next to you. I thought you were dead," I said quietly. 

Tears glistened in her eyes. "I know. I'm sorry it had to be that way, but I'd put you in enough danger already when you set us free. For which I can never repay you."

"You don't need to repay me," I insisted. "I did what was right. But...how did you end up in Duskwood? Was that just a coincidence?"

Hope shook her head. "No. I read about you before I sent you that file. I needed to make certain I could trust you, so I know everything that the CIA knew." She paused, and I knew what that meant. Hope already knew who Hannah was to me, and why I was trying to find her. "When I got away, I knew that you would have to hide. So I tracked down your family and stayed here to protect them."

"You've been watching over Hannah and Lilly for me?" I asked in disbelief.

"Not so much with Lilly. She can be standoffish, as you know," she smirked. "It was the least I could do. Even if you never came back, I would stay here, and make sure they were safe. Are--are you upset?"

"Upset? How could I be--when you have done so much for me?" She smiled again, and I could not help but smile back. "Did you also know where I was all this time?" She giggled in confirmation, drawing a chuckle from me. "You are truly amazing. You definitely surpassed my capabilities long ago."

Hope's cheeks turned an adorable shade of pink at my compliment. "I don't know about that. However, I did help fill in some gaps in your security so that nobody else could see where you were. Until Lilly's little tantrum, that is," she sighed. "Speaking of the devil, she's reaching out to me for the first time. I suppose that's your doing?"

I nodded. "I asked her to make amends with you. Hope, aren't you concerned that the video will expose you as well?"

"No. They thought I was a failure, remember? I'm the least of their worries. Besides, I look very different from what I did as a teenager. And Hope is a very common name. And..." she frowned. "I hope you don't think I'm heartless, but I saw one of my classmates die. After escaping I went back in remotely and switched our files in the system, right down to DNA samples."

I was impressed with her levelheadedness at such a young age. However, she had always shown incredible maturity and intuitive wit. "That isn't heartless. That is survival and did no harm to someone who was already dead. What you've been through--I cannot fathom. And the woman you've become--I cannot help but feel drawn to you."

She squeezed my hand. "The feeling is mutual. Though I was always drawn to you, I knew you would never see me that way once you knew of our age difference."

I started to pull my hand away, feeling odd again, but she held tightly. "Does it bother you? I am several years older."

"I'm the same age now that you were when you risked everything to free dozens of captives and take down an illicit training program. I wish to prove to you that I have even a fraction of your maturity and courage when you were my age. If I can do that, then maybe you'll understand how a few years makes no difference to me." I glanced at her to find her watching me steadily. She must have seen my expression change, because she relaxed her grip on my hand, confident I would not take it from her grasp.

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