Broken Pieces Shine

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I woke up from the most restful sleep of my life. I looked down at the beautiful, perfect creature I had cradled against me and felt more happiness than I had a right to in my current circumstances. I love you, I thought at her, but I could not say it yet out loud. She would be the first person I had ever said it to, and I did not want her to think it was a byproduct of our time together last night. I wanted it to be special, for both of us.

"Good morning," Hope said groggily, her hand stroking my face. "Did you sleep well?"

"Unbelievably so," I replied, kissing her forehead. "And you?"

"I hadn't realized that being cocooned by someone would be so restful," she commented with a sleepy smile. "I could keep sleeping forever like this."

"Hm, I don't know about sleeping, because I have enough energy now to do other things." I watched her breathing quicken at my touch and loved how responsive she was to me.

" can do whatever you want," she answered breathlessly. "Especially me." I hardened instantly at her offer and she gasped, pushing back against me. I ran my hand down her breast, skimmed her abdomen, and then began massaging between her thighs. She treated me to sensual noises as I worked her up to my liking. When she was soaking my fingers, I sucked on her neck.

"I have never wanted someone this way," I murmured near her ear. "I need to have you."

"Then have me, because I've only ever wanted you." Her admission made me even harder.

"F-fuck," I groaned, entering her from behind. "You grip me so tightly." My need for her was unbearable, and this angle was working too well for me. I pulled out and rolled onto my back, then placed her on top of me. She looked at me lustfully and then slowly lowered herself onto me. "Shit, that's good."

I reached for her, and she leaned toward me. I grasped her hips and moved them while I kissed her. She let me set the pace, and also enjoyed it, based on her reaction. Her little moans and whimpers made me feel like a god among men. I rolled my pelvis and she got louder. I helped her ride me and watched with satisfaction as her eyes squeezed shut. I knew she was close. I pressed our pelvises closer together and ground against her. I was torturing myself and barely made it to her finish before I let go myself.

I was really out of practice with this and had a hair trigger with her. Hopefully, I would build endurance over time...wait. It almost sounded like I was planning for the future. "Jake?" I must have had an odd look on my face because Hope's countenance showed concern. "Is everything alright?"

"I am not certain," I admitted. "I feel different."

"In a good way?"

"Yes...but it is uncomfortable." I looked at her and she touched my face again.

"New things are often uncomfortable," she responded. "Especially for...certain personality types?" She watched me, a slight smile on her face.

"Are you calling me unbending?" I asked her, raising an eyebrow.

"Noooo...I was actually asking if you...ever considered that you might be on the spectrum."

"What?" I was about to deny it but realized how insulting that would sound, for me to reject out of hand something that made her so special. "I suppose I hadn't considered it before. Do you really think I have autistic traits?"

"I do, Jake, and it doesn't make you weak to admit you have certain traits."

"No! I do not think that at all. Especially with you as an example. You are perfect. Exactly as you are."

"That's sweet of you to say. There isn't anything I would change about you, either." The way she looked at me gave me all sorts of feelings. I sighed.

"If we do not leave this bed right now, then we will be occupied here for a while again," I told her with my voice rough.

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