My Immortal

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I could not bear to meet all of them at once, and Hope agreed it would be a lot for her as well. So as a compromise, I went back with her to Richy's shop to exchange one van for another. We showed each of them a picture of the bracelet. Richy looked at it but shrugged; I saw no recognition in his eyes. However, Jessy's eyes lit up.

"I'm positive I saw that in the pawn shop window!" she told us.

"So Hannah found it at the pawn shop," Hope mulled that over. "But how did it get there?"

"We will have to ask the others what they know," I replied vaguely, watching Richy out of the corner of my eye.

"Hope, would you mind going over a few things about this van with me? I also wanted to talk to you about what I did to fix the last one," he requested. He had a strained smile on his face.

"Of course," she affirmed. "Back in a minute." They walked away from us, and Jessy made a face.

"He doesn't get that he has no chance with her," she said to me under her breath. I looked at her in astonishment. I had not expected her to be so direct, and with me, of all people.

"I would not let go of her easily," I agreed. "Hope deserves to know how much she is loved, and I plan on doing that. Indefinitely."

"And you should," Jessy responded. "If she were with me, I'd do the same."

Now I really was stunned, and she looked at me with a challenge. "I--I did not realize. I thought it was Richy..."

"I'm bisexual," she explained. "So this--" she nodded towards them "--is doubly uncomfortable for me. But I also see how she looks at you, the way she talks about you. I know neither Richy nor I have a chance."

I recalled Hope's words to me. She wasn't interested in either of them. She must have known but had made it clear to me that it didn't matter because she was with me. "I am a very lucky man."

Jessy elbowed me. "No need to gloat. We're very aware of that already." She eyed me. "You'd better keep treating her well because there are plenty of others who would happily take your place the moment you slip up."

I narrowed my eyes at her. 

"OK, all set." Hope's smile was subdued, and I noticed Richy had not followed her back. "See you tomorrow, Jessy." She gave her a quick hug and then leaned on me as we walked back to the car.

We drove silently for a few minutes. "I did not realize that Jessy was bisexual," I commented.

Hope nodded. "It wasn't my place to say. Besides, she didn't outright say it to me. And it has nothing to do with the case."

"You are right." I decided to put my possessiveness in check and refocus. "How did it go with Richy?"

Hope reached for my hand. "He's rattled. He hasn't told me the whole story, but he said that it seems like we'll find out soon, so he admitted that he was involved in Jennifer Hanson's death."

"In what capacity?"

Hope leaned her head back and closed her eyes. "Do you mind if I rest for a bit? After we get home, I need to lie down. And then we can discuss it all."

"Of course." I let her rest and saw she still had her eyes closed when we arrived at her house. When I released her hand, she was startled. I went to the passenger door and helped her out, then brought her beneath my arm to the door. I was tucking her into bed when she reached for my hand.

"I'm sure you're not tired, but could you hold me for a few minutes? I sleep so much better when you're close to me." I nodded and removed my shoes. I intended only to stay until she fell asleep, but her soft breathing and closeness lulled me into slumber as well.

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