Better Without You

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Back home, Hope wandered into the kitchen, pulling things from the refrigerator. We hadn't eaten breakfast before meeting with Alan Bloomgate and I was hungry, so I followed her. "Are there any more of those--" 

She handed me a container over her shoulder, and I grinned. It was the oatmeal bake, as she called it, with apples, cinnamon, and nuts. "Thank you," I responded appreciatively. There was just enough for two servings, so I cut it in half, placed each on a plate, and then put them in the microwave. I inhaled deeply as the smell of warm apples and cinnamon wafted to my nose.

"You don't want this?" I asked her, placing her dish in front of her with a fork.

"Oh, no, I'll eat it, thank you," she flashed a distracted smile in my direction. "I'm just prepping what we're eating for lunch. Part of it needs some time to marinate so I'm starting now." 

I observed her placing some weird things that looked like malformed cheese puffs minus the orange powder into a bowl. She added seemingly random spices, apple cider vinegar, molasses and...maple syrup...? Then she poured water over everything, covered the bowl, and put it into the refrigerator. Next, she heated some water in the microwave and then added some nuts to the hot water and left it on the counter.

"How did you know the correct amounts to add?" I questioned curiously. "I did not see you measuring anything."

"Measuring is for chumps," she muttered, and I threw my head back and laughed. She looked up at me in surprise. "I like to hear you laughing," she disclosed, coming to put her arms around my waist. 

"I hadn't even considered laughing for years until I started communicating with you again," I told her. She smiled, still having trouble making eye contact. "You are still depleted," I commented. "Can you not rest now? What can I do to help you?"

She rested her head in the crook of my neck. "I guess after breakfast I can relax a bit. I'm sorry--this was the weakness they saw in me, and I don't want it to make me a liability to you. I know we have a lot of work to do."

I took a few deep breaths, anger flowing through me at the idea of the abuse she had been through. "Hope," I replied quietly, trying to keep my voice steady. "Hope, my love. You are not weak, nor are you a liability. You are a force to be reckoned with, and not fitting into their mold is a good thing. It makes you exactly who you are, and I would never trade you for anyone or anything."

I tilted her face up toward mine and kissed her tenderly. She melted against my body and I held her close. I wanted to protect her, and fight anyone who threatened her well-being. But I knew she didn't need that from me. All she needed was a reminder of the amazing woman she was and how grateful I was for her existence.

"Thank you for loving and accepting me," she said, finally able to meet my gaze.

"And thank you for doing the same for me," I replied. We had a quiet breakfast after that and then Hope agreed to lie down while I did some work. I checked on the query for star tattoos and found it complete, I forwarded images to her through a private chat.

Jessy: That one. Number three.

Jake: Thank you, Jessy.

Jessy: Where is Hope? I'm surprised to hear from you directly.

Jake: She is resting.

Jessy: Is she alright??

Jake: Yes, do not worry. She has been working very hard, and just needed a break.

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